Dear Editor, Bob Cook, in his odd attempt to claim that all opposition to Wal-Mart is somehow a grand grocer's conspiracy says, "This threatened the traditional supermarket chains (HEB, Albertsons, Safeway, Randalls, et al) as they are unionized."[Postmarks, Jan. 5] I can't speak for those other, inferior grocery stores, but I've worked at HEB, and I can tell you that no one there is unionized. They don't need to be; HEB pays a good wage and treats its workers well, which makes unionization unnecessary. Other companies could take note of that, if they're so terribly afraid of unions. That Wal-Mart sells groceries is irrelevant to me. I haven't shopped there since they made it a corporate policy not to sell any product made with union labor. Remember when they refused to sell American-made American flags after 9/11? The flags that were made by union labor? And bought theirs from China instead? I'd push the whole godforsaken company off a cliff if I thought it would help them go to hell any faster. Wal-Mart is just plain un-American.