Lisa Loeb
Camp Lisa (Furious Rose Productions)
Reviewed by Melanie Haupt, Fri., July 11, 2008
Lisa Loeb
Camp Lisa (Furious Rose Productions)Who doesn't love summer camp? Those endless days of swimming, horseback riding, arts and crafts, bunk beds, and even tearful goodbyes and promises to write can bring a nostalgic smile to the crustiest curmudgeon's eye, which is at the root of Lisa Loeb's second children's album. There's an all-star cast of supporting players, including Jill Sobule and Steve Martin, who supplies banjo accompaniment on the absurdist "The Disappointing Pancake." Fireside classics like "Father Abraham" nestle alongside original work such as the country-tinged "Going Away," documenting the mad rush to leave for camp, and "It's Not Goodbye," a soggy tribute to friends who must part ways as the school year looms. Younger kids will enjoy the repetition of "Peanut Butter & Jelly" and "The Cookie Jar Song," while parents will marvel (before turning on NPR, of course) that youth is wasted on the young, longing for the days when June meant three whole months of freedom.