Chronicle readers: Clip this handy list and check off events as they occur over the next four years. [ ] Next major al Qaeda attack on U.S. soil (Date: / / ) (Dead: ) [ ] First suicide bombing (of the "guy with explosive belt walks into shopping mall" sort) on U.S. soil (Date: / / ) (Dead: ) [ ] Iraq elects radical anti-U.S. fundamentalist Islamic government. [ ] U.S. military dead in Iraq tops 5,000. [ ] U.S. military dead in Iraq tops 10,000. [ ] U.S. military dead in Iraq tops 50,000. [ ] Number of kidnapped and murdered civilian hostages in Iraq tops 100. [ ] Number of kidnapped and murdered civilian hostages in Iraq tops 200. [ ] Number of kidnapped and murdered civilian hostages in Iraq tops 500. [ ] War with Iran [ ] War with Syria [ ] War with North Korea [ ] Military draft [ ] Your son/daughter/relative/someone you know killed overseas [ ] World War III [ ] Economic recession [ ] Stock market crash/economic depression [ ] Deficit tops $10 trillion. [ ] Deficit tops $20 trillion. [ ] Unemployment reaches 15%. [ ] Unemployment reaches 25%. [ ] U.S. becomes fundamentalist Christian theocracy; Bill of Rights suspended. [ ] Michael Moore wins another Oscar. [ ] Osama bin Laden (wait till 2008 then circle one) caught/never caught