Against Proposition 1

RECEIVED Tue., May 11, 2004

Dear Editor,
   Normally, a ballot item for collective bargaining for any group of employees denied this right is something I would support. But I'm convinced that collective bargaining for Austin firefighters is the wrong step now for providing appropriate city services.
   If we were looking at collective bargaining for all city employees, I might support that. I believe the city should set an exemplary standard for pay, benefits, and rights to its employees. But at a time when our firefighters are the best paid in the state, and when employees at our libraries, parks, and other services go shorthanded and underpaid, we cannot afford to further unbalance our budget. Our priority now should be investing in other departments and staff that have been starved by recent budget cuts.
   We have learned from the last several budgets that most fire truck responses involve calls that should go to smaller, better-equipped Emergency Medical Services crews. Instead of having two fire trucks in a firehouse we probably should have a fire truck and an EMS vehicle. This would mean first response for a heart attack victim would be EMS, and firefighters would be available to do what they do best. If the Firefighters Association were supporting this change, then I might be supporting their right to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement to get us there. But that hasn't happened yet, and recently they tried to abolish EMS altogether and make it part of the Fire Department.
   All of us who live in Austin want the appropriate level of fire protection along with emergency medical services, libraries, parks and the other things that make Austin a great city. To get there we need to vote against collective bargaining for firefighters this time so we can head down the right path for the future. Collective bargaining for firefighters in Austin today is not a good bargain for Austin taxpayers.
Robin Cravey
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