The Man for Munchkins

Supposing you want to introduce the wee ones to the, um, investigative branches of our government, but worry about exposing them to such "grown-up" topics as cocaine trafficking, political assassination, and J. Edgar Hoover's personal life. No problem, parents -- Uncle Sam is a step ahead of you, with (Web)pages full of propaganda -- er, educational programming -- designed specifically for the kids! First, you can check out the CIA for Kids site (, which beckons the wee ones to enter the "Kid's Secret Zone," a counterintelligence clubhouse of sorts with clever cartoons involving reconnaissance pigeons, geography trivia, and explosive-sniffing dogs. If you have Shockwave software, you can even create the disguise for your very own secret agent! I don't have Shockwave, so I didn't get to outfit my own spy, but I'm guessing the options forgo the plastique-and-a-cyanide-capsule aesthetic for the more generally palatable trenchcoat-and-a-fedora line. When you tire of the CIA, check the FBI's "Kids and Teens Educational Page" ( which has information on fingerprinting, polygraph testing, and DNA analysis. Good info, but somehow not as popular as the FBI had hoped: While the forensic science page has a counter that can record up to 10 billion hits, they've only received nine thousand in the last year. Why not give 'em a boost and add your visit to the count! Finally, there's the Department of Justice kid's page (, with its pages on hate crimes, courtroom procedure, and Internet Do's and Don'ts. (Example: "Do be careful about talking to 'strangers' on a computer network. ... Some people say and do things which are not nice.) Useful stuff, actually, and there's even a personal thanks from Janet Reno: "You're doing your part," the bespectacled one assures us, "to make our country a little safer." An abundance of information, and no messy loyalty oaths to sign. Happy hunting! -- J.H.

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