In hitting highly discussed topics like overstimulation with genuinely unexpected wordsmithery, Okay Kaya’s esoteric, danceable pop songs feel ready-made for the terminally online who would actually rather not be perceived. Known for stark arthouse visuals and collaborations with King Krule and Porches, the singer-songwriter was born in New Jersey, then raised in Norway. I return again and again to the false folky sweetness of “Insert Generic Name” and “Mother Nature’s Bitch” off her 2020 LP. Today, she tours an independent fourth album, Oh My God - That’s So Me, due Sept. 6. Inspired by a character in Tove Jansson’s Moomin stories, single “The Groke” summarizes, “She’s not a woman. She’s not an omen. She’s dark ecology.” A no-context video features flaming nipple tassels. – Rachel Rascoe