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1-30 of 1,000 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
All This and Zoning Too
Marathon City Council meeting zones through lengthy agenda
" tenants displaced by development … and several dozen zoning cases...."

Nov. 13, 2015 News Post by Michael King

Update: 3805 Red River Historic Zoning Effort
Efforts to save this local landmark continue
"...Update: The City of Austin Planning Commission meets at 6pm, tomorrow, August 26, in Room 325..."

Aug. 25, 2014 Design Post by Anne Harris

Ecology Action: Recycled by Zoning?
Neighboring 'cop shop' garage dissatisfied with EA's upkeep
" the sights of the city's Solid Waste Services Zoning Enforcement division. The complaints that initiated the city investigation,..."

Oct. 14, 2005 News Feature

Place 3 War of Words: Historic Zoning, WTP4
Shade and Tovo battle over zoning and water
"...general election front-runner Kathie Tovo – her challenger's Planning Commission vote in a controversial historic zoning case and her..."

June 10, 2011 News Feature

PODER vs. H-Zoning: Ready for Round Two?
Eastside gentrification task force recommends expanding, not abolishing, historic zoning.
"...To Eastside activist Susana Almanza, historic zoning in East Austin -- and the tax breaks to..."

Nov. 1, 2002 News Feature by Brant Bingamon

How Could Zoning Change in Your Neighborhood?
From single-family homes to 40-foot townhomes, mapping the transition areas and zones
"...highly anticipated components of the LDC revision involves the rezoning of properties along corridors, centers, and transit priority networks,..."

Oct. 11, 2019 News Feature

Council Preview: Rewriting the Historic Zoning Standards
Stemming the flow of tax abatements to owners wanting historic zoning
"...discussion-stoking – Item 65, amending the city's historic landmark zoning standards – may be quieter than the Hustle first..."

Aug. 20, 2010 News Feature by Wells Dunbar

Rethinking Downtown Zoning
Proposed changes address sustainability, mixed uses, and urban design
"...circulated around town in draft form in March. Proposed zoning changes have been developed by consultant ROMA Austin, recently..."

April 2, 2010 News Feature by Katherine Gregor

Austin at Large: Does Austin Need SF Zoning?
Or is this status quo protection already obsolete in the City That Never Shrinks?
"...the different things we call "SF," for "single family," zoning?..."

Oct. 8, 2021 News Column by Mike Clark-Madison

Rosewood Courts Historic-Zoning Talks Continue
Future uncertain for the first African-American public housing complex in the country
"...Council passed a measure in Feb­ru­ary to initiate historic zoning on the nation's first public housing complex for African-Ameri­cans,..."

May 6, 2016 News Feature by Mary Tuma

Neither Side Pleased With Historic Zoning Changes
Council moves to change process for historic designation
"...The biggest divide in the historic landmark zoning debate, entertained by City Council last week, was whether..."

June 18, 2010 News Feature by Wells Dunbar

After Long Day of Testimony, Council Votes to End Single-Family Zoning
New rules will allow three homes on every lot
"...allowed one or two homes – effectively ending single-family zoning in Austin. Property owners will also be able to..."

Dec. 8, 2023 News Post by Austin Sanders

Zoning, Fluoride, and Old Hollywood
City Council takes on rates, permits, and all that jazz
"...careful what you wish for, folks!). But unless some zoning case (Items 71-89) unexpectedly erupts today, there's no obvious..."

April 6, 2012 News Feature by Michael King

Second Phase of Major Zoning Changes to Increase Middle-Income Housing Kicks Off
You can comment on HOME 2.0 Thursday
"...This Thursday at 9am, City Council and the Planning Commission will hold a joint hearing on the second phase..."

April 9, 2024 News Post by Lina Fisher

Austin at Large: There’s No Zoning in Baseball!
Austin keeps hitting economic grand slams, but we can still tinker with the rulebook
"...direction, to show that Houston, which famously lacks a zoning ordinance, is not producing housing at a rate that..."

Oct. 15, 2021 News Column by Mike Clark-Madison

Montopolis & Zoning
"...Austin Sanders’ reporting about the recent 508 Kemp St. zoning case in our neighborhood [“Council Recap: Not Many Tools..."

Oct. 16, 2020 Postmarks

Zoning & Platting Commission: "Terminate" CodeNEXT
7-4 vote sends zoning rewrite's death wish to Council
"...It’s happened. The Zoning & Platting Commission on Wednesday night approved its recommendation..."

May 10, 2018 News Post by Sarah Marloff

After Numerous Delays, Cactus Rose Zoning Case Heads to Council
Relocation plans for residents of the mobile home park remain tentative
"...The Lenox Oaks rezoning application will likely be approved on first reading at..."

Sept. 23, 2016 News Feature by Joseph Caterine

Update: 3805 Red River Historic Zoning Efforts
City Planning Commission refuses historic zoning recommendation.
"...At 11pm last night, as the City Planning Commission voted 5-3 not to recommend historic zoning for 3805..."

Aug. 27, 2014 News Post by Anne Harris

Council: Zoning Futures, Budget Preview, Cilantro
Light agenda heading into budget season
"...Among a baker's dozen of zoning cases, today marks the return of the Baylor House..."

May 2, 2014 News Feature by Michael King

Opposes Zoning Change for Suburban Lodge
"...Dear Editor, Regarding the rezoning for property at 2501 S. I-35, currently known as..."

Feb. 10, 2011 Postmarks

City Has Made Bad Zoning Choices
"...In the last 30 years, the city has allowed zoning that has caused crime encroachment and saturated the area..."

March 8, 2010 Postmarks

Second Phase of Major Zoning Changes to Increase Middle-Income Housing Kicks Off
You can comment on HOME 2.0 Thursday

April 12, 2024 News Feature by Lina Fisher

Young Parents, UT Students Support Zoning Changes at Historic Meeting
The renting generations
"...At the first-ever joint meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council last Thursday, hundreds of Austinites came..."

Nov. 3, 2023 News Feature by Lina Fisher

Those Environmental 'Extremists' Who Worried About Shrinking Wetlands, Overbuilding, Inadequate Zoning, Eroding Coastlines, Etc. Well They'll Screw Up the Reconstruction as Well!

Sept. 6, 2005 Postmarks

What's Historic?
Latest arguments over historic zoning sound like déjà vu
"...some controversy – about the process of historic landmark zoning in Austin was a sudden deluge, late last year..."

Feb. 26, 2010 News Feature by Wells Dunbar

Naked City
The Zoning and Platting Commission postpones -- into possible oblivion -- a clutch of historic cases.
"...Yet more controversy and complaint on the city historic zoning front: After postponing a number of H-zoning cases in..."

Nov. 28, 2003 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Zone Defense
City clears the way for Gables Residential and Hotel ZaZa
"...hotel and residential high-rise at the corner of Fourth & Guadalupe Streets. In return for a zoning change that..."

March 22, 2013 News Feature by Mike Kanin

Public Notice: A Modest Proposal
Zoning doesn't have to be so hard
"...10-1 Council meeting by postponing all of this week's zoning cases for at least a week, after a somewhat..."

Jan. 30, 2015 News Column by Nick Barbaro

Council: Getting Moving?
City Council's continued transportation debate may backlog zoning cases on agenda
" accomplished is an open question. Nominally, it's Council's "zoning" meeting – that is, the recurrent 10-1 attempt to..."

June 17, 2016 News Feature by Michael King

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