
100 Location Matches: #ATown, #BossBabesATX, #peeonsomebody ...
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#ATown#BossBabesATX#peeonsomebody& Art Gallery(red) nights(sub)Tex1 House at a Time1 Stop Food Store1/4 Hora Project Space100 Congress Building100-200 block E. 4th Street101 by Teahaus1015 E. Yager Ln, #191101X FM107.9 KFAN-FM/KEEP FM1100 Warehouse1102 Gillespie Place1104 E. Sixth1109 E. 31st Street1123 S. Congress115 Austin Place11th & Waller11th and Congress11th Street Cowboy Bar12 Fox Beer Company1202 S. Congress1202 Travis Heights12th Night Austin12th Street Baptist Church12th Street Books12th Street Soular Food Garden12XU1300 E 4th St.132 Main Street134 E. Riverside13th Street Heritage House1400 Block of South Congress1405 W. 6th Street1417 French Bistro1427 Suffolk Dr.1501 E 6th1550 Gallery15th Street Cafe15th Street/Enfield Road1604 E. 11th St.1610 New York Avenue1710 Palma Plaza1776 Cheesesteak Co.1810 Club1848 Grand Oaks Farm1860 Pioneer Cabin on the River1883 Old Hwy 20, McDade TX 786501894 Private Pullman Palace Car1903 S. 1st1906 Gallery1st Evening Food St.1st Rate Fixtures2 Chairs Studio2 day postcards2 Dine 42 Wee Cottages Bed & Breakfast20/20 Art2020 Apartments2040 Gallery2047 S. Lamar212102 Fort View Rd2102 Tejas Drive21st & San Jacinto21st Street Co-op2200 S. Lakeshore Blvd.2209 S. First St.23rd Street Renaissance Artists' Market24 Blocks on 6th Street from Brazos to I-3524-Hour Fitness24/7 Cleaning Services2823 Manor290 Flea Market2924 Highway 21 E Paige, TX2DayPostcards.com2K Sports2nd Degree Black Sash Class of 20082nd Street District2nd Street Liquor2XL Swagger Brands, Inc.3 Graces Skincare & Spa3 J Ranch Bed & Breakfast300 Austin300 Bear Canyon Dr.311311 Club3137 Jazz Street3218 Hemlock Ave.3305 E. MLKABIA: 24-Hour FlowersTeahausThe 04 CenterThe 04 LoungeThe 13th FloorThe 18th Floor at Capitol Place
18 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Reefer Madness Revisited
The Marijuana Policy Project's Rob Kampia on the recent victories for legal marijuana
"...It's been five years since we sat down with Rob Kampia, co-founder and executive director of the Marijuana Policy..."

Dec. 21, 2012 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Everybody Must Get Stoned!
The national trend of marijuana reform law continues to build
"...Washington votes. Ultimately, for the reformers it's an encouraging problem: In addition to the eight legalization measures currently pending,..."

March 15, 2013 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Reefer Madness
Q & A with Rob Kampia, co-founder of the Marijuana Policy Project
"...When 38-year-old Rob Kampia and two friends started up the Washington, D.C.-based..."

Aug. 31, 2007 News Column by Jordan Smith

MPP: Ready to Roll on Pot in Texas
The Marijuana Policy Project is rolling out a Texas legalization campaign
"...For the first time, MPP's co-founder and Executive Director Rob Kampia told the Chronicle, the group is ready to..."

Feb. 28, 2014 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Don't Fear the Reefer!
Momentum builds for Lone Star legalization of marijuana
"...but that change is right around the corner. That's Rob Kampia, co-founder and executive director of the Marijuana Policy..."

March 14, 2014 News Feature by Jordan Smith

The Supremes Take a Hit
The federalist smoke from medical marijuana reaches the Supreme Court. Can they clear the air on states' rights, pot, and the Constitution?
"...brain tumor – among a host of other medical problems. In an attempt to control her various conditions, her..."

Dec. 10, 2004 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Tokers Boycott Pop Tarts
If Kellogg's is going to dump Phelps, pot smokers are going to drop Kellogg's -- and all their munchie goodies
"...driving. Frankly, I'd rather have him toking. But the problem, of course, is that pot is always illegal –..."

Feb. 10, 2009 News Post by Jordan Smith

A Place for Pot in Trump's America?
Mixed signals from the White House put legalization advocates on high alert
"...President Donald Trump doesn't want to encourage marijuana use. Problem is, there's no evidence to back this claim. In..."

March 10, 2017 Screens Feature by Annamarya Scaccia

Naked City
Assorted news from the drug war front
"...relying on prohibition, law enforcement, and imprisonment to solve problems related to drugs." According to the Drug Reform Coordination..."

April 30, 2004 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Weed Watch
The latest dispatches from the front line of America's war on drugs.
"...complaint reads. In a press release, MPP Executive Director Rob Kampia didn't even try to disguise his contempt for..."

Dec. 20, 2002 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Reefer Breakthrough: What Happens Next?
"...that mean there's an inevitable clash on the horizon? Rob Kampia, co-founder and executive director of the Marijuana Policy..."

Dec. 21, 2012 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Texans Like Pot
Survey results clear: reform is needed
"...for the first time, on lobbying efforts here. Indeed, Rob Kampia, MPP's co-founder and executive director, believes legalization is..."

April 20, 2014 News Post by Jordan Smith

Should Texas Legalize Marijuana?
That's what Progress Texas wants to know
" push for reformed. MPP's co-founder and Executive Director Rob Kampia told us in February that he believes pot..."

April 1, 2014 News Post by Jordan Smith

12/6 and 12/10 – the New 4/20?
Pot officially legal in two states
"...said each law is under "review." As far as Rob Kampia, executive director and co-founder of the Marijuana Policy..."

Dec. 11, 2012 News Post by Jordan Smith

Reefer Madness: Marijuana Still the No. 1 Hit
Drug warriors ignore the rise in alcohol abuse
"...Americans for using something that's safer than alcohol," said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. Drowning..."

Oct. 1, 2010 News Column by Jordan Smith

What Do Obama and Palin Have in Common?
Believe it or not, Obama and Palin are both former tokers
"...and gone on to live productive, wildly successful lives," Rob Kampia, MPP executive director, says in a press release...."

Aug. 29, 2008 News Post by Jordan Smith

Prohibitions Are Senseless Exercises
"...Editor, Kudos to Jordan Smith for her interview with Rob Kampia [“Reefer Madness,” News, Aug. 31], and I commend..."

Aug. 31, 2007 Postmarks

Reefer Madness
The election roundup
"...In a letter to supporters, Marijuana Policy Project Director Rob Kampia noted that the change in leadership will obviously..."

Nov. 17, 2006 News Column by Jordan Smith

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