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#ATown#BossBabesATX#peeonsomebody& Art Gallery(red) nights(sub)Tex1 House at a Time1 Stop Food Store1/4 Hora Project Space100 Congress Building100-200 block E. 4th Street101 by Teahaus1015 E. Yager Ln, #191101X FM107.9 KFAN-FM/KEEP FM1100 Warehouse1102 Gillespie Place1104 E. Sixth1109 E. 31st Street1123 S. Congress115 Austin Place11th & Waller11th and Congress11th Street Cowboy Bar12 Fox Beer Company1202 S. Congress1202 Travis Heights12th Night Austin12th Street Baptist Church12th Street Books12th Street Soular Food Garden12XU1300 E 4th St.132 Main Street134 E. Riverside13th Street Heritage House1400 Block of South Congress1405 W. 6th Street1417 French Bistro1427 Suffolk Dr.1501 E 6th1550 Gallery15th Street Cafe15th Street/Enfield Road1604 E. 11th St.1610 New York Avenue1710 Palma Plaza1776 Cheesesteak Co.1810 Club1848 Grand Oaks Farm1860 Pioneer Cabin on the River1883 Old Hwy 20, McDade TX 786501894 Private Pullman Palace Car1903 S. 1st1906 Gallery1st Evening Food St.1st Rate Fixtures2 Chairs Studio2 day postcards2 Dine 42 Wee Cottages Bed & Breakfast20/20 Art2020 Apartments2040 Gallery2047 S. Lamar212102 Fort View Rd2102 Tejas Drive21st & San Jacinto21st Street Co-op2200 S. Lakeshore Blvd.2209 S. First St.23rd Street Renaissance Artists' Market24 Blocks on 6th Street from Brazos to I-3524-Hour Fitness24/7 Cleaning Services2823 Manor290 Flea Market2924 Highway 21 E Paige, TX2DayPostcards.com2K Sports2nd Degree Black Sash Class of 20082nd Street District2nd Street Liquor2XL Swagger Brands, Inc.3 Graces Skincare & Spa3 J Ranch Bed & Breakfast300 Austin300 Bear Canyon Dr.311311 Club3137 Jazz Street3218 Hemlock Ave.3305 E. MLKABIA: 24-Hour FlowersTeahausThe 04 CenterThe 04 LoungeThe 13th FloorThe 18th Floor at Capitol Place
1-30 of 1,000 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Early Election Results: Rebuke to the Religious Right?
Green, Russell behind in respective races
"...down the stretch. If that holds true tonight, the religious right may be getting a smackdown from Texas Republicans..."

April 13, 2010 News Post by Lee Nichols

On the Religious Right
"...Editor, It really confuses me to listen to the religious right vaunting over the election as if it was..."

Nov. 8, 2004 Postmarks

Indignant Toward Religious Right
"...and the confrontational. And I am indignant toward the religious right, which does not recognize the civil nature of..."

July 7, 2004 Postmarks

The Religious Left
Texas Faith Network Unites Against the Right
"...the decline of old-fashioned morals and family values, another religious organization has come along with a rejoinder: Chill, for..."

Dec. 27, 1996 News Feature by Amy Smith

Right Wing Texas State Board of Education Looks to the Left
Central Texas voters can help transform deep-red education panel
"...Texas State Board of Education, a perennial hotbed of right-wing ideology and clownery, could see a major political shift..."

Feb. 18, 2020 News Post by Mary Tuma

All the Right Moves
Democrat Donna Howard faces self-proclaimed moderate Republican Cynthia Thornton in the general election for Austin's seat on the State Board of Education
"...retired schoolteacher from Round Top who knocked off well-oiled right-winger Bob Schoolfield in the spring runoff election thanks to..."

Oct. 27, 2000 News Feature by Kevin Fullerton

Sweeping Religious Freedom Bill Heads to Senate
The Senate State Affairs Committee approves a license to discriminate
"...whimper, the Senate State Affairs Committee sent a sweeping religious refusal bill to the full Senate Monday evening, March..."

March 26, 2019 News Post by Sarah Marloff

Culture War: How to Fight the Right
Texas academics and politicians discuss the how to revive progressivism
"..."War does not determine who is right – only who is left," said author Bertrand Russell...."

Oct. 7, 2005 News Feature by Wells Dunbar

Right Wing Texas State Board of Education Braces Looks to the Left
Central Texas voters can help transform deep-red education panel
"...Texas State Board of Education, a perennial hotbed of right-wing ideology and clownery, could see a major political shift..."

Feb. 21, 2020 News Feature by Mary Tuma

Dis-Harmony From the Right
Austin ISD gets caught in right-wing fight over Turkish programs
"...Texas Republicans are infamously fond of religious charter schools – unless, of course, the religion in..."

July 15, 2011 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

Right-Wing Revolution
Conservative Christians Target Texas Board of Education
"...Board of Education (SBOE) does, there are plenty of religious right-wingers in Texas who could. The 15-member SBOE board..."

Oct. 11, 1996 News Feature by Roseana Auten

Who in Their Right Mind ...
"...You Decent?,” News, Feb. 18]? And who in their right mind cares about the pathetic fate of television and..."

March 3, 2005 Postmarks

More Religious Fervor
Last night, aGLIFF opened with the fervor of a preacher's fever.
"...ear" and laid down the foundation of a gay rights movement right smackdab alongside the rock of his church...."

Sept. 29, 2007 Qmmunity Post by Kate X Messer

Ban Exactly Like Right-Wing Paternalistic Crap
"...6] read eerily like the paternalistic crap that the religious right has been feeding the country with regard to..."

May 12, 2005 Postmarks

Preschool Funding Loophole has Tax Dollars Going to Religious Schools. Who Benefits?
Private school partnerships boost district enrollment
"...revenue to public schools, concerns about taxpayer money funding religious education also play a significant role. Opponents to the..."

Oct. 27, 2023 News Feature by Rob D'Amico

Religious Refusal Bill Prepped to Grant Texans License to Discriminate
"Sincerely held" nonsense at the Senate
"...the Senate Committee on State Affairs sent a sweeping religious refusal bill to the full Senate Monday evening, March..."

March 29, 2019 News Feature by Sarah Marloff

Does the U.S. Pastor Council Have a Right to Discriminate?
Houston-based group files federal suit
"...The right-wing group behind last year's anti-transgender "bathroom bill" is now..."

Oct. 12, 2018 News Feature by Mary Tuma

Fighting for the Right to Clean Energy
The first Texas Clean Energy Congress issues its call to action
"...Declaration of Sustainability and a Clean Energy Bill of Rights – calling for Texas to create the appropriate policies,..."

Nov. 19, 2004 News Feature by Daniel Mottola

Death Watch: Supreme Court Halts John Henry Ramirez's Execution Over Religious Freedom Appeal
Court will hear Ramirez's case for pastor's touch during execution this fall
"...considering Ramirez's appeal that prison officials had denied his right to free exercise of religion by refusing to let..."

Sept. 24, 2021 News Feature by Brant Bingamon

Thankful for Religious Freedom
"...that I live in a country that grants me religious freedom. My particular Muslim community believes in secular government,..."

July 3, 2010 Postmarks

"I Got Your 'Blasphemous' Right Here ..."
"...state to court over this kind of imposition of religious viewpoint on secular culture. There is little difference in..."

April 1, 2010 Postmarks

Court Delays Undocumented Minor's Right to Abortion
Jane Doe again faces government engineered obstacles to abortion
"...anti-choice figure who has promoted sending abortion-seeking migrants to religious counseling centers instead of medical clinics. The case has..."

Oct. 20, 2017 News Post by Mary Tuma

Ye Olde Witch Hunt Tactic Makes a Comeback in Right-Wing War on Public Education
Which course is witch?
"...Right-wing news outlet/propaganda mill Texas Scorecard is trying its hand..."

June 30, 2023 News Feature by Maggie Quinlan

SXSW Film Goes Right to the Moon
Apollo 10 1/2, Sandra Bullock, and more join movie list
"...female white supremacist as she indoctrinates a group of alt-right women, and together they set out to harass two..."

Feb. 2, 2022 Screens Post by Richard Whittaker

Aahhh, Sweet Utopia! Just Forget Institutionalized Segregation, the Cold War, Religious Prejudice, Blacklisting, Labor Unrest, Inequality of Women, and Polio
"...compassion for their fellow man and doing what was right. Doctors went into their practice because they wanted to..."

Jan. 9, 2006 Postmarks

'You Were Right, Andy'
Getting beneath the surface of Andy Warhol with Tom Sokolowski
"...crazy things, and he was always working, working, working, right in the middle of it. Assistants helping with the..."

Oct. 17, 2003 Arts Feature by Jacqueline May

Loves Right-Wing Reaction
"...Dear Editor, I love it! All those right-wing overzealous religious pricks boycotting your paper and pulling advertising..."

Feb. 13, 2006 Postmarks

My Religious Beliefs More Important Than the Laws of This Republic, Vote Bush!
"...(including myself). With that, in response to the minority's right to be protected, I ask: Is America not a..."

March 26, 2004 Postmarks

God Votes Right
The Texas Republicans Gather in Dallas to Pray
"...expected event of a Republican majority) that the party's rightest wing would effectively control the vote. That prospect was..."

June 14, 2002 News Column by Michael King

Page Two: Prayer for the Common Man
In the religious right's new democracy, principles prescribed by man have no value in the war between heaven and hell
"...rhetoric, meaningless polemics, and secularly driven holy visions. Longtime right-wingers and conservatives are now loudly declaring that they find..."

Jan. 20, 2006 Column by Louis Black

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