
21 results, sorted by date | sort by relevance
From the Shadows
"...As someone who volunteered countless hours to organize Austin TDOR events for four years, I found a deep connection..."

Nov. 20, 2022 Postmarks

Trans Awareness Week: Honoring Transmasc History, Sexuality With Xavier Schipani
Artist creates “visual language for the transmasculine body”
"...The Transgender Education Network of Texas hosts its virtual TDOR event this Sat., Nov. 20, 6pm...."

Nov. 19, 2021 Qmmunity Post by James Scott

Qmmunity: A Week of Trans Remembrance and Awareness
Recognizing those we've lost and those we love in the transgender community
"...time to remember those we've lost since 1999 when TDoR was founded, with a list of those lost so..."

Nov. 19, 2021 Column by James Scott

Trans Awareness Week: Queen Austin Empowers Black, Trans Visibility
Local rapper, advocate on the lifeline of trans pride
"...The Transgender Education Network of Texas hosts its virtual TDOR event this Sat., Nov. 20, 6pm...."

Nov. 17, 2021 Qmmunity Post by James Scott

Trans Awareness Week: Alexander Danger Celebrates Trans Pride Onstage
Boyz of Austin staple reflects on road to becoming a drag king
"...The Transgender Education Network of Texas hosts its virtual TDOR event this Sat., Nov. 20, 6pm...."

Nov. 16, 2021 Qmmunity Post by James Scott

Trans Awareness Week: aGLIFF’s Bears Rebecca Fonté on Queer Cinema’s Power
“It's important that we have people who are telling our stories”
"...The Transgender Education Network of Texas hosts its virtual TDOR event this Sat., Nov. 20, 6pm...."

Nov. 15, 2021 Qmmunity Post by James Scott

Qmmunity: Trans Day of Remembrance
Plus, Poo Poo Platter’s eighth anniversary, holiday market at the Little Gay Shop, and more
"...Trans Leadership of Austin, says Friday's event will follow TDOR tradition by honoring the people we've lost this year..."

Nov. 20, 2020 Column by Beth Sullivan

Qmmunity: Trans Day of Remembrance
Plus events for Trans Week of Resilience, Drag Fest returns for year five, and more
"...Booker and Chynal Lindsey. In the 20 years since TDOR began, the "number of trans people we're losing to..."

Nov. 15, 2019 Column by Sarah Marloff

Austin Rethinks Transgender Day of Remembrance
Remembering those we've lost and celebrating the community
"...whom are trans women of color. Since last year’s TDOR, 23 trans Americans have been murdered including two Texans:..."

Nov. 19, 2018 Qmmunity Post by Ray Emerson

Remembering, honoring, and celebrating queers
" something by trans writers. Share it. As for TDOR, memorials are held throughout Texas (see details about Austin's..."

Nov. 16, 2018 Column by Sarah Marloff

Gay Place
Celebrate the living while remembering those we've lost
"...20, 7:30-9:30pm. Austin City Hall, 301 W. Second, 512/974-2220."

Nov. 17, 2017 Column by Sarah Marloff

Gay Place
The community mourns the loss of Monica Loera and Ceci Gratias
"...Nov. 20, 7:30-9:30pm. Austin City Hall, 301 W. Second."

Nov. 10, 2017 Column by Sarah Marloff

Gay Place
Honoring those we've lost at the Transgender Day of Remembrance
"...Plaza, Cesar Chavez between Guadalupe & Lavaca. Free. [email protected],,"

Nov. 18, 2016 Column by Sarah Marloff

Trans Day of Remembrance
Countries across the world prepare for the 18th annual Trans Day of Remembrance on Sunday
"...Transgender Education Network of Texas, the organization hosting Austin's TDoR memorial. In light of the recent election, many communities..."

Nov. 18, 2016 News Feature by Sarah Marloff

Gay Place
The East Austin Studio Tour signifies fall
"...Plaza, Cesar Chavez between Guadalupe and Lavaca. Free. [email protected],,"

Nov. 11, 2016 Column by Sarah Marloff

Gay Place
Vote early! Vote on Election Day! Just vote!
"...Cesar Chavez between Guadalupe and Lavaca, 512/974-2000. Free. [email protected],,"

Nov. 4, 2016 Column by Sarah Marloff

Gay Place
Halloween is our fave holiday of the year
"...Cesar Chavez between Guadalupe and Lavaca, 512/974-2000. Free. [email protected],,"

Oct. 28, 2016 Column by Sarah Marloff

Gay Place: TDOR
Come together to support the T in LGBT
"...DAY OF REMEMBRANCE The land of the Bobcat observes TDOR, bringing together Transcend at Texas State, PFLAG San Marcos,..."

Nov. 20, 2015 Column by Kate X Messer

The Seattle sisters get called up
"...DAY OF REMEMBRANCE The land of the Bobcat observes TDOR, bringing together Transcend at Texas State, PFLAG San Marcos,..."

Nov. 13, 2015 Column by Kate X Messer

Transgender Day of Remembrance
"...Reichler. A cisgender ally, Reichler has chaired and co-chaired TDOR for seven years, through her ongoing work with TENT...."

Nov. 21, 2014 News Feature by Sarah Marloff

Gay Place: Stand for Our Family
How do we honor those who've fallen?

Nov. 21, 2014 Column by Kate X Messer

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