
211-240 of 1,000 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Rep. John Bucy III on the 86th Texas Legislature
“We’ve got to do everything we can to keep attention on Medicaid expansion”
"...the outside, it’s odd hearing Bonnen and even the Republicans as a whole saying schools are a priority, while..."

Jan. 4, 2019 News Feature by Michael King

A Sunday at the Capitol
Orange-clad abortion bill opponents witness House floor folly
" POO.” After an initial victory, in which House Republicans spent nearly two hours debating a point of order..."

June 24, 2013 News Post by Dan Solomon

Letters at 3AM: Why Not Chicken Fat?
The most important political question of our time: Who benefits from military spending?
"...Republicans love to shovel money to-ward the Pentagon, but they..."

Sept. 7, 2012 Column by Michael Ventura

Page Two: Class Action
Republican policies deepen economic divisions, to the peril of all of us
" political sympathies find me vastly favoring Democrats over Republicans. It's not that I find the former sainted and..."

Nov. 11, 2011 Column by Louis Black

Page Two: It's Time To Vote
In this issue: 'Best of Austin' 2011 ballot
" often equally depressing. The electoral victory of the Republicans in 2010 has been interpreted every which way but..."

July 1, 2011 Column by Louis Black

The 'Obamacare' Scare
GOP employs national playbook in Travis County House races
"...Democrat directly to the Obama administration and present Texas Republicans as the only defense against federal policies gone mad...."

Oct. 22, 2010 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

Segretti, Rove, O'Keefe
Dirty tricks against Laundrieu seem Nixonian and Rovian
"...come from? It was invented by the USC College Republicans when they were screwing with the USC Democrats...."

Jan. 28, 2010 News Post by Richard Whittaker

And They're Off!
Primary filings reveal a who's who of contenders
"...The Republicans' effort pales next to the Travis County Libertarian Party,..."

Jan. 8, 2010 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

Point Austin: Angels Wanna Wear Our Red Shoes
If GOP dominoes refuse to fall, maybe the Dems can take advantage
"...resignation cannot have helped her with the hardest-core Texas Republicans – yet those are the very people that she's..."

Nov. 27, 2009 News Column by Michael King

Letters @ 3AM
The real election is being decided in the primaries, and unless disaster intervenes, the next president will be Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama
"...Florida, Democrats have turned out in higher numbers than Republicans by a rate of 2-1 (The Week, Feb. 8,..."

Feb. 15, 2008 Column by Michael Ventura

Letters @ 3AM
At least four factors could determine the nominees and results of the next presidential election, and nobody's talking about them yet
"...or flaky. (She waffles, but so do they all.) Republicans have smeared her for more than a decade, and..."

Nov. 9, 2007 Column by Michael Ventura

Letters @ 3AM
Republican stewardship of our government has miserably failed. Polls show that Americans finally realize this, but we don't know if that will translate into votes.
"...But in the new Pew survey, 44% leaned toward Republicans and 43% toward Democrats, a statistical dead heat" (The..."

Oct. 27, 2006 Column by Michael Ventura

Point Austin: Supreme Confusion
The Supreme Court ratifies the Texas GOP majority with a shrug
"...of Williamson County.) That was in reference to House Republicans' rejection of renewal of the Voting Rights Act, on..."

July 7, 2006 News Column by Michael King

After a Fashion
Stephen takes on the statewide political landscape ... and throws a Tupperware Party ... sort of.
"...word ever since a reader called me that) and Republicans. As far as I can tell, it's the Republican..."

June 16, 2006 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Letters @ 3AM
Apart from the boycott, and separate from it, the theme of May 1 was, over and over: Register and vote.
"...line" before legal candidates for citizenship; and 3) many Republicans and some worried African-Americans "bristle at the [Hispanics'] comparison..."

May 12, 2006 Column by Michael Ventura

Naked City
Headlines and Happenings from Austin and Beyond
"...Rep. Dwayne Bohac and Sen. Kyle Janek, both Houston Republicans, that would give local jurisdictions the option of cutting..."

April 28, 2006 News Feature

Point Austin: Supremes v. Texas
The future of U.S. politics may become, "Vote for Show, Map for Dough"
"...but that they didn't include the right sort of Republicans, those that ask no complicating questions, vote straight GOP..."

March 10, 2006 News Column by Michael King

Page Two
In a post-Katrina about-face, Republicans suddenly don't want to play the 'blame game'
"...To some extent, I'm surprised the Republicans even feel there is any blame at all. After..."

Sept. 9, 2005 Column by Louis Black

Rumblings of a Mad Mom Movement
Texas Parent PAC wants to purge Lege of lawmakers who won't go to bat for public ed, regardless of party
"...use to support about 20 candidates, Democrats and moderate Republicans alike. First, they need to get parents on board,..."

Aug. 5, 2005 News Feature by Rachel Proctor May

Our readers talk back.
"...the Senate will most likely vote on what the Republicans call the "nuclear option." This is about radical Republicans..."

April 1, 2005 Column

Naked City
"...out entirely. – Rachel Proctor May Beyond City Limits• Republicans in the Texas House are well on the way..."

March 11, 2005 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Handicapping Slots for Tots
The pols and the lobby shuffle the deck on gambling for education'
"...chairwoman Tina Benkiser can convince Rep. Garnet Coleman that Republicans aren't driving the gambling issue this session...."

Feb. 18, 2005 News Column by Amy Smith

Page Two
The touchy, touch Republicans have become the party of make-believe
"...New York Times wrote that he was happy the Republicans triumphed because, having proven to be such sore winners,..."

Dec. 3, 2004 Column by Louis Black

The Dark Horses
The redistricted Centex Democrats bravely into battle go
"...drawn to be such a sure electoral bet for Republicans that – following a brief early flirtation by Austin..."

July 30, 2004 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Libertarians on the Rise
"...Dear Editor, Great news for Republicans! It looks like both the Green Party and independent..."

March 2, 2004 Postmarks

The Class of 1985
The 69th Legislature, 1985, marked a turning point in the future of Texas politics
"...male he had no future as a Democrat. The Republicans promised him statewide office."..."

Feb. 27, 2004 News Feature by Lucius Lomax

Here We Go Again
The redistricting case resumes: one more battle in a protracted war.
"...rights organizations against the new map installed by the Republicans after months of Texas political bloodshed. There is, in..."

Dec. 5, 2003 News Column by Michael King

On the Lege
The redistricting conference committee doesn't look like Texas, and Strayhorn gets slapped
" its crusade for congressional re-redistricting. The number of Republicans in the state's D.C. delegation doesn't match the number..."

Oct. 3, 2003 News Column by Michael King

Capitol Chronicle
The fight over re-redistricting is a battle for the civil rights of minority Texans.
"...that such a charge is only applicable if the Republicans had intentionally made decisions based on "race, creed, or..."

Aug. 29, 2003 News Column by Michael King

Capitol Chronicle
Threatened with arrest, the Senate Democrats fly to New Mexico.
"...the Senate floor," said Houston Democrat John Whitmire, "when Republicans and Democrats notified us that the governor would call..."

Aug. 1, 2003 News Column by Michael King

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