Mr. Smarty Pants Knows
By Mr. Smarty Pants, Fri., Aug. 30, 2013
Ivy Baker Priest, mother of actress Pat Priest (Marilyn Munster in The Munsters) was Secretary of the Treasury under President Eisenhower for eight years and California State Treasurer under Gov. Ronald Reagan from 1967-1975.
The Millennium Falcon's design was inspired by a hamburger on a plate with an olive on a toothpick on the side.
Since records started being kept, it has never reached 100° in Puerto Rico, Finland, or Lithuania, although all three have seen 99° temps.
In 2012, measured CO2 emissions spiked in Indianapolis shortly after the Indy 500 – not because of the race, but because of the almost 400,000 spectators who drove there to watch it.
The Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) can lead a long life and has shell patterns that are as unique as human fingerprints. In 1861, a mature one was caught and marked on Martha's Vineyard, meaning it was already an adult before the Civil War. It was last seen in 2006.