The Austin Chronicle

List Me This Christmas

By Jimmie D, December 17, 2010, 1:26am, Qmmunity

Hey guys, it's been a minute. It's that holiday time of year again, when I work myself into a tizzy over prezzies and crafts for a month solid and wonder how many hot glue sticks I've managed to burn through in one sitting. Let me preface this by saying I'm known by my in-laws for being the most meticulous in the family when it comes to Christmas lists, so here goes:

5. The perfect addition to any little monster's decor, natch.

4. I've been wanting some footie pajamas lately, so I figured, what the hell, why not just go all the way?

3. Even though this pair of Ariel Schrag's first books didn't come out this year, it would most likely mean a lot to the GLBTQ teen or young adult in your life. In an age where anything with a plot dissimilar to Twilight is nigh in sight, this one is a classic.

2. For that special someone who has everything, why not try the $395 J. Peterman fruit drying basket? Hmmm, iPad, champagne drying basket… iPad.… no, I'm gonna go for the basket. Total win.

1. Or, you could just donate that money in the stead of a loved one to any number of people who want to see their dreams realized, either virtually or locally.

Bonus: A tiny Christmas tree covered in Booze Minis makes a classy gift for anyone too refined for an ordinary, non-alcoholic gift. Your call.

Hope your holiday is full of deliciousness, Gay Placers.

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