Nashville Pussy (Photo By Bruce Dye)
Supersuckers, Nashville Pussy, Hank Williams III
Stubb's, Friday, Mar 17
In a matter of 10 minutes, a line formed from Stubb's entrance to the end of the block, all craning to get in before Hank Williams III took the stage at 10pm. The panicky feeling set in for those of us still on the outside as Williams ripped into the show's opener all rage and metal. The line was moving, but then almost as quickly as the noise exploded, it was gone. Apparently, he blew his amp and wouldn't borrow one, so that was that, see you around. While this was a disappointing turn of events, there was an upside: The Supersuckers could go long. Eddie Spaghetti, in his black "Free the Memphis Three" T-shirt and requisite black cowboy hat and shades, is still the coolest motherfucker in the world, slamming his low-slung bass and working the massive and enthusiastic crowd into a frenzy. From the outset, the venerable Seattle quartet showed why they're finally getting their due as the best rock & roll band in the world, barreling through some powerful new songs as well as warhorses like "Bad Bad Bad," "She's My Bitch," and "I Say Fuck." In honor of St. Patrick's Day and to the squealing delight of the packed yard, they broke into Thin Lizzy's "Cowboy Song," and by the time they blasted into their showstopper "Born With a Tail," it was clear that a rock show just doesn't get any better than this. Nashville Pussy tried to top the energy with their set, but as they lean far harder on the show part of the equation, it was more a will-Corey-Parks'-boobs-bust-out-of-that-furry-bra kind of spectacle than it was a musical experience. As a spectacle, the soft-porn/hard-rock attack of this outrageous quartet is something to be reckoned with. The screaming singer on the verge of losing his mind, the twin (or quadruple) attraction of the fire-spitting bassist and busty lead guitarist, and the songs about ... well, something. But Jesus, the boobs! If Eddie Spaghetti had a rack like that, the Supersuckers could take over the world.