AISD Bond Construction Projects

List Sorted by Name of School/Project

Projects completed early in the bond program ran close to or under budget, but cost projections for schools now in construction or design phases are more problematic. The worst budget hassles are on campuses being remodeled or expanded. BLGY/Sverdrup says escalating costs are due to market pressure and protracted negotiations with campus task forces. Contractors say prices are up to offset the costs of doing business with Sverdrup. Some budget overruns could no doubt be worse; many projects have been scaled back considerably through value engineering. Schools in design phase highlighted below (*) have recently received bids as high as 60% over budget.

Status key:
F = Finished
C = Construction Phase
D = Design Phase
(blank) = Not yet begun

Grades key:
BLGY/Sverdrup assigned grades from A - D to each of the ongoing projects in the following categories: budget, schedule, and issues.

A grade B indicates slight problems which are being resolved. Grade C means the prognosis for resolving cost overruns, getting projects back on schedule, and satisfying campus committees is not good.

See maps for specific school sites.

See also: list sorted by stage of completion.

Project Budget New Cost Overrun %


Status Complete

High Schools

Akins HS (new) $31,602,908 $31,602,881 ($27) -0% A A B C
Anderson HS $5,881,668 $6,856,049 $974,381 17% B A B D
Austin HS $5,740,904 $5,831,546 $90,642 2% C C B D
Bowie HS $815,336 $815,037 ($299) -0% B B B D
Crockett HS $2,179,874 $2,025,300 ($154,574) -7% A A B C 92%
*Johnston HS $6,913,011 $7,213,011 $300,000 4% C C C D
Lanier HS $4,952,016 $4,944,201 ($7,815) -0% A B A D
LBJ HS $1,696,664 $1,667,287 ($29,377) -2% A A B F 100%
McCallum HS $4,346,977 $4,633,601 $286,624 7% A A A D
Reagan HS $3,753,450 $3,919,928 $166,478 4% A B B C 7%
Travis HS $4,066,472 $4,046,051 ($20,421) -1% A A B D

Middle Schools

Bailey MS $389,306 $389,306 $0 0%
Bedichek MS $2,530,022 $2,542,135 $12,113 0% A A A F 100%
*Burnet MS $3,903,077 $4,058,403 $155,326 4% C C B D
Covington MS $75,906 $75,906 $0 0%
Dobie MS $2,290,143 $2,290,143 $0 0%
Fulmore MS $4,162,749 $4,149,666 ($13,083) -0% B B B D
Kealing Jr High $233,632 $233,632 $0 0%
*Lamar MS $7,616,507 $7,858,750 $242,243 3% B C B D
Martin Jr. High $1,432,583 $1,543,869 $111,286 8% B A B D
Mendez MS $124,153 $132,294 $8,141 7% A C A D
Murchison MS $2,751,489 $2,956,971 $205,482 7% C B B C 70%
O. Henry MS $7,862,768 $8,061,478 $198,710 3% B C B C 5%
Paredes MS (new) $16,379,013 $16,348,070 ($30,943) -0% D D D C 34%
*Pearce MS $8,765,558 $9,629,830 $864,272 10% C C B D
Porter MS $5,639,360 $5,639,360 $0 0% B B B C 40%
Small MS (new) $16,337,064 $16,316,567 ($20,497) -0% B B B C 41%
Webb MS $1,723,516 $1,719,739 ($3,777) -0% A A A D

Elementary Schools

Allan $2,042,091 $1,987,074 ($55,017) -3%
Allison $569,023 $644,244 $75,221 13% A A A F 100%
Andrews $517,909 $479,579 ($38,330) -7% A A A D
Baranoff (new) $7,043,236 $7,039,025 ($4,211) -0% B A A C 10%
Barrington $2,173,650 $2,294,920 $121,270 6% B B B C 12%
Barton Hills $467,812 $482,524 $14,712 3% B D A D
Becker $9,801 $58,597 $48,796 498% A A A C 0%
Blackshear $3,421,374 $3,636,224 $214,850 6% A A B C 38%
Blanton $2,758,259 $2,767,876 $9,617 0% A B A C
Boone $19,515 $0 ($19,515) -100% A B A F 100%
*Brentwood $1,485,178 $1,611,179 $126,001 8% C D B D
Brooke $410,694 $436,484 $25,790 6% B A B F 100%
Brown $467,280 $513,500 $46,220 10% B B B C 0%
Bryker Woods $1,273,101 $1,348,950 $75,849 6% B B B C 93%
Campbell $4,538 $4,243 ($295) -7% A A A C 73%
Casey (new) $7,849,900 $7,849,900 $0 0% B B B C 29%
Casis $2,401,038 $2,603,216 $202,178 8% B B B D
Cook $1,017,869 $1,011,998 ($5,871) -1% A B B D
Cowan (new) $7,012,487 $7,012,487 $0 0% A B B D
Cunningham $196,057 $179,616 ($16,441) -8%
Davis $1,076,399 $1,344,711 $268,312 25% B B A D
Dawson $599,148 $722,056 $122,908 21% B A A D
Doss $1,210,490 $1,108,811 ($101,679) -8%
Galindo $28,159 $28,159 $0 0% A A B C 73%
Govalle $156,593 $156,593 $0 0%
Graham $638,281 $629,611 ($8,670) -1% B A B C 92%
Gullett $639,313 $695,212 $55,899 9% B B B D
Harris $1,182,162 $1,180,502 ($1,660) -0% A A B C 0%
Hart (new) $7,467,734 $7,293,526 ($174,208) -2% B A B F 100%
Highland Park $1,653,226 $1,640,034 ($13,192) -1% A A A C 25%
Hill $1,392,656 $1,382,526 ($10,130) -1%
Houston $308,672 $366,922 $58,250 19% C A B F 100%
Jordan $2,850 $2,850 $0 0%
Joslin $438,286 $430,394 ($7,892) -2%
Kiker $6,723 $6,723 $0 0%
Kocurek $69,741 $45,022 ($24,719) -35% A B A C 90%
Langford $1,566,005 $1,450,966 ($115,039) -7% A B B C 25%
Lee $1,231,874 $1,094,860 ($137,014) -11% A A B F 100%
Linder $912,716 $812,516 ($100,200) -11% A B B C 65%
Maplewood $530,437 $518,436 ($12,001) -2% B B B C 67%
Mathews $214,425 $239,294 $24,869 12%
McBee (new) $7,000,779 $7,000,779 $0 0% A B B D
Menchaca $230,393 $297,097 $66,704 29% C A B C 91%
Metz $20,412 $20,412 $0 0%
Mills (new) $8,266,576 $8,109,506 ($157,070) -2% A A B F 100%
Norman $291,630 $266,076 ($25,554) -9%
Oak Hill $330,940 $338,485 $7,545 2%
Oak Springs $364,464 $374,467 $10,003 3%
Oak Springs/Rice $209,986 $209,986 $0 0%
Odom $1,168,461 $1,166,199 ($2,262) -0%
Ortega $268,928 $269,798 $870 0%
Palm $94,601 $103,661 $9,060 10%
Patton $8,068 $8,068 $0 0% A A A C 73%
Pease $1,250,971 $1,329,375 $78,404 6% C C B C 95%
Pecan Springs $613,060 $594,756 ($18,304) -3%
Pickle (new) $7,000,779 $7,000,779 $0 0% A B B D
Pillow $608,823 $585,066 ($23,757) -4%
Pleasant Hill $8,279 $8,279 $0 0%
Reilly $397,425 $397,425 $0 0%
Ridgetop $381,293 $375,641 ($5,652) -1%
Rodriguez (new) $6,990,174 $6,990,174 $0 0% B B B C 18%
Sanchez $408,924 $370,462 ($38,462) -9%
Sims $404,200 $404,200 $0 0%
St. Elmo $966,548 $1,013,415 $46,867 5% B A A D
Summit $5,783 $5,783 $0 0% A A A C 73%
Sunset Valley $1,086,344 $1,155,859 $69,515 6% B A A C 75%
Travis Heights $704,244 $728,892 $24,648 3% B A A D
Walnut Creek $5,047,629 $5,047,629 $0 0% B A B C 33%
Widen $39,451 $47,948 $8,497 22% B A A F 100%
Williams $593,792 $593,792 $0 0%
Winn $777,471 $777,471 $0 0%
*Wooldridge $469,136 $626,024 $156,888 33% C C B D
*Wooten $1,222,296 $1,413,265 $190,969 16% C C C D
Zavala $4,175,334 $4,473,024 $297,690 7% C B B C 35%
*Zilker $474,815 $783,336 $308,521 65% B A B D

Other Construction Projects

Activity Ctr. $6,523,528 $6,523,528 $0 0%
ALC-Ridgeview $467,223 $361,107 ($106,116) -23% B A A C 0%
Burger Ctr $889,662 $726,126 ($163,536) -18% A B A D
Carruth Admin $5,311 $2,626 ($2,685) -51% A A A
Central Warehouse $5,827,822 $5,812,305 ($15,517) -0%
Clifton Ctr. $5,146 $5,146 $0 0%
Dill School $228,265 $228,265 $0 0%
House Park $288,029 $288,029 $0 0%
Old Pleasant Hill School $447,805 $447,805 $0 0%
Read Center $331,498 $334,916 $3,418 1% B B B F 100%
Rio Grande School $0 $0 $0 ?
Robbins School $0 $0 $0 ?
Rosedale School $223,335 $190,656 ($32,679) -15% B B B C 65%
Saegert Bus Terminal $303,737 $309,640 $5,903 2% B B B C 98%
Service Center $172,068 $167,879 ($4,189) -2%

Other Expenses

Asbestos/HazMat $500,000 $500,000 $0 0%
Contingency $7,419,945 $7,019,945 ($400,000) -5%
Field SportsFacilities $884,533 $884,533 $0 0%
Fire Alarm $5,138,441 $5,138,441 $0 0%
Land Acquisition $7,704,275 $7,711,275 $7,000 0%
Miscellaneous $4,338,445 $4,338,445 $0 0%
New Portable Construction $6,230,000 $6,235,441 $5,441 0%
Technology $63,983,584 $63,983,584 $0 0%
Total Program $40,405,820 $40,405,820 $0 0%

Status key:
F = Finished
C = Construction Phase
D = Design Phase
(blank) = Not yet begun

Grades key:
BLGY/Sverdrup assigned grades from A - D to each of the ongoing projects in the following categories: budget, schedule, and issues.

Source: BLGY/Sverdrup

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