Good News for Austin's Companion Animals

RECEIVED Thu., March 6, 2008

Dear Editor,
    I would like to bring attention to a new ordinance that was passed by Austin’s City Council on Thursday. Co-sponsored by City Council Members Jennifer Kim and Mike Martinez, this ordinance is good news for Austin’s companion animals. It requires stores and individuals that sell a high volume of puppies and kittens for profit to abide by the same guidelines that cash-strapped nonprofit and municipal shelters must follow – to spay, neuter, and microchip each animal before they go home. Those who choose not to follow this rule will have to pay a $50 fee to the city of Austin, which will be used to care for the thousands of homeless and unwanted animals of our community.
    In the city of Austin, our tax dollars are still covering the cost of the expensive, inhumane, and ineffective practice of killing an average of 1,000 healthy, lovable cats and dogs each month. This ordinance may not do anything to reduce that number, but it will go a long way toward preventing that number from rising dramatically when a certain large, corporate pet store moves into our community and begins selling hundreds of unaltered puppies and kittens each month.
    This is exactly the kind of ordinance a community that cares about animals needs. It won’t solve the problem, and more must certainly be done, but this is an outstanding step in the right direction, and I’m so proud of our City Council for taking that step now.
Amy Mills
Executive director
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