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Day Trips & Beyond: June Events Roundup
Activities to get your summer sizzling
"...VFW Rodeo June 30-July 2, Wimberley,"

June 1, 2017 Travel Post by Gerald E. McLeod

Aaron Brooks Has This Story
Aaron Brooks' skill at shaping bits of life into laugh-filled tales may soon put him out of a job
"...began to tour, performing at "terrible biker bars and VFW halls" in the Midwest before moving to Austin in..."

April 22, 2016 Arts Feature

ACL Review: Sturgill Simpson
So outlaw even an Eighties techno-pop hit becomes hardcore country
"...Honda stage at ACL Fest feel like a small-town VFW hall on a Saturday night...."

Oct. 4, 2015 Music Post by Tim Stegall

Gay Place
SMTX IS ON! Happy first Pride, San Marcos! Keep those Bobcat claws where we can see 'em.
"...8am. Dunbar Rec Center, 801 W. MLK; Courthouse Square; VFW, 1701 Hunter, San Marcos."

Sept. 5, 2014 Column by Kate X Messer

Gay Place
Prove how much you love SM and help San Marcos have their first Pride!
"...Let's do this. Fri.-Sun., Sept. 5-7. San Marcos Square, VFW, and River. 512/644-5637. [email protected]...."

June 27, 2014 Column by Kate X Messer

Lege Lines
Texas Lottery, Rainy Day Fund, water, education, payday lenders, and more
" charity bingo – try explaining that to the VFW, he told reporters). After four hours of arm-twisting, the..."

April 26, 2013 News Column by Richard Whittaker

Food-related Benefits for West, Texas
Shop for groceries, dine out, eat barbecue, buy pastries to help
"...tornado devastated Joplin in 2011, has set up at VFW Post 4819 in West serving meals to displaced families,..."

April 21, 2013 Food Post by Virginia B. Wood

Long Gone Lonesome
This tale of a Scotsman who loved and sang country music rang Texas true
" could almost be taking place in a small VFW hall on the dusty flatlands of the Panhandle. That..."

Jan. 27, 2012 Arts Review by Robert Faires

Back Home for the First Time
The Scots of 'Long Gone Lonesome' ring Texas true
" could almost be taking place in a small VFW hall on the dusty flatlands of the Panhandle. That..."

Jan. 20, 2012 Arts Post by Robert Faires

Dining del Lago 2010
What a difference some rain makes! The water is blue, the hills are green, and several new restaurants are cooking near area lakes.
"...has changed locations twice, first moving to the area VFW Hall and now operating out of its own brand-new,..."

July 2, 2010 Food Feature

On the Frontera
Puppies, South Padre, and more from the front
"...Donna, and Edcouch hoping to find a dancehall or VFW post with something happening. Nada...."

Dec. 1, 2008 Music Post by Margaret Moser

Thanks, Canada
Blood-soaked nights on the road to punk rock with the Krum Bums
" to New England for a show at some VFW hall. Fuck, it's on the second floor, which means..."

July 11, 2008 Music Feature by David Rodriguez

Day Trips
The Outdoor Art Museum reproduces some of the most famous works of the art world on the walls of the little town of Eastland
"...raising the flag on Iwo Jima is on the VFW Hall. "At first you don't realize how big some..."

Dec. 17, 2004 Column by Gerald E. McLeod

A Good Town for Dreaming
Austin gets inside the West Texas capital of contemporary art
"...The Austin in Marfa show at the VFW hall with Plan B Gallery and D Berman –..."

Oct. 15, 2004 Arts Feature by Rachel Koper

Judgment Days
Pigging out at the Taylor International BBQ Cookoff
"...We showed up for judge's registration in the adjacent VFW hall to join a throng of serious barbecue critics,..."

Sept. 3, 2004 Food Feature by Mick Vann

The Human Touch
Violinist Laurie Young Stevens finds the passion and flash in baroque music
"...swing band, playing fiddle at Saturday night dances in VFW and Legion halls sprinkled across the Panhandle. But Stevens..."

Jan. 16, 2004 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

Capitol Chronicle
Is there a Bush-beater in the House -- or the Senate, or the VFW?

Oct. 3, 2003 News Column by Michael King

"...further riddled with loopholes allowing people in pool and VFW halls, bingo parlors, and even nursing homes, points out..."

July 25, 2003 Music Column by Christopher Gray

The Hole in the Wall and the Motards return, and things get smoky at City Hall
"...exempting bingo parlors, billiard halls, and fraternal organizations (e.g. VFW halls), many club owners believe the council's actions are..."

May 23, 2003 Music Column by Christopher Gray

Day Trips
" to fry large quantities of chicken at the VFW Hall in Moulton where the veterans' organization still sells..."

Aug. 9, 2002 Column by Gerald E. McLeod

Day Trips
There's drupelets a-plenty at the Bella Vista Ranch pick-your-own fruit farm.
"...miles to Jacob's Well Road (turn right at the VFW rodeo grounds on CR 182) and then the next..."

July 13, 2001 Column by Gerald E. McLeod

Day Trips
North Texas' Lake Texoma is about more than just fishing for stripers.
" Navasota features local and regional performers at the VFW Hall benefiting the Mance Lipscomb Scholarship Fund, June 22-23...."

June 22, 2001 Column by Gerald E. McLeod

Redd Light Special
One right fine Tele-pickin' dude
"...the way to playing in every Moose, Elks, Legion, VFW, nightclub, and beer joint in the area. In time,..."

Nov. 10, 2000 Music Feature by Jerry Renshaw

Day Trips
", arts & crafts, and related events at the VFW Hall, June 23-24. 936/825-6600 or 800/252-6642...."

June 16, 2000 Column by Gerald E. McLeod

Don Walser The Texas Plainsmen With Yodeling Donnie Walser (Walser Archive Recordings)
National Records
"...(Walser Archive Recordings) If you hung out at a VFW or Legion Hall in such West Texas hotspots as..."

Feb. 18, 2000 Music Review by Jerry Renshaw

A Honky-Tonk Song
Profile of piano man Earl Poole Ball
"...a four-piece hillbilly band at American Legions and local VFW halls, banging away on whatever out-of-tune piano happened to..."

Dec. 24, 1999 Music Feature by Jerry Renshaw

Day Trips
There is an immense, hairy creature lurking in the woods outside of the small Texas town of Hamilton, and no, it's not your brother-in-law.
"...Friday night high school football and dances at the VFW Hall, it's a pretty quiet place. Except ... there's..."

Oct. 29, 1999 Column by Gerald E. McLeod

Jim Stringer & the Austin Music Band: Carousel Lounge, September 30
Descriptions of live shows
"...places in Austin. Offering beer, wine, and set-ups, the VFW-shaped, circus-themed, cinderblock establishment doesn't know the meaning of term..."

Oct. 8, 1999 Music Review by David Lynch

"...and Pearls at the bar, playing 42 at the VFW and shooting the breeze on the porch. They chatted..."

July 2, 1999 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

"...the wise air of a domino player at the VFW Hall. And when Nichols has Mr. Sam speak of..."

Feb. 5, 1999 Arts Review

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