Best Tortillas

Taco Cabana

God bless Taco Cabana and her wonderful tortillas. They're always warm and fresh, thanks to those gigantic, round-the-clock platters with the harrowing press. The tortilla press, an industrial strength Rube Goldberg in plain view for the public to see, smushes those little orbs of dough and cooks them into perfect, sizzling flatness. Every time we watch, we hear the end of that Raymond Scott song, "Powerhouse" in our heads ( – think Bugs Bunny factory scenes). And if you don't have enough scratch for a full meal, the tortillas are good enough to eat alone! You can always find just enough change in your car seat cushion to buy at least three for the perfect inexpensive late-night snack.

Various locations, including 2507 E. Riverside, 462-2236

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