Doesn't Like Stadium Flyover

RECEIVED Mon., Nov. 17, 2003

There is a serious federal budget deficit, our military is stretched thin, the public is wary about its security; so what does UT ask for and the FAA and Air Force approve – four F-16 jet fighters flying at extremely low altitude, at night, over a football stadium located in the middle of a densely populated community. I would be grateful if the Chronicle would let us know who came up with and signed off on this witless stunt. The final irony: I read the university claims the flyover was a tribute to Veterans Day. This, from an outfit which changed the name of the stadium from Memorial Stadium to Royal-Memorial Stadium. They don't give a damn about veterans; the whole thing was nothing but a whiz-bang crowd-pleaser at the expense of the government, the pilots' safety, and, of course, lastly – members of the community outside the stadium, who were scared senseless.
Ed Lindlof
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