
181-210 of 307 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Dems Block McLeroy Nomination to SBOE Chair
Controversial creationist fails to get two-thirds of Senate support
"...violated state law when it rejected a set of textbooks because of ideological differences with them, and that he..."

May 28, 2009 News Post by Lee Nichols

Congratulations, It's a Biennial Budget
Conference committee approves $182 billion for 2010-11, now heads to floor
"...revenue and spending the original federal stimulus cash on textbooks may just be an ARRA compliance: But there are..."

May 26, 2009 News Post by Richard Whittaker

Microscope Zooms in on Anti-Science SBOE
Legislators try to rein in controversial education board
" do with curriculum and nothing to with selecting textbooks. You’ve created a hornet’s nest like I’ve never seen..."

April 28, 2009 News Post by Lee Nichols

Maldonado's Milestone
Round Rock rep to lay out her first bill on the floor Thursday
", but that doesn't apply to electronic equipment like textbooks on CD or laptop computers. Her bill will close..."

April 1, 2009 News Post by Richard Whittaker

Science and Rational Thought Must Prevail
"...the multimillion dollar textbook industry will publish in its textbooks. Will we have one textbook developed for Texas while..."

Feb. 3, 2009 Postmarks

Hope Lee Nichols Is Wrong
" important because of the influence it has on textbooks, etc., for K-12 education. To learn more about the..."

Jan. 30, 2009 Postmarks

Early to Rise
Daniel Johnson loves early music's purity of sound and intimacy, and he's not alone
"...haul it out of the margins of the music textbooks. As with folk music around the same time, there..."

Dec. 12, 2008 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

On Ypsilanti Roller Girls and Inverse Proportions
Continuing the film incentives crusade: Five percent really packs a punch
"...roads are falling apart and our kids don't have textbooks or chicken nuggets as a result? Movies about us..."

July 11, 2008 Screens Feature by Josh Rosenblatt

Neon Exodus
For 22 years, the electrified mural on Fifth Street has been a local landmark, but now it's coming down
"...Austin in '93; Holt Rinehart's used it in their textbooks. It has a definite history in the city; a..."

March 28, 2008 Arts Feature by Wayne Alan Brenner

ACC: Four for the Board
"...environmental conservation and move the school away from traditional textbooks to digital ones...."

March 21, 2008 News Feature by Lee Nichols

The Secret History of the English Language
If the late Douglas Adams had made his mark as a writer of history textbooks, the resulting volumes might read like The Secret History of the English Language
"...had made his mark as a writer of history textbooks, it's more than likely that the resulting volumes would..."

March 7, 2008 Books Review by Ken Lieck

The Wiis on the Bus
How the Wii Remote and simulated games are changing the way we learn
"...Textbooks of the Future: Free & Collaborative! March 9, 11:30am,..."

Feb. 29, 2008 Screens Feature by Richard Whittaker

September 6-12
"...AUSTIN LECTURE SERIES Mark Loewe presents today's talk: Low-Cost Textbooks, Progressive Vouchers, and Incorrect TAKS Scores. 12:15pm. Austin History..."

Sept. 7, 2007 News Feature

AISD: Math Fight Resolved ... For Now
Board of trustees votes to select middle school math text favored by majority of middle school teachers
"...split between district administration and faculty over middle-school math textbooks Monday, voting to select Holt, the text favored by..."

March 30, 2007 News Feature by Justin Ward

Lege Notes: Taser talk and more
Stories from under the pink granite dome
" terms of largest endowments. The fund, which underwrites textbooks and some school expenditures each biennium, provided $1.7 billion..."

March 2, 2007 News Column

Capitol Briefs
" terms of largest endowments. The fund, which underwrites textbooks and some school expenditures each biennium, provided $1.7 billion..."

March 2, 2007 News Feature

Against the Day
"...makes some of the prose read like grad-level math textbooks and the plotlines less susceptible to the grounding influence..."

Dec. 15, 2006 Books Review by James Renovitch

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"..."Tincy" Miller of Dallas, who said technology can complement textbooks but it certainly cannot replace printed instructional material. –..."

July 21, 2006 News Feature

Point Austin: Low Expectations
Not much reason to believe that the Lege will do right by Texas students
"...than $660 million in emergency spending on things like textbooks, nursing homes, medical education, etc., that never quite got..."

April 14, 2006 News Column by Michael King

Bush Administration's Next Invasion?
"...without killing off more. If printed truthfully in history textbooks, the past five years will portray the irresponsibility of..."

March 24, 2006 Postmarks

Our readers talk back.
"...with meters, and children not being allowed to take textbooks home, and firemen who are handling five calls in..."

March 10, 2006 Column

Money to Fund Public Projects Has to Come From Somewhere
"...with meters, and children not being allowed to take textbooks home, and firemen who are handling five calls in..."

March 2, 2006 Postmarks

Terms of Engagement
If 'We Can't Make It Here,' then James McMurtry's in big trouble
" Tom Waits gargling a bookcase full of sociology textbooks, McMurtry says he's always been careful to focus on..."

Sept. 9, 2005 Music Feature by Andy Langer

Naked City
'Better than a stick in the eye' says teacher union head
"...the Texas Education Agency announced that new spending on textbooks would be matched with new cuts in the state's..."

Aug. 26, 2005 News Feature by Rachel Proctor May

Lege or Circus?
A lack of democracy turns education 'reform' into an unfunny joke
"...acted Tuesday to spend nearly $300 million on new textbooks, freeing them from a warehouse where they too were..."

Aug. 12, 2005 News Column by Amy Smith

The Hightower Report
Bushites squelch negative Central American labor conditions report; and sustainable food program teaches students more than they'll ever learn in a sterile classroom
"...cooperation, and community than they can possibly glean from textbooks and sterile classrooms...."

Aug. 12, 2005 News Column by Jim Hightower

Naked City
Watchdog group questions whether a public-school Bible course is purely academic
"...Chancey countered that "tons" of nonsectarian textbooks exist to teach students to know their Acts from..."

Aug. 5, 2005 News Feature by Rachel Proctor May

Lege Notes
Odds and ends – mostly odds – from beneath the pink granite dome
"...that includes a teacher pay raise, health insurance, and textbooks. Teachers groups have been privately lobbying to get this..."

Aug. 5, 2005 News Column

Point Austin: Wish Lists
AFSCME steps up to the council budget table, and the bonds begin to take shape
"...Lege seems disinclined to pay even for new school textbooks); project estimate is $106.9 million, plus the creation of..."

July 29, 2005 News Column by Michael King

Point Austin: Thoughts After Celebration
Beneath the rockets' red glare, the costs of our Iraq misadventure mount
"...might go to adequate facilities, job security, raises, and textbooks, all in short supply). For Austin, the number is..."

July 8, 2005 News Column by Michael King

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