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Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...the management proposals prior to their grading by the Telecom Commission. The commission heard the complaint Wednesday as we..."

Sept. 2, 2005 News Feature

Point Austin: A Lege Too Far
Sine Die or school bells, perhaps they toll for thee
" the desperate entreaties of SBC Communications, allowing the telecom giant to horn in on the sweetheart markets of..."

Aug. 26, 2005 News Column by Michael King

Apples and More Apples
"...(increases in costly health care insurance); - deregulation of telecom (telephone) costs (our bills should increase shortly); - inability..."

Aug. 22, 2005 Postmarks

Lege Notes
Odds and ends – mostly odds – from beneath the pink granite dome
"...Harold Dutton, D-Houston, this week in opposition to proposed telecommunications deregulation at work in the House and Senate. Legislation..."

July 29, 2005 News Column

More Summer Fireworks at ACTV
A half-year after a city-led investigation began into missing money at ACTV, no answers are forthcoming. In the manner of many of the colorful programs and personalities that populate the public access airwaves, conspiracy theories abound – and not solely over the missing funds.
"...or reinvigorated." Rondella Hawkins of the city's Department of Telecommunications and Regulatory Affairs agrees. "When we get through this..."

July 15, 2005 News Feature by Wells Dunbar

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...list). The worst of the bunch – Little Rock telecom company Alltel – scored a perfect zero. – A.S...."

Oct. 8, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...It took a while, but the city's Music and Telecommunications commissions have formally weighed in on the Austin Music..."

Sept. 24, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Page Two
A First Amendment primer for Alex Jones' faithful and others in need
"...discussion at a recent meeting of the City Council's telecom subcommittee. At one point Clark-Madison noted, "Now in case..."

Aug. 20, 2004 Column by Louis Black

Getting heavy with Recover, poppy with Voxtrot, and rejoicing that the AMN flap is finally over. More or less.
"...plan still needs to go before the City Council's Telecommunications Infrastructure subcommittee and council itself for final approval. Pending..."

July 23, 2004 Music Column by Christopher Gray

SBC, CWA Reach Agreement
The union wins major gains from the phone giant after a four-day walkout
"...Telecommunications giant SBC Communications Inc. on May 25 reached a..."

May 28, 2004 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Anger Fills the Air(waves) at FCC Hearing
Activists from the left and right challenge corporate media in Clear Channel's own back yard
"...option." One problem, he said, is that the 1996 telecom reform act now allows networks to own many local..."

Feb. 6, 2004 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Capitol Chronicle
The controversy over tuition deregulation is only the tip of the iceberg.
"...was the seductively titled "tuition deregulation" -- which, like telecom and utility "deregulation," is supposed to save us from..."

Nov. 28, 2003 News Column by Michael King

Naked City
Beyond City Limits
"...SBC says -- not the dismal performance of the telecom sector -- have cost it $1 billion in losses..."

Oct. 4, 2002 News Feature

The Hightower Lowdown
The Pentagon lies to us … and unashamedly admits it; Global Crossing investors and employees get Enronized; New York City whores its parks to the highest bidder.
"...Enron, but Gary Winnick of Global Crossing Ltd., the telecom outfit that plowed through $15 billion of investors' capital..."

March 1, 2002 News Column by Jim Hightower

Tough Love Rylander
"...though the complex already houses an expensive citywide public-sector telecom network used by the city, AISD, and other entities.)..."

Dec. 7, 2001 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Naked City
"...largest hit since the Dell downturn, Tellabs Inc., a telecom equipment manufacturer and a Round Rock mainstay since 1980,..."

Nov. 23, 2001 News Feature by Lauri Apple

He's Got a Little List
Key highlights and lowlights of the proposed city budget
"...Resources creates the city's first corporate-wide safety office; the Telecom office (within the city's finance office) eliminates its funding..."

Aug. 3, 2001 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

31 Staples Contributors of $10,000 or Over
"...$10,000 James M. Mansour, Chair, Putting Children 1st; telecom exec..."

Oct. 27, 2000 News Feature

29 Fisher Contributors Over $5,000
"...of Fire Fighters PAC Fleming ex-exec VP IXC carrier (telecom)..."

Oct. 27, 2000 News Feature

Radio, Radio
Satellite radio, the burgeoning technology that may ultimately shake up the broadcast world the most, is right around the corner.
" a confluence of several major players in the telecom, cable, and music industries: Motorola, Sony Music, and others...."

Oct. 6, 2000 Music Feature by Jerry Renshaw

The Road to Rail
Can light rail in Austin work well with Smart Growth?
"...are planned for both Plano and Garland, and the "Telecom Corridor" through Richardson is now being graced by Galatyn..."

July 21, 2000 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Naked City
University of Texas employees will be staging a sickout to protest low pay and benefits; citizen planners in the East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Planning Team are honored for their work; the Dawson Neighborhood Association tries to reach a compromise to keep Southwestern Bell from tearing down homes in their neighborhood; The Save Our Springs Alliance honors Brigid Shea as a "Barton Springs Hero"; Statesman political reporter Dylan Rivera leaves for Portland, Oregon.
" the process; if it gets the waiver, the telecom giant says, it will sell all the houses it..."

June 16, 2000 News Feature by Erica C. Barnett

Media Clips
Southwestern Bell and Time Warner push Jump.Net and other small Internet service providers out of the Austin market with anti-competitive pricing schemes.
"...Well, we can't say we weren't warned. When telecommunications companies pushed for the 1996 Telecommunications Act, they said..."

May 26, 2000 News Column by Lee Nichols

Media Clips
The world’s major corporations have realized that the media can be big money, and they have invested heavily.
" in America. He took advantage of the 1996 Telecom Act's loosening of ownership restrictions to build an empire..."

Dec. 24, 1999 News Column by Lee Nichols

Media Clips
Corporate media giants cause journalism to become less competitive; Walter Cronkite and Bill Moyers speak at The Daily Texan's 100th birthday event; Grassroots Media Conference held in Austin
"...massive giants possible has been done in darkness. The Telecom Act of 1996 is a classic case, in which..."

Oct. 15, 1999 News Column by Lee Nichols

Where Are They Now?
" LDC amendments, mostly dealing with either niche issues (telecom towers, billboards, downtown parking requirements), or specific parts of..."

Aug. 20, 1999 News Feature

Eight Is Enough
Diverse Set of Opponents
"...the Electric Utility Commission, Mok as chair of the Telecommunications Commission, and most notably Vrudhula on the Planning Commission...."

April 23, 1999 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

The Alfaro Case
"...welfare reform, the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act, the Telecom Act of 1996 with its noxious decency provisions, and..."

Oct. 9, 1998 News Feature

What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been
Austin Community Television's First Quarter-Century
" Austin had an established history and some pretty telecom-savvy people associated with it and negotiating on its behalf,..."

June 5, 1998 Screens Feature by Michael Bertin

What's Left of the Dial?
Virtual Deejays, Pay-to-Play, Celine Dion
"...deejaying is just one of the things that the Telecommunications Act of 1996 has wrought. In fact, because of..."

May 22, 1998 Music Feature by Michael Bertin

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