
6 Performer Matches: Culture, Paper South, South ...
91-120 of 122 results, sorted by date | sort by relevance
Naked City
A cocky Texan president and a senseless and endless war? Must be time for a reunion of 'The Rag.'
"...A child of the Vietnam era, former UT student activist Alice Embree..."

July 8, 2005 News Feature by Cheryl Smith

Juke Jaunt
The South Austin Museum of Popular Culture treats Austin to a long, loving look at Armadillo Art Squad graphics master Guy Juke in a new solo exhibition
"...with luxurious, sensuous flora in the foreground. Iconic pop culture faces and forms incongruously beside blue-feathered macaws, green-scaled fish,..."

May 20, 2005 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

Saw It on the X
ZZ Top's one-man iconography machine, Bill Narum, shares his wares
"...To hear Bill Narum tell it, Austin was founded as an arts colony, so as a..."

April 1, 2005 Music Feature by Margaret Moser

I Live My Broken Dreams
This year's rock docs examine the 'outsider myth' and more among the likes of Daniel Johnston, Townes Van Zandt, and Wild Man Fischer
"..."It seemed to me that there were a lot of people that had a kind of a morbid curiosity..."

March 11, 2005 Screens Feature by Will Robinson Sheff

Talking Art at the Top
The executive directors of the city's museums shed light on the local visual arts scene
"...If you didn't know, the Austin Museum of Art is not going to build its..."

July 2, 2004 Arts Feature by Sam Martin

Pop Rocks
Making music in mecca for parents and children alike
"...stops to bop randomly to the music. He shows off his bright white teeth, grinning flirtatiously at guests, and..."

June 18, 2004 Music Feature by Melanie Haupt

Summer Fun
Oh, Galveston
"...& Hangouts21 With its Roaring Twenties motif, arm's-length menu of martini concoctions, and prime location, 21 is the island's..."

May 14, 2004 Features Feature by Kate X Messer

Our readers talk back.
"...Museum Ethics..."

March 21, 2003 Column

Gael Force
Austin's Celtic tributaries feed into Austin Celtic Festival -- and the larger whole.
"...Mayhem On the morning of Nov. 16, 2001, Lanora Davidson drove to work fearing..."

Nov. 1, 2002 Music Feature by Margaret Moser

Who's Texas?
The story of Texas history says a lot -- about the storytellers
"...Hispanics in Texas have rarely shown the sharp edges of the seemingly perpetual discord between whites and blacks. Yet..."

Sept. 6, 2002 News Feature by Lucius Lomax

Big Circus of Life
Books Editor Clay Smith and Litera columnist Ric Williams handicap which of the 200-plus international poets attending this year's Austin International Poetry Festival will be best bets.
"...Poetry has always been considered the finest of arts. The best of music, art, drama, literature is..."

April 19, 2002 Books Feature by Ric Williams

Chapter 4: The Nineties!
March 1991 -- December 2000
"...Austin: The recovery blossoms into the second boom. The first..."

Sept. 7, 2001 Features Feature

Everybody talk about: pop music, aquifer protection, police presence, even doggie do and doggie don't.
"...In your May 4 issue, city of Austin Public Information Officer Michele Middlebrook-Gonzalez wrote in her..."

May 18, 2001 Column

The Art of Being Dagoberto Gilb
What's a successful writer like Dagoberto Gilb got against the establishment?
"...It was one of those days when Dagoberto Gilb was about to start..."

March 23, 2001 Books Feature by Clay Smith

2000 Kids Summer Fun Guide
"...years, kids have spent their time reading and daydreaming of Laura Ingalls Wilder's books about life on the 1860s..."

May 5, 2000 Features Feature

Field of Dreamers
Two dems, five gop candidates vie for district 48 race, but the seat is expected to remain Democratic.
"...a successful 10-year stint, the news awoke a herd of snoozing political hopefuls, particularly a pack of Republicans who..."

Feb. 4, 2000 News Feature by Rob D'Amico

Music of the Spheres
Sinatra in the Sahara
"...The kingdom of Morocco achieved independence from French and Spanish rule in..."

July 9, 1999 Music Feature by David Lynch

Economic Cleansing
"...18, No. 32]. I am stunned by your discussion of Austin land use policy. You confess that Portland's urban..."

April 16, 1999 Column

Art Openings
"...Film Art," Pro-Jex (Mar 5); "C-21 Expo -- Metamorfosis," Austin Visual Arts Association (Mar 6); "David Douglas Duncan: One..."

March 5, 1999 News Feature

Celebrity, South Austin Style
The Mayor of South Austin
"...When Danny Young talks about his arrival in South Austin from Kingsville 23 years ago, he doesn't simply..."

Dec. 4, 1998 News Feature

Which Locals Are Those?
"...The revised and updated edition of the national dining guide titledWhere the Locals Eat (Magellan..."

Sept. 18, 1998 Food Column by Virginia B. Wood

Tubes of Art
"...Antonio. We're going to hear the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum's senior curator of film and media arts, John G...."

Sept. 11, 1998 Arts Feature by Rebecca S. Cohen

Framing the Border
Photography of the Region Between Mexico and the U.S.
"...Snapshot of a moment in the cultural life of Central Texas...."

May 1, 1998 Arts Feature by Rebecca S. Cohen

Rock This Way
The Semi-Annual, Whenever-We-Feel-Like-It Rock & Roll Books Section
" in the Louvre; if she had been one of Matisse's paintings or a white marble sculpture by Michaelangelo,..."

March 20, 1998 Books Feature

10 in Focus
"...In works of documentary cinema, the proximity between subject and audience falls..."

March 13, 1998 Screens Feature

Naked City
Off the Desk:
"...Now it's war: Negotiations have broken off between Cencor Realty and neighborhood groups opposed to the..."

Feb. 27, 1998 News Feature

Off the Beaten Track
Can Light Rail Build Livable Communities?
"...rail system photograph by Rita Debellis At the end of October, about 800 planners, community activists, transit system officials,..."

Nov. 21, 1997 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Naked City
Off the Desk
"...its tongue in the week since UT Law School prof Lino Graglia made his famous "Blacks and Mexican-Americans are..."

Sept. 19, 1997 News Feature

Further Reflections
SXSW Film Festival
"...Included here is The Austin Chronicle's second round of reviews of various films screened..."

March 21, 1997 Screens Feature

La Historia
"...After the conquest of Mexico, the Catholic observance of All Saints Day on..."

Nov. 1, 1996 Food Feature

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