
151-180 of 1,000 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Part of the Plan
"...Dear Editor: Your recent article about the independent redistricting commission [“City Redistricting Commission Wants Its Own Lawyer,” News,..."

July 29, 2013 Postmarks

Five Districts, No Representation?
With Travis split so many ways, it may not get representation at all
"...the state Legislature to engage in an unprecedented mid-decade redistricting. But DeLay couldn't quite pull it off. He did..."

June 10, 2011 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Has Doggett Found the Four-Way Map?
Plan to split Travis County even further surfaces
"...County's other Congressmen, both Republicans. In the infamous 2003 re-redistricting led by former U.S. House Majority Leader (and now..."

April 28, 2011 News Post by Lee Nichols

The Shape of Things to Come
Early steps in the redistricting process raise issues of race and representation
"...The redistricting of Texas political districts, required after every federal census,..."

April 15, 2011 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Here Come the Judges
The federal court takes up the Texas congressional re-redistricting case.
"...Dec. 11), formal proceedings finally opened in the congressional re-redistricting trial brought in federal court by a host of..."

Dec. 12, 2003 News Feature by Michael King

Naked City
Three high-profile contenders for an open seat on the Travis Co. bench
"...even some supporters) for her role in the 2001 redistricting that helped transform the Texas Legislature...."

Dec. 5, 2003 News Feature by Amy Smith

On the Lege
The Democrats watch in shock and awe as the GOP mangles its own re-redistricting crusade
"...measure of the absurd lengths to which the congressional re-redistricting battle now extends: In Saturday's dailies, Richardson Republican Rep...."

Oct. 10, 2003 News Column by Michael King

Page Two
If he were CEO, and not governor, of Texas, Rick Perry's lazy disloyalty would never be tolerated; look for new "Postmarks" online daily; Screens Editor Kimberley Jones decamps for graduate school; and we honor the righteous life of Marjorie Hershey.
" unmitigated triumph. There is overwhelming popular demand for redistricting. The only downsides are those miserable Democrats who, having..."

Aug. 8, 2003 Column by Louis Black

Page Two
The Republican right's hypocritical rhetoric machine has become so dazzling and effective it can only be viewed as (highly successful) conceptual art.
"...Nothing defines this better than the current redistricting controversy. It is simply astonishing that this state's majority-party..."

Aug. 1, 2003 Column by Louis Black

Capitol Chronicle
Threatened with arrest, the Senate Democrats fly to New Mexico.
" call yet another special session to pursue congressional redistricting. Since the first special session wasn't scheduled to end..."

Aug. 1, 2003 News Column by Michael King

How Can We Miss Them If They Won't Go Away?
Although the Die is not quite Sine, the buzz is already of a Legislative special session.
"...session, the real purpose of which will be congressional redistricting. The occasion has to be serious enough to qualify..."

June 13, 2003 News Column by Michael King

The Road to 10-1
The City Council districting destination is settled. Is anybody driving the bus?
"...delicate and complex task of assembling the "Indep-endent Citizens Redistricting Commission" that will draw the new districts...."

Feb. 1, 2013 News Feature by Mike Kanin

When Dewhurst Goes Back to Senate
How Cruz and Campbell's run-off wins rewrite the Legislature
"...passed a slate of repressive bills (sonograms, voter ID, redistricting, school finance reforms, etc etc etc) but all ended..."

Aug. 3, 2012 News Post by Richard Whittaker

Brigid Shea: 'A Proven Leader'
Brigid Shea sits down for a Q&A on a wide range of city topics
"...thorough, they've worked with lawyers that are experts on redistricting and on independent redistricting boards. They took the language..."

April 27, 2012 News Feature by Amy Smith

Not So Sine Die: What's Special About More of the Same?
The Legislature doesn't quite end
" for Gulf Coast businesses Steve Mostyn, and congressional redistricting, which would avoid the embarrassment of having Republican U.S...."

June 3, 2011 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

Travis To Split Five Ways?
Newest congressional district map would force Doggett to move – again
"...The Republican redistricting chairs of the House and Senate – Burt Solomons..."

June 3, 2011 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Special Bills for a Special Session
UPDATE: Measures mix unfinished business, new ideas, grandstanding
"...Coast businesses and a major Democratic donor.") d: Congressional redistricting (aka "How do we get US Rep. Joe Barton..."

May 31, 2011 News Post by Richard Whittaker

This Way to the Big Top!
From budget disaster to hysterical bloodletting, the legislative circus is back in town
"...opening the door to program slashing, plus the once-a-decade redistricting of legislative, congressional, and State Board of Education seats,..."

Jan. 14, 2011 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

Four New Congressional Seats for Texas
Democrats demand better representation for minorities
"...Boyd Richie recalled that the last round of Republican-led redistricting – two rounds, actually, including the sleazy re-redistricting of..."

Dec. 21, 2010 News Post by Lee Nichols

Taking Back the House
Texas Democrats say this could be their November
"...flipped Republican in 2002, after the GOP-slanted 2001 legislative redistricting drawn by the Republican-controlled Legislative Redistricting Board. It wasn't..."

Oct. 10, 2008 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

Lines in the Sand: Congressional Redistricting in Texas and the Downfall of Tom Delay
Steve Bickerstaff's exhaustive history is at times too much of a bad thing, but in parts catches scholarly fire
"...Lines in the Sand: Congressional Redistricting in Texas and the Downfall of Tom DeLay..."

March 2, 2007 Books Review by Michael King

Court Reporter
At the Supreme Court Wednesday, it was all about Texas and the future
"...front page of The Washington Post, while the Texas re-redistricting Supreme Court case (Wednesday) was buried on page 8..."

March 3, 2006 News Feature by Michael King

Barrientos on CD 25
Austin's state senator defends his endorsement of Leticia Hinojosa
"...Travis Co. hometown favorite and 10-year incumbent in the pre-redistricting version of CD 10, U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett. In..."

Feb. 13, 2004 News Feature by Michael King

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...The Texas redistricting trial begins Monday -- in the wake of a..."

Dec. 5, 2003 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Page Two
Contemplating the devastating effects of redistricting on democracy and the transformational effects of knowing Ondine and Ed Lowry.
"...The several-decades-old redistricting efforts by both Democrats and Republicans may prove our..."

Oct. 17, 2003 Column by Louis Black

Capitol Chronicle
The Texas 11 Minus One return, and the gallery goes wild.
" committee a handful of proposed bills, including congressional redistricting, and then -- on a motion of John Whitmire,..."

Sept. 19, 2003 News Column by Michael King

Capitol Chronicle
The fight over re-redistricting is a battle for the civil rights of minority Texans.
"...dailies sang another chorus of "Yes, We Don't Need Redistricting"), Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst rolled out the GOP's Hispanic..."

Aug. 29, 2003 News Column by Michael King

On the Lege
The second special session ends with a whimper, but the re-redistricting battle rages elsewhere
" we're required to do" -- that is, congressional redistricting. Dewhurst called redistricting "absolutely eventual," and said the Democrats..."

Aug. 29, 2003 News Column by Michael King

Supremes Turn Down Perry and Dewhurst
The Texas Supreme Court rejects Perry and Dewhurst's request for a writ of mandamus against the fugitive Senate Democrats.
"...The 78th Legislature's battle over congressional re-redistricting has shifted to the courts, though on Monday the..."

Aug. 15, 2003 News Column by Michael King

On the Lege
Issues other than redistricting found space on the guv's special-session plate -- some were even important.
"...three-fourths gone, has not been entirely devoted to not-quite redistricting. It just seems that way. And if the not-quite..."

July 18, 2003 News Column by Michael King

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