
241-270 of 323 results, sorted by date | sort by relevance
After a Fashion
What happens when the camera eye turns on the Style Avatar (a lot of primping and fussing and primadonna-ing, you think?), and whom did he honor with his presence on the Fourth? …
"...she's being sent to some exotic location on a modeling assignment for Vogue. I'd been chosen by Tribeza as..."

July 11, 2003 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Naked City
Envision Cycle Texas?
"...a member of the ECT board, says the transportation modeling conducted thus far hasn't sufficiently weighed the costs and..."

April 25, 2003 News Feature by Lauri Apple

Renaissance (and Baroque) Man
As a curator for UT's Blanton Museum of Art, Jonathan Bober played a pivotal role in securing the Suida-Manning and Steinberg art collections, thereby giving some of the world's great art a home in Austin.
"...a figure or the gradation of color in the modeling of some fabric or the heaviness of a line..."

April 4, 2003 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

'Sleep Toward Heaven'
We're not reviewing Amanda Eyre Ward's debut novel, Sleep Toward Heaven, and we're not interviewing her as an author, either, because she has contributed to The Austin Chronicle for more than three years. It would be a conflict of interest. We are, however, excerpting an early chapter of the book, and we are proud and happy to do so.
" lonely young woman talking to her dog while modeling madras culottes, librarian shelving books in an eggplant-colored tankini..."

March 21, 2003 Books Feature

Everybody Loves a Wynn-er
Will Wynn is his own flavor of ice cream -- pure vanilla, but mixed with nuts
"...Wynn upstaged his colleagues and friends by not only modeling local hip-hop fashions at a community benefit, but by..."

Feb. 14, 2003 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

The Devil in the Details
After 10 years, the Great Streets master plan runs into controversy over two-way streets.
"...Downtown Access and Mobility Plan, which uses sophisticated computer modeling to identify ways to improve traffic flow. (The package..."

Oct. 4, 2002 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Our readers talk back.
"...the worst problems. We quizzed them on their traffic modeling...."

Sept. 27, 2002 Column

Gadgets and Gizmos
From digital derring-do to super sculpey miniatures, imagination turns into mind-blowing matter in Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams
"...a little sculpture out of Super Sculpey [an artist's modeling substance that can be fired in a home oven..."

Aug. 9, 2002 Screens Feature by Marc Savlov

Coach's Corner
Anna wants to become a top-flight tennis star? Kan o' kourn. Just become a Williams sister.
"...into their 30s, so Anna can concentrate on her modeling and commercials for a few more years before she..."

July 12, 2002 Column by Andy "Coach" Cotton

Ragamuffin Film Festival
"...of award-winning short films, including "The Perils of Nude Modeling" and the 2003 Academy Award nominee for Best Live-Action..."

July 9, 2002 Movie Review by Marjorie Baumgarten

After a Fashion
Follow Style Avatar Stephen as he follows Amy & Christina from Vylette on their fabulous NYC fashion buying trip!
"...and acted as if they were hired from a modeling agency, couldn't be bothered to assist them in any..."

June 28, 2002 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

On the Web
Look what the Web coughed up: a Web site review
"...But when it isn't fluffy (Thom Fowler's profile titled "Modeling, Acting, and Now Motherhood -- How Does Angela Lindvall..."

June 28, 2002 Screens Feature by Marrit Ingman

Great Streets, Not So Great Parks
Battle at the park over Riverside Drive
"...back in the fall, he says, "before any reasonable modeling was done. I think this clearly indicates their disposition..."

April 12, 2002 News Feature by Lauri Apple

Southern Rock Opera
SXSW 02 Music Fest Wrap-up
"...a career out of bit TV and movie parts, modeling gigs, and open mike nights, Fisher attained his greatest..."

March 22, 2002 Music Feature by Greg Beets

Raped by the Players
A lawsuit against an Austin dot-com firm reveals a world of fast times.
"...the witnesses also described in court. "That kind of modeling [of behaviors] sends a message" to other employees about..."

Jan. 18, 2002 News Feature by Jordan Smith

After a Fashion
Guess who your Style Avatar flitted around town with this week? Check out this first installment about international salon god José Eber's visit to Austin.
"...Christine Valhouli (who has produced a documentary on plus-sized modeling), the fashion show and subsequent art and music gala..."

Nov. 23, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Jimmie Vaughan at 50
" his head. He likes it simple and clean, modeling his bands musically on those organ combos of the..."

Nov. 23, 2001 Music Feature by Margaret Moser

After a Fashion
Guess who your Style Avatar flitted around town with this week? Check out this first installment about international salon god José Eber's visit to Austin.
"...the film Curve that chronicles the world of plus-size modeling, and features a special performance by Joanna Goodz, as..."

Nov. 9, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Life as a House
"...and he works at a suitably whimsical job (architectural modeling done entirely by hand, complete with tiny thatches of..."

Nov. 2, 2001 Movie Review by Marrit Ingman

The Strokes @ Stubb's
Live Shot
"...Casablancas, who's inherited his photogenic face from his father, modeling agency svengali John Casablancas. The five NYC lads, the..."

Oct. 26, 2001 Music Review by Michael Chamy

Coach's Corner
Coach's "double-Scorpio" wife Kelly makes some unreasonable demands.
" For example, like most women, Kelly insists on modeling shoes, sweaters, and dresses that she's thinking of wearing..."

Sept. 28, 2001 Column by Andy "Coach" Cotton

The Original Hipster
Chronicle writer Dick Holland on the comeback of Texan Terry Southern, the all-around bad boy of black humor
"...Southern was full of certainty about his literary ambitions, modeling himself after such mandarin English stylists as Evelyn Waugh,..."

Sept. 14, 2001 Books Feature by Dick Holland

"...Albarn and Dan "the Automator" Nakamura of Handsome Boy Modeling School, with occasional assists from Miho Hatori of Cibo..."

Aug. 3, 2001 Music Review by Marc Savlov

After a Fashion
Ubermodels take the stage at a local bar. Why? Why is the Austin fashion scene so divided? Work with me, baby …
"...main interest is making the clothes look fabulous, and modeling agencies who are marketing human flesh. These are both..."

June 29, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Waiting for Jerry
The arrangements were made, the interview set: Jerry Hall, one of the most glamorous and desirable women in the world, would be calling writer Stephen MacMillan Moser at home on his own telephone! And he waited. And waited. And waited …
"...most glamorous mother in the world. She continued her modeling career, notably for Thierry Mugler, among others, and eventually..."

June 15, 2001 Arts Feature by Stephen MacMillan Moser

South Austin Secede!
Our second installment in a series about South Austin explores the roots of "Bubba" and the rivalry between North Austin and south of the river.
"...Bubba, "Mystique" is simply the name of the nude modeling studio on I-35 and one of the only good..."

April 13, 2001 Features Feature by Rob D'Amico

The Art of Being Dagoberto Gilb
What's a successful writer like Dagoberto Gilb got against the establishment?
"...she would take him with her when she went modeling at department stores. His mother's friends would tell him..."

March 23, 2001 Books Feature by Clay Smith

SXSW Interactive Festival
With no startling new technical innovations around to distract, this year's SXSW Interactive Festival panels devoted to the visual creative process stressed that now is the time for designers to find their roots.
"...gave a good glimpse at how image collaging, Velcro modeling, Kansei engineering, and other techniques gauge experience and involve..."

March 23, 2001 Screens Feature by Rob D'Amico

Naked City
Austin is now officially in non-attainment of the Clean Air Act's ozone standard, but it's still unclear how Texas cities will enforce the federal law.
"...before. "The key right now is doing some scientific modeling," Thomason says, so that we'll know what, exactly, is..."

March 16, 2001 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Austin Confessions
Chris Gray gets laid.
"...who looked like they wouldn't have any trouble getting "modeling" work. The one I was interested in was already..."

March 9, 2001 Music Feature by Christopher Gray

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