Tastiest Way to Work Geek Culture Into Your Dinner

Kitchen Overlord

Contrary to popular opinion, geek culture isn’t a monolith. There are as many unique tastes as there are stars in the Verse – and Chris-Rachael Oseland has a dish to match many of them. The self-styled Kitchen Overlord crafts tasty plates that riff on genre subcultures in easy-to-follow recipes, many of which are cleverly illustrated by Tom Gordon. Flip for comic books? Try Deadpool’s Chimichangas. Nerd hard for sci-fi noir? Rick’s Replicant Chow Street Noodles should satisfy your yen. Sweet on epic fantasy? Take a bite out of You Know Nothing, Snow!, a gingerbread dessert. True, these recipes require more work than opening a bag of chips, but we think this is a much better way to feed your fandom.

Kitchen Overlord

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