
211-240 of 307 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Lege Wrap-Up
" finance bill (as did overdue funding for new textbooks). Instead, teachers are leaving the session with yet another..."

June 3, 2005 News Feature

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...Quote of the Week"We are not funding textbooks for schools. How on earth can we fund a..."

May 27, 2005 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Fear of AIDS Worse Than AIDS
"...the son of a nurse, grew up reading medical textbooks for pleasure, and capable of weighing facts as I..."

April 28, 2005 Postmarks

School Finance Bill Heads for the Floor
Republicans pass HB 2 out of committee over educator objections
"...under HB 2. About $400 million would go to textbooks. Another $1.2 billion would go to teacher benefits. Subtract..."

March 4, 2005 News Feature by Kimberly Reeves

Letters at 3AM
Statistics on American education tell a dreadful story, the story of an advanced technological society slipping back to a state of ignorance and superstition
"...on evolution, even when the material is in their textbooks, for fear of controversy. This self-censorship is widespread, especially..."

Feb. 18, 2005 Column by Michael Ventura

Naked City
The Sunset Commission issues recommendations to improve the Texas Education Agency
"...majority of members of the panels that review proposed textbooks for factual errors actually be experts in the subject..."

Jan. 21, 2005 News Feature by Rachel Proctor May

Naked City
Progressive lawmakers seek to protect gay, lesbian, and transgendered students
" circumvent potential hostility growing out of new health textbooks that define marriage as a union between a man..."

Jan. 21, 2005 News Feature by Amy Smith

Luv Doc Recommends: Grupo Fantasma New Year's Eve Party
La Zona Rosa, Friday, December 31, 2004
"...middle America still intent on putting creationism back into textbooks? How do you think they’re going to feel when..."

Dec. 31, 2004 Column by The Luv Doc

Big Books
Gift guide
"...any number of zines or Web sites or college textbooks, and you'd still be better served by digesting the..."

Dec. 10, 2004 Books Feature by Wayne Alan Brenner

Our readers talk back.
"...Education and their premise of inserting into Texas school textbooks the idea that abstinence is the best form of..."

Dec. 3, 2004 Column

Abstinence Doesn't Work
"...Education and their premise of inserting into Texas school textbooks the idea that abstinence is the best form of..."

Nov. 30, 2004 Postmarks

No Art Left Behind
New campaign fights for the arts in Texas schools
"...funding for Proclamation 2002, which includes new fine arts textbooks and materials." For more information, visit"

Nov. 26, 2004 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

Right-Wing's Confusing Morality
"...endangering a whole generation by censoring sexual education in textbooks. And I also never heard that ignoring scientific fact..."

Nov. 23, 2004 Postmarks

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...who aimed to get this sentence inserted in middle-school textbooks?..."

Nov. 12, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Slash the State
In Texas, the social contract is now written in disappearing ink
"...the much-troubled charter schools; they cut school programs and textbooks; they cut health insurance for teachers and school employees...."

Aug. 6, 2004 News Column by Michael King

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...of the Stone Age, reading sexless high school health textbooks. Get plenty of rest, folks. See p.18...."

July 23, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Get in Line
In the new Texas arithmetic, nothing for nothing leaves nothing
"...previously hearing testimony on a pending group of health textbooks that were apparently all published by the stork, voted..."

July 23, 2004 News Column by Michael King

Our readers talk back.
"...the need for lower tuition and lower costs of textbooks, the need for increased grants and scholarships based on..."

June 25, 2004 Column

Community Colleges Are Important
"...the need for lower tuition and lower costs of textbooks, the need for increased grants and scholarships based on..."

June 21, 2004 Postmarks

Naked City
Spending It All in One Place: The Unknown Texas Quarters
"...are getting a little threadbare, and there aren't enough textbooks to go around, but we're doing our best to..."

June 18, 2004 News Feature

Page Two
A few modest school-finance proposals
"...shots of an overcrowded classroom, close-ups on outdated, worn textbooks, with a voiceover saying, "If you care about educating..."

April 23, 2004 Column by Louis Black

Weird Science Takes the Stage
The strange but true tale of how a high school class turned a science textbook into a play
"...the inclusion of creationism in public high school biology textbooks. More than 160 people signed up for three-minute blocks..."

Feb. 6, 2004 Arts Feature by C. Denby Swanson

News Top Tens
" least to Kansas, with charges that proposed biology textbooks were insufficiently critical of evolution. Despite the best efforts..."

Jan. 2, 2004 News Feature

Our readers talk back.
"...of Education voted to adopt a series of biology textbooks for the next seven years. One textbook used in..."

Nov. 28, 2003 Column

Theory of Evolution: Theory or Fact?
"...of Education voted to adopt a series of biology textbooks for the next seven years. One textbook used in..."

Nov. 19, 2003 Postmarks

'Discovery Institue' Interested in Neither Discovery Nor Science
"...and testified against the dumbing-down of evolution in Texas textbooks at the Sept. 10 SBOE hearing. Ray Bohlin's recent..."

Sept. 29, 2003 Postmarks

Discovery Institute Disingenuous?
"...Discovery Institute doesn't want to introduce creationism/intelligent design into textbooks and that it doesn't want to exclude or undermine..."

Sept. 26, 2003 Postmarks

'Natural Capitalism' in the Hills
The Crossings' earth- and economy-friendly integration into the Hill Country really is something to feel good about.
"...says Joyce Beck. "He said it should be in textbooks." To learn more, call Omega at the Crossings at..."

Sept. 19, 2003 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Crass Ignorance
"...the case for accurate presentation of information in school textbooks. King's response to this was underwhelming, if not irrelevant:..."

Aug. 25, 2003 Postmarks

Our readers talk back.
"...premises, and have no place in public school biology textbooks. If he considers such a designation akin to being..."

Aug. 22, 2003 Column

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