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Page Two
More than the insanity or weaponry of Saddam Hussein, we should fear the deepening of a rift between the Muslim world and the West. The haste with which we are building toward war in Iraq is sending the wrong message to both.
"...far reminds me of our great victories in the Vietnam War -- right before we began to acknowledge we..."

Dec. 20, 2002 Column by Louis Black

Thou Shalt Not Sue?
Van Orden's suit against the Ten Commandments is no slam-dunk.
"...first in California, writing wills for soldiers headed to Vietnam. He was then ordered to Vietnam himself as a..."

Dec. 6, 2002 News Feature by Dave Mann

Kill Squad
"...Mitchell, Jerry Johnson, Jeff Risk and Jean Glaudé. A Vietnam vet assembles a martial arts vigilante squad to murder..."

Nov. 25, 2002 Movie Review by Marjorie Baumgarten

Naked City
Beyond City Limits
"...or military action. The Democrats remain bogged down in Vietnam." Better, we imagine, to be bogged down in Baghdad..."

Nov. 15, 2002 News Feature

Short Cuts
A new Vietnam Film Series, a Cine Las Americas call for entries, aGLIFF's "Secret Cinema," and a fond farewell to AFS film programmer Salvatore Botti.
" AMC will want to check out the excellent Vietnam Film Series, which debuts next Tuesday, Nov. 19, 7pm,..."

Nov. 15, 2002 Screens Column by Marc Savlov

Our readers talk back.
"...war!" was decisive in stopping the organized killing in Vietnam. Would that an American anti-war movement arise again, this..."

Oct. 25, 2002 Column

"It's Extremely Easy to Frighten People"
Insightful foreign policy critic Noam Chomsky explains the upcoming war, previewing his Austin appearances.
"...administration that the U.S. Air Force was bombing South Vietnam, that it was destroying food crops, that it was..."

Oct. 18, 2002 News Feature by Michael King

A Grin Without a Cat: Part 2
"...and the New Left from the Russian Revolution to Vietnam, Bolivia, Prague, Chile, and elsewhere. In 1993, Marker revisted..."

Oct. 10, 2002 Movie Review by Marjorie Baumgarten

A Grin Without a Cat: Part 1
"...and the New Left from the Russian Revolution to Vietnam, Bolivia, Prague, Chile, and elsewhere. In 1993, Marker revisted..."

Oct. 8, 2002 Movie Review by Marjorie Baumgarten

Our readers talk back.
"...Not Another Vietnam..."

Sept. 13, 2002 Column

Alternative and Independent Video
"...Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty campaign; and "Colombia: The Next Vietnam" (41 min.) about the Witness for Peace delegation to..."

Sept. 3, 2002 Movie Review by Marjorie Baumgarten

War and Remembrance
Time Warner Cable and the LBJ Library and Museum hosted a local premiere of HBO Films' new LBJ film 'Path to War.'
"...McGill, the film traces the nation's spiral into the Vietnam War following President Lyndon B. Johnson's landslide 1964 election...."

May 24, 2002 Screens Feature by Belinda Acosta

Our readers talk back.
"...Vietnam Nothing to Brag About..."

May 10, 2002 Column

Our readers talk back.
"...Congress gave the president power to wage war in Vietnam and beyond. Only two of 535 members of Congress,..."

Dec. 21, 2001 Column

In Memory of Bob Eckhardt: 1913-2001
A fighter for justice is remembered by family and friends.
"...fellow Texan Lyndon B. Johnson's steady escalation of the Vietnam War, and the only member of the Texas delegation..."

Nov. 23, 2001 News Feature by Michael King

Recruiting for Peace
"...Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors in Oakland, and local Vietnam vet Thomas Heikkala, Van Haitsma and Connell described the..."

Nov. 23, 2001 News Feature by Lee Nichols

The Hightower Lowdown
The White House and Pentagon bomb us with propaganda; Enron's empire crumbles; stuff you don't need.
"...blatantly lied to by top officials who ran the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and assorted other military actions...."

Nov. 23, 2001 News Column by Jim Hightower

Spy Game
"...“here is where the crap began.” It's during a Vietnam flashback, narrated by Redford, and the sequence is cued..."

Nov. 23, 2001 Movie Review by Marc Savlov

World affairs and more Critical Mass mess missives
"...tanks going into Palestinian areas as if it's another Vietnam. IDFers are protecting their own lives, in order to..."

Nov. 9, 2001 Column

Day Trips
The USS Lexington has gracefully retired from fighting ship to military museum.
"...with fabric-covered wings to the sleek jets used in Vietnam. Displays throughout the ship illustrate the working conditions and..."

Nov. 9, 2001 Column by Gerald E. McLeod

Naked City
There Goes the Neighborhood
"...Show Tuesday morning, promoting this weekend's visit of the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Fund "Traveling Wall-- to the Texas State..."

Nov. 2, 2001 News Feature by Michael King

Wet Hot American Summer
Spoof of old summer-camp sexcapades is performed by a sprawling cast of comedic hams, largely culled from comedy troupe the State.
"...that involve veteran TV actor Meloni as a scarred Vietnam vet who gets his spiritual guidance from a talking..."

Nov. 2, 2001 Movie Review by Kimberley Jones

You Can't Go Home Again
Chronicle writer Jesse Sublett on why James Crumley, whose mystery The Final Country has recently been published, is the best writer from Texas to disown the state.
"...debut in 1969 with One to Count Cadence, a Vietnam novel. By the time it hit the stores, however,..."

Oct. 26, 2001 Books Feature by Jesse Sublett

Our readers talk back.
"...doesn't bring out anything better in you than typical post-Vietnam adolescent America-bashing in which you view us as forever..."

Oct. 5, 2001 Column

Capitol Chronicle
Farewell to Phil Gramm, the journalist's best friend.
"...five consecutive student and teaching deferments to escape the Vietnam draft. He explained that he spent most of the..."

Sept. 21, 2001 News Column by Michael King

Apocalypse Now Redux
"...Apocalypse Now, I'll just say that it skews the Vietnam experience through Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, and leave..."

Sept. 14, 2001 Movie Review by Marc Savlov

The Hightower Lowdown
Bill Clinton's legacy; dousing Columbia; stadium envy
"...This is the formula used in Vietnam, where Pentagon officials liberally doused the countryside (and people)..."

July 27, 2001 News Column by Jim Hightower

The Gay Deceivers
"...two straight guys who play "sissy" to avoid the Vietnam draft. They move into a swishy, all-gay apartment complex..."

Feb. 21, 2001 Movie Review by Marjorie Baumgarten

Local Bestsellers
Local bestsellers are based on recent sales at Austin bookstores selected to reflect varied reading interests.
"...Strong Hearts, Wounded Souls: Native American Veterans of the Vietnam War by Tom Holm..."

Dec. 8, 2000 Books Column

Casualties of War
"...King, Sam Robards and Ving Rhames. Consciences guilty over Vietnam War atrocities are passionately at work in this well-put-together..."

Oct. 5, 2000 Movie Review by Marjorie Baumgarten

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