Margaret Moser Tribute: Angela Strehli
“Margaret was always exuberant, cherubic, and mischievous simultaneously”
As told to Bill Bentley, Fri., June 30, 2017
I must have met Margaret at Antone's on Sixth Street in the mid-Seventies. It was such a small scene then, and we were so committed to bringing blues to Austin. Every single person there counted.
In so many ways it was like a secret little club, and she was one of our first cheerleaders. So it was hard not to notice someone that enthusiastic about music. She had such a wide-open spirit about what she loved that it was contagious to the musicians and the audiences. And having the Austin Sun and then the Chronicle's support was critical for a fledgling club with the dubious goal of showcasing blues in Austin.
I don't believe she interviewed me then, but Margaret's reviews of my records and performances meant the world to me. Having that kind of validation early in my career was priceless and gave me so much resolve to continue doing what I loved to do. Margaret's descriptions, the way she could convey the impact of your performance with words alone, is truly art.
From the very first Austin Music Awards at Club Foot onward for years, Margaret was like my date at those celebrations, even making a tradition of giving her or us corsages! Gardenias, I believe. One didn't dress up for many occasions in Austin at the time, so the Awards shows that she had such a big part in organizing and then bringing to life were truly memorable.
Margaret was always exuberant, cherubic, and mischievous simultaneously, which when you think about it, are some of the very best qualities any of us can ever have. I was, am, and always will be one of Margaret's very biggest fans.