
211-240 of 277 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Developing World Is Our Toxic Techno Trash Dumpster
Tons of electronic waste are polluting poor countries rather than being recycled
"...the U.S. and Europe to developing countries for supposed reuse and repair are actually dumped and often burned in..."

Nov. 4, 2005 News Feature by Daniel Mottola

Zeroing in on Our Throwaway Culture
City committee dreams of a waste-free Austin
"...well as to develop profitable, sustainable businesses around material reuse...."

Oct. 28, 2005 News Feature by Daniel Mottola

How to Keep Water in Central Texas
Long-range planning tries to cover multiple bases, but some say environment is left out
"...use of every drop, such as by planning for reuse and a massive investment in reservoirs to keep San..."

Sept. 2, 2005 News Feature by Rachel Proctor May

Naked City
Money will clean up and redevelop contaminated areas
" a site that may face expansion, redevelopment, or reuse challenges because of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. The..."

May 20, 2005 News Feature by Daniel Mottola

One Holiday, Two Gifts, 100 Years
Dan Welcher's pair of Yuletide operas shows what a difference a century makes
", why not come up with something that can reuse these same two sets? And that's when Paul Woodruff..."

April 22, 2005 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

Four for Seaholm
"...issued a "request for qualifications and development concept" for reuse of the old power plant and its environs. As..."

April 8, 2005 News Feature

The LCRA Moves to Turn on the Tap
Future of Hill Country waits on Authority's decisions on water plan
"...Hudson said she is exploring more innovative water-conservation and -reuse measures and has hired Kent Butler, a UT professor..."

Dec. 3, 2004 News Feature by Amy Smith

Water Flows Downhill
Regional water plan nears completion while LCRA looks to move water westward
"...LCRA, such as rainwater harvesting, water conservation, and wastewater reuse. Stakeholders involved in the planning process offered their initial..."

Nov. 19, 2004 News Feature by Amy Smith

The Downtown Dominoes
The headlines are about Block 21 and Seaholm, but the long-term questions are about what the city of Austin should be
"...committing to issue an RFP soon for the adaptive reuse of the Seaholm Power Plant. Also in the offing..."

April 9, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Playing the Downtown Game
The score so far, and moves still to be made
"...still operating, but the city should embark on a closure-and-reuse study this spring...."

April 9, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Naked City
"...Union Pacific's freight relocation plan (see "Austin@Large," at right), reuse proposals for Seaholm Power Plant (see The Downtown Dominoes),..."

April 9, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Naked City
The PC giant's one-day events aren't enough -- in their own opinion
" help educate consumers about the importance of computer reuse and recycling end-of-life options. Single-day events are very effective..."

Nov. 21, 2003 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Our readers talk back.
"...for free or donated to local community organizations for reuse -- as well as raised awareness about the need..."

July 25, 2003 Column

Naked City
Beyond City Limits
"...a request for proposals for projects to adapt and reuse the Astrodome; the nearly 40-year-old miracle of postwar booster..."

June 6, 2003 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Plays Well With Others
How Creative Commons is redefining copyright law and what it means for artistic collaboration across the Internet.
"...very pressing problem for us: how to allow the reuse of digital teaching materials without causing a copyright train..."

Feb. 28, 2003 Screens Feature by Michael May

After a Fashion
Yeee-haw! It's "Westward Ho" as Stephen checks out the new exhibit at the Bob Bullock Museum. And what does our style avatar do to stay so baby soft and daisy fresh? Well, until now, only he and his stylist knew for sure…
"...elbows, knees, feet, etc. My current favorite fragrance is Tubéreuse Indiana by Creed (Straight Edge), an incredible floral for..."

Feb. 21, 2003 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Downtown's New Year
"...Project Type: Seaholm Power Plant reuse project and district master plan..."

Jan. 17, 2003 News Feature by Amy Smith

After a Fashion
SXSW Friday
"...who could overcome an orange and blue lanyard? I'll reuse my black one from last year, thanks. At the..."

March 15, 2002 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Who Will Rule Mueller?
Can the city keep the Mueller redevelopment project on course?
"...New Mueller vision outlined in the RMMA Redevelopment and Reuse Plan, drafted by San Francisco-based Roma Design Group and..."

Jan. 25, 2002 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Naked City
The rejection of Lumbermen's Town Lake proposal doesn't necessarily mean their tower plans are dead.
"...the LIC project, mostly for its proposed synergies with reuse plans for Seaholm. LIC also just settled a boundary..."

Oct. 5, 2001 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

The Hightower Lowdown
CEO pay surges, George W. recycles at the Pentagon, & Tom DeLay quacks like Daffy Duck.
"...that there are many old things he's trying to reuse...."

July 13, 2001 News Column by Jim Hightower

Land of Opportunities?
"...facility and carries the potential for the utility to reuse AMD's water...."

July 6, 2001 News Feature

The Changing Face of Downtown
"...walkways and bikeways, and maybe even some kind of reuse plan for the Green Water Treatment Plant...."

April 20, 2001 News Feature

Naked City
Local news this week in Austin.
"...There's got to be a better way to dispose of/reuse/recycle these videos than sending them back to the JVP,..."

April 6, 2001 News Feature by Erica C. Barnett

Naked City
Intel Design Contest
" campaign? Send us your ideas on how to reuse, revamp and revitalize this downtown eyesore no later than..."

April 6, 2001 News Feature

Naked City
Intel Design Contest
" campaign? Send us your ideas on how to reuse, revamp, and revitalize this downtown eyesore no later than..."

March 30, 2001 News Feature

Naked City
Local news this week in Austin
" Roma's recast prose from its RMMA Redevelopment and Reuse Plan, stressing the mixed-use pedestrian-friendly urban village thing the..."

Feb. 16, 2001 News Feature by Erica C. Barnett

Naked City
City council continues to keep public out of Stratus negotiations. Paul Robbins urges individuals and publications to count Floridal votes, A Georgia company sold a flawed list of ineligible voters to Florida.
"...5 letter, Thomas quotes the Mueller Airport Redevelopment and Reuse Plan, which guarantees the city control of "the quality..."

Dec. 8, 2000 News Feature by Louis Dubose

Naked City
The council approves a controversial, and hotly contested, site plan that allows Hyde Park Baptist Church to build on 58 acres of parkland it owns in northwest Austin.
"...three-way tug-of-war between LIC, the city, and the Seaholm Reuse Committee boiled down to the details last week. Griffith's..."

Nov. 17, 2000 News Feature by Emily Pyle

Naked City
Council approves the relocation of the city's Central Booking Facility; the divisive East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan goes through first reading; and Lumbermen's Investment Corp. presents a tentative agreement on its property near the Seaholm Power Plant with the city.
"...Members of the Seaholm Reuse Committee, concerned that the condo project would interfere functionally..."

Nov. 3, 2000 News Feature by Emily Pyle

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