Naked City
Cyberschools Rise From Grave
Fri., Oct. 31, 2003
Mind you, the Lege -- hardly unfriendly to "school choice" scams and gimmicks -- explicitly gave a thumbs-down to virtual charters; the House even recorded floor discussion of "legislative intent" to confirm its rejection. But UNT is determined to move forward with its application, and at least some members of the SBOE seem set on showing their backsides to legislators, arguing that they already have the authority to approve virtual charters, just as they have the authority now to OK physical charter schools. But the SBOE's current charter school rules, as written, don't allow for online schools. So UNT is lobbying the board to change the rules.
There's another, more lucrative lobby in the shadows -- former U.S. Secretary of Education William "Snake Eyes" Bennett's K12 Inc., which failed miserably to get through the front door at the Lege but is likely to be the well-rewarded software contractor if UNT can get its virtual charter through the back door. Teachers groups and public school advocates are organizing to head off UNT during the SBOE meetings Nov. 5-7; the board's Planning Committee will consider the proposed changes to the charter rules at its meetings Nov. 5 and 6, and public testimony is invited for the Nov. 6 meeting, which is posted for 11am but is subject to delay pending other board business. Those wishing to testify need to register on the Friday (Oct. 31) or Monday (Nov. 3) preceding the meeting; call the committee at 463-9701.
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