Your Old Droog
Your Old Droog
Fri., March 20, 2015
Your Old Droog
Ukrainian Brooklynite Your Old Droog delivers more of the current resurgence of the golden era of rap (1986-93). The Coney Island MC pulls nostalgia from the deeper cuts and albums of the early Nineties, those behind Nas, Wu-Tang, and Notorious B.I.G. His lyrics and production beat rougher around the edges. The 25-year-old began his career shrouded in mystery and intrigue, mostly in the similarity of his vocals to the aforementioned Nasir Jones – to the point that fans believed it was Nas' alter-ego. Half of YOD is re-release of last summer's acclaimed EP mixtape. Issues arise on the other eight tracks, produced by R'Thentic, and the overall sequencing. Proper alignment never materializes, and at 18 tracks, the bloat is USS-sized. Fortunately for Droog, so is his talent. Everything else can be adjusted. (Sat., 8:30pm, Bungalow)