Filmmaker René Pinnell (nephew of legendary filmmaker Eagle Pennell) has been teamed up with Mitch Baker and David Bewley since 2005, when he directed their sketch-comedy pilot for MTV, The Edmond Bulldogs. After the network passed on the pilot (perhaps in favor of Date My Mom), the sketch troupe was picked up by, a new online network based out of Austin, one of the first platforms for excellent Web content. Take three to six minutes out of your day to check out the troupe's new hilarious series of sketches under the banner of Backpack Picnic. Somewhere between dry satire and slapstick comedy is where Backpack Picnic's humor lands, verging on the merely surreal but still enough to make you laugh out loud. Skits like "Spin," "Gay Adoption," and the animated "Suppression Sequel" will lighten a mood on even the darkest work day. A full 24 skits will be out by December. Tune in every week for new ones.
Backpack Picnic
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