
1-30 of 175 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Potential Neuter to Austin’s No-Kill?
The rules dictating when city animal shelters should spay or neuter lost pets may be changing, and may have an effect on the future of no-kill shelters
"...and board, and a $50 fine to avoid a spay/neuter. City code currently gives the Animal Services director the..."

Nov. 18, 2016 News Feature by Nina Hernandez

Time For A Spay/Neuter Ordinance
"...the city to look into passing some sort of spay/neuter ordinance? The boards of directors at Emancipet, the Austin..."

Oct. 9, 2012 Postmarks

Austin Needs a Spay/Neuter Ordinance
"...sadly disappointed that no one is talking about a spay/neuter ordinance. For a progressive city like Austin, it saddens..."

Nov. 6, 2009 Postmarks

We Need Spay/Neuter Laws
"...idea how many of them went out without being spayed/neutered? It is just easier to give away the kittens..."

Aug. 10, 2012 Postmarks

Austin Needs Spay/Neuter Ordinance
"...35 other cities have done and pass an enforceable spay/neuter ordinance. Without that ordinance in effect, the taxpayers of..."

May 4, 2010 Postmarks

Time to Pass a Spay/Neuter Ordinance
"...8]. There is no reason not to pass a spay/neuter ordinance except that dog and cat breeders are afraid..."

Aug. 14, 2008 Postmarks

Spay/Neuter Laws Help Budgets
"...the only two large cities in Texas without a spay/neuter ordinance, and Lubbock expects to pass one this year...."

Aug. 4, 2010 Postmarks

Spay/Neuter Law Would Save Money
"...Dear Editor, If the City Council had passed the spay/neuter ordinance put in front of them four years ago..."

May 19, 2010 Postmarks

Austin Should Pass a Spay/Neuter Law
"...Antonio, Dallas, Plano, and Fort Worth have all passed spay/neuter laws. About 35 other cities, including Seattle, Los Angeles,..."

Nov. 25, 2009 Postmarks

City Should Not Cut Funding for Free Spay/Neuter Program
"...if it cuts or eliminates funding to Emancipet’s free spay/neuter program, which provides 4,000 free pet sterilizations of Austin..."

June 29, 2009 Postmarks

Spay and Neuter
"...TLAC is now 70%. What to do? Spay and neuter! Increase public education. Pressure and encourage landlords into being..."

Nov. 28, 2005 Postmarks

Cat Trap Fever
Austin Humane Society needs help taming feral cat population
"...And in the absence of an ordinance that requires spay/neuter of pets, there are a lot of reproducing cats..."

July 20, 2012 News Post by Jordan Smith

Man on a Mission: Richard Garriott's Road to the Stars
This film is a behind-the-scenes document of Richard Garriott's quest to be the first second-generation astronaut in space and the actual journey.
"...But while Man on a Mission doesn’t precisely neuter Garriott’s weirder ways, it does push them aside for..."

Jan. 20, 2012 Movie Review by Kimberley Jones

What Happened to the No-Kill Millennium?
Austin's plan to end wholesale euthanasia at Town Lake shelter remains a distant dream
"...original document. "The kennel clubs, cat fanciers, and the spay-neuter groups could all be part of the document. That's..."

Nov. 18, 2005 News Feature by Rachel Proctor May

Our readers talk back.
"...what it takes to get people to spay and neuter their pets – and any other animal they come..."

Dec. 2, 2005 Column

Five Years of No-Kill in Austin
What has the city learned about animal welfare, and how far does it have to go?
"...oversaw a series of contentious hearings concerning a mandatory spay/neuter ordinance on first impound. That means if an intact..."

Dec. 23, 2016 News Feature by Nina Hernandez

Pet Sterilization Dogs City and Retailer
Hey, kitten, wanna get spayed?
"...taken so long to get nowhere in passing a spay/neuter ordinance?..."

April 11, 2008 News Feature by Patricia J. Ruland

Dogs and Cats Can't Put on a Condom
"...result of what happens when people don't spay and neuter their pets. As a humane educator for Animal Trustees..."

Nov. 23, 2005 Postmarks

Animal Friendly
"...Dear Editor, Thank you for your excellent article about trap/neuter/return programs in the metro area as well as the..."

April 5, 2005 Postmarks

What's Needed: a Working Spay/Neuteur Ordinance
"...issue with this whole debate is this: A working spay/neuter ordinance would do so much more for lowering the..."

June 19, 2007 Postmarks

We Need a Law
" step up to the plate and support mandatory spay/neuter. Here is why we need a law instructing people..."

Nov. 29, 2005 Postmarks

City Searches for a Feral Cat Fix
Volunteers fight market forces and nature to control stray population
"...painstaking trapping, all these cats have been spayed or neutered. And, as Smith is fond of pointing out, the..."

March 25, 2005 News Feature by Rachel Proctor May

How They're Doing It
On the road to no-kill
"...No Kill Equation program, call for: a feral cat trap-neuter-release program; more high-volume, low-cost spay/neuter programs; more rescue groups;..."

April 3, 2009 News Feature by Patricia J. Ruland

Wake Up, Austin; Lower Animal Birth Rate
"...years ago. They passed a working, enforceable, and enforced spay/neuter ordinance. Yes it causes controversy. Every good idea that..."

Aug. 7, 2008 Postmarks

In Deep Sorrow for the Animal Community of Austin
" everything he can to kill or limit free spay/neuter programs in Austin. Good people were asleep at the..."

April 23, 2007 Postmarks

More Shelter No. 11
"...the No-Kill Millennium?” [News, Nov. 18]: 1) Spay or neuter your pets and encourage everyone you know to do..."

Dec. 1, 2005 Postmarks

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...year. One of the causes, say animal rescue and spay-neuter groups, is the lack of an ordinance requiring people..."

Sept. 16, 2005 News Feature

Pray for More Spay
"...the no kill directive is low cost spay and neuter. Emancipet is currently the only low cost spay/neuter clinic..."

Oct. 24, 2023 Postmarks

The Unflinching Abigail Smith
New animal services chief faces up to Austin's shelter warfare
"...really achieve no-kill status without some kind of comprehensive spay/neuter law? And has Smith's experience as director of the..."

March 25, 2011 News Feature by Josh Rosenblatt

The Daily Hustle: 12/8/10
Raining cats and dogs on the animal welfare front
"...with a value of more than $200: Spay and neuter surgery. All vaccinations, including a one-year rabies vaccine. A..."

Dec. 8, 2010 News Post by Wells Dunbar

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