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Top 9 (Plus Three) Memories & Best Happenings in 2009
2009 was a good year for artists, young and old, getting their props

Jan. 1, 2010 Arts Feature by Rachel Koper

Bill Narum
Remembering the artist who helped fuse the worlds of art and music in Austin
"...Another member of that legendary creative crew who helped fuse the worlds..."

Nov. 27, 2009 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

Off the Record
Casting the annual ballot for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and paying tribute to poster artist extraordinaire Bill Narum
"...designer, Bill Narum exemplified and embellished the iconic elements of Texas into rock & roll mythology. Though best known..."

Nov. 27, 2009 Music Column by Austin Powell

Bill Narum: We Call That Art
ZZ Top iconographer Bill Narum moves on to the next canvas.
"...The news wafted through Austin, a town already unnerved by the recent death of..."

Nov. 20, 2009 Music Post by Margaret Moser

Viva la Vida
The 26th annual Día de los Muertos celebration has a new twist this year
"...Mexic-Arte Museum has always been at the forefront of local Día..."

Oct. 23, 2009 Food Feature by Claudia Alarcón

Deep in the Art
Bob 'Daddy-O' Wade's 40-year road trip through all that is Texas
"...Picture yourself in the cab of a pickup, windows rolled down on account of the..."

Oct. 16, 2009 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

Off the Record
Blaze's blues strike a chord with the SXSW Film 09 and dropping out for the Black Angels' Psych Fest 2
" local director Kevin Triplett, Drunken Angel: The Legend of Blaze Foley opens with a trailer for a fictitious..."

March 13, 2009 Music Column by Austin Powell

Black Rat Swing
"...The twentysomething, punky girl hesitated at the corner of 27th and Guadalupe, waiting for the light to change...."

Sept. 22, 2008 Music Post by Margaret Moser

Off the Record
Charlie Sexton and Stephen Bruton hang with the Dude, and Haunting Oboe Music's calender year
"...arriving at the following conclusion. "There's a certain amount of the Dude that never goes away." The Arc Angel..."

Sept. 19, 2008 Music Column by Austin Powell

Off the Record
Peering through the walls of Austin history to pay tribute to an original member of the 13th Floor Elevators and preserve Raul's rats
"...Gonna Miss Me" and "She Lives (in a Time of Her Own)," died Sunday of undisclosed illnesses after more..."

June 27, 2008 Music Column by Austin Powell

Pop Goes the Culture
The SAMOPC hosts a night of music and a movie
"...Whether there's a North Austin Museum of Popular Culture in the works, or a..."

June 6, 2008 Screens Feature by John Davidson

Lamenting the closing of an Austin landmark and its secret rats
"...for a totally frivolous reason: It took the place of my favorite club, Raul’s, sometime around 1982. Eventually, the..."

April 28, 2008 Music Post by Margaret Moser

Old Settler's Music Festival Preview
Bluebonnets and bluegrass: the Old Settler's Music Festival, still picking, still grinning
"...the Old Settler's Music Festival has marked the arrival of spring to Central Texas as surely as bluebonnets alongside..."

April 18, 2008 Music Feature

After a Fashion
Stephen finagles and whines. And you don't even have to read all the way through to the end of the column to get to that part.
"...everything from the big glam events to the opening of a new check-cashing business in Hutto (just kidding). Last..."

Jan. 25, 2008 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Culture Flash!
Honors for a Blanton exhibition, Blue Lapis Light, and a Round Rock tuba player, plus a bundle of joy for a local choreographer
"...The Blanton Museum of Art's 2007 exhibition "The Geometry of Hope: Latin..."

Jan. 11, 2008 Arts Column by Robert Faires

Armadillo Christmas Bazaar Continues Its Nomadic Ways
Local shopping extravaganza moves from Austin Music Hall.
"...The Armadillo Christmas Bazaar has become a bit of a vagabond this year as it moves from its..."

Dec. 14, 2007 News Feature by Kimberly Reeves

General Lee and Me
My life and dirty times as a Jam & Jelly Girl with Dino Lee & the White Trash Revue
"...I'm lying on my back on the main stage of the Doll House, one of Austin's sleaziest titty bars...."

Oct. 26, 2007 Music Feature by Margaret Moser

Culture Flash!
Austin Museum Day turns 10, and TCA names a new director
"...•Austin Museum Day is here again this Sunday, Sept. 23,..."

Sept. 21, 2007 Arts Column by Robert Faires

Off the Record
"...Syncing up with the grand opening of the new Alamo Drafthouse later this month, the South..."

Sept. 7, 2007 Music Column by Austin Powell

Wooly Bully
Simple, the 2006/2007 Austin Music Awards
"...Dreamgirls kicks the hits on Broadway, and the king of the blues, Muddy Waters, dies at the age of..."

March 9, 2007 Music Feature by Jim Caligiuri

After a Fashion
Stephen's annual Oscar roundup of who DHOH (did her own hair), and look out, Neiman Marcus is coming!
"...wearing a tinfoil jacket: Someone get this woman some professional wardrobe assistance. J-Lo's dress looked like it was strung..."

March 2, 2007 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Notes on Kitsch
... or W.W.S.S.T. (What Would Susan Sontag Think) about Austin's love of camp?
"...laughs Linda Lou Von Hochtritt, the designer and purveyor of Lucky Lou Shoes, a company run out of her..."

Dec. 8, 2006 Features Feature by Kate X Messer

A Lot of Cojones and a Little Faith
The art of Micael Priest
"...On Thursday afternoon, two days before the opening of Micael Priest's exhibit at the South Austin Museum of..."

Oct. 6, 2006 Arts Feature by Margaret Moser

Culture Flash!
The influential artwork of Micael Priest blesses the South Austin Museum of Popular Culture, and ACT wants State Theatre patrons to come to the cabaret – for free
"...Priest, an artist whose work helped shape an era of Austin history, gets his due this week with a..."

Sept. 22, 2006 Arts Column by Robert Faires

General Jackson
Artist and historian Jack Jackson remembered by those who knew him well
"...He was better known around the Austin counterculture as Jaxon, the man who drew the first..."

Aug. 11, 2006 Arts Feature by Margaret Moser

Culture Flash!
Deadline for the Texas State Auditions, Armadillo artist Danny Garrett gets his own day, proposals for the Mueller public art project are presented, and Ann Adams' 'Big Chiller Blues' gets hot press
"...Sunday, July 9 (or, to put in more fittingly Austintatious terms, 7/09). The honor coincides with "Visual Flights of..."

July 7, 2006 Arts Column by Robert Faires

Texas in Bold, Dark Strokes
When Jack Jackson wasn't studying, researching, and presenting history in painstakingly drawn graphic novels, this wildly talented artist and scholar was making it himself
"...comix with a pamphlet he produced right here in Austin. And sometimes he wound up doing both at once,..."

June 16, 2006 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

Everything Old Is New Again
A Texan's in the White House, we're in a quagmire war – and 'The Rag' returns to Austin
"...she began her journey up the steep, dark flight of stairs inside the old building on the Drag, Glenn..."

Sept. 2, 2005 News Feature by Cheryl Smith

'Rag' Reunion Happenings
"...• "Backward Through the Fog: RAGfotos," an exhibition of Rag "staff photographer" Alan Pogue's images from the late..."

Sept. 2, 2005 News Feature

Day Trips
The Texas Surf Museum in Corpus Christi tells the story of an era as well as the evolution of the sport along the Texas coast
"...The Texas Surf Museum in Corpus Christi tells the story of an era..."

Aug. 5, 2005 Column by Gerald E. McLeod

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