
241-270 of 1,000 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Triana Supporter Clarifies Point About Soifer
"...Smith reports that Jan Soifer's work in the 2001 redistricting litigation "dealt solely with pretrial procedural work," not mapping..."

Feb. 11, 2004 Postmarks

The Judges Rule: Map May Not Be Wise, But It's Legal
The federal judges rule in favor of the Texas congressional map -- even while admitting it may destroy the political hopes of minorities.
"...federal district court judges impaneled to hear the congressional re-redistricting lawsuit ruled 2-1 against the plaintiffs' coalition of Democratic..."

Jan. 9, 2004 News Feature by Michael King

Naked City
"...Rolando Rios, arguing for the plaintiffs in the Texas redistricting trial..."

Jan. 2, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...the state's star (and only) black witness in the redistricting trial to talk about his genitals. See p.14...."

Dec. 26, 2003 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Our readers talk back.
"...Jan Soifer was Rick Perry's lawyer for redistricting in 2001, and now she wants to run as..."

Dec. 19, 2003 Column

On the Lege
The Democrats file federal lawsuits against the new congressional map.
"...the federal approval of the GOP's newly incarnated congressional re-redistricting map. Spokeswoman Angela Hale says that her boss happily..."

Oct. 24, 2003 News Column by Michael King

Tom Delay Faces Judgment Day (O'Connor)
"...proper district. (The Lege had just acquired its cool redistricting software, and you know what happens when people get..."

Oct. 17, 2003 News Column by Mike Clark-Madison

Naked City
The speaker clearly breaks the rules rather than lose on the House floor
"...deadlock between Texas House and Senate Republicans over congressional re-redistricting, a group of House Democratic "troublemakers" -- according to..."

Oct. 10, 2003 News Feature by Michael King

On the Lege
The Lege week in court, in correspondence, and in West Texas
"...Democrats' arguments that the Senate's off-year consideration of congressional redistricting, and its abandonment of its two-thirds rule are potential..."

Sept. 19, 2003 News Column by Michael King

On the Lege
For the Senate Democrats, Labor Day was just another day (not) at the office.
"...Labor Day holiday with little relief from the partisan re-redistricting rhetoric, and indeed, with hardly any holiday at all...."

Sept. 5, 2003 News Column by Michael King

Page Two
We're now posting our ever-expanding letters section online, with new letters daily. This, of course, brings up a whole new set of quandaries.
"...a neutral or descriptive headline on some bit of pro-redistricting spin or administration misinformation offered as passionate opinion seems..."

Aug. 15, 2003 Column by Louis Black

Page Two
The Rodriguez and Avellán film team rocks; the guv and Lege do not; waiting on Will Wynn & Company; and in Let Us Now Praise Famous Chroniclers.
"...are engaged in a blindfolded, pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey game of congressional redistricting. The same gang celebrated its achievement in overcoming a..."

July 25, 2003 Column by Louis Black

TV Eye
Strong words from Edward James Olmos, and what's on this week.
"...a publicist's nightmare!TV That Matters Wondering what all this redistricting fuss is about? Emmy Award-winner Paul Stekler leads a..."

July 18, 2003 Screens Column by Belinda Acosta

On the Lege, One Last Time
"...spending.) And this week, Gutierrez told Taylor that House Redistricting Committee Chair Joe Crabb, R-Atascocita, had asked him about..."

June 6, 2003 News Feature by Michael King

Charting the Maps
" you hadn't figured it out, the whole GOP re-redistricting effort is based on a fallacy: that the current..."

May 9, 2003 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Naked City
The Hammer's Back in Town
"...The Legislature may consider congressional redistricting this session -- and then again, it may not...."

April 25, 2003 News Feature by Michael King

Capitol Chronicle
Ideology, not need, shapes the energies of the incoming Legislature.
"...House Majority Whip Tom DeLay informed the Legislature's joint redistricting committee that the state's Congressional delegation should contain 20..."

Nov. 22, 2002 News Column by Michael King

The Chronicle Endorsements, Nov. 2002
The Chronicle endorses for the 2002 November general election
"...can and should vote for Democrat John Courage. After redistricting, Dist. 21 now sprawls up from San Antonio through..."

Nov. 1, 2002 News Feature

The Chronicle Endorsements, Nov. 2002
The Chronicle endorses for the 2002 November general election
"...can and should vote for Democrat John Courage. After redistricting, Dist. 21 now sprawls up from San Antonio through..."

Oct. 25, 2002 News Feature

The Chronicle Endorsements, Nov. 2002
The Chronicle endorses for the 2002 November general election
"...can and should vote for Democrat John Courage. After redistricting, Dist. 21 now sprawls up from San Antonio through..."

Oct. 18, 2002 News Feature

Naked City
The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats holds a statewide candidate forum.
"...campaign staffs would reflect the "diversity" of Texas. On redistricting, all described the current GOP-dominated Legislative Redistricting Board plan..."

Aug. 31, 2001 News Feature by Michael King

Lines in the Sand
Austin Legislators Prepare to Redraw Their Own Districts -- While Doing Business as Usual
"...Jeff Wentworth understands personally the importance of redistricting. In 1991, he was a state rep from San..."

Jan. 19, 2001 News Feature by Louis Dubose

Chronicle Endorsements for the March Primary Election
Here are the local, state, and national Dems we picked to represent us
"...Lots of action this cycle, as redistricting has changed the political map in ways that mostly..."

Feb. 11, 2022 News Feature

New Austin Congressional District Would Help Protect GOP Incumbents
New TX 37 has a 73.8% Democratic vote share. We should be happy, right?
"...On Monday, Sept. 27, Senate Redistricting Committee Chair Joan Huffman, R-Houston, released the Legislature's first..."

Oct. 1, 2021 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Qmmunity: Will Austin Ever Have a Gayborhood?
Plus, Future Front Market returns to Fair Market and more queer events this week
"...launched its national "We Belong Together" campaign to lobby redistricting authorities to consider defining LGBTQIA people as a "community..."

Aug. 20, 2021 Column by Beth Sullivan

Stacey Abrams Sounds the Alarm on the Census Crisis
Fair Fight founder wants to ensure everyone gets counted
"...its data for use in congressional apportionment and in redistricting at all levels of government. Those measures were agreed..."

Sept. 25, 2020 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Austin at Large: Counting Heads, Drawing Lines
Next year, when (if?) the current crises recede, we may be surprised at what we find
"...of MAGA (the MAGAs seem to think so), city redistricting has the pushback built into the process. Back in..."

Sept. 18, 2020 News Column by Mike Clark-Madison

So You Want to Redistrict Austin?
The process – and what’s at stake – with redrawing our City Council districts
"...The pandemic adds another layer of difficulty to the redistricting process in terms of engagement, participation, and accessibility. The..."

Sept. 18, 2020 News Feature by Lilli Hime

Point Austin: "We the People"
The meaning of the anniversaries of the Civil Rights Struggle
"...the South) – precisely the sort of laws and redistricting practices that have greatly aided a Republican majority to..."

March 13, 2015 News Column by Michael King

Top 10 Lege Stories
Wendy Davis' filibuster, redistricting, and the lottery fiasco
"...tackle the conservative red meat issues of abortion and redistricting...."

Jan. 3, 2014 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

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