Pregnant? Need Help? Don't Call Us.
By Jordan Smith, Fri., Aug. 4, 2006
Our caller got even less help from the Lifeline pregnancy center near campus. After she nervously recounted her current situation, the counselor responded, "So you're freaking out a little bit?" Not to worry, the counselor said. "The most important thing to do first is to go see a doctor so that you can get checked out and start taking prenatal vitamins." When the caller said that she wasn't sure she wanted to keep the baby, the counselor said she couldn't help and wouldn't "even know" who to call to find out about abortion services. But she did have a couple of suggestions including that our caller could try the 888/LIFE-AID crisis counseling hotline, a toll-free CPC referral service run by Real Alternatives, which provides counseling services for the newly state-funded TPCN. Still, she warned, if the caller planned on contacting Life Aid, she should probably avoid asking too much about abortion, "because they're pro-life."
Regardless, Life Aid couldn't offer our caller much help at all the hotline hasn't been set up in Texas, so the woman who answered our call could suggest only that we call the National Life Center for further assistance. That's where our caller found "Gladys," who warned that abortion carries with it a "high risk" of uterine "perforation" and a lifetime of serious emotional problems. "There are all sorts of side effects," Gladys warns. "That's just one of them. We like to let women know exactly what can happen."
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