
271-300 of 1,000 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Point Austin: Explaining Austin
Understanding Austin requires a cultural primer
"...Civil Rights Acts that "handed the South to the Republicans," and the next two decades would see all those..."

March 15, 2013 News Column by Michael King

Cliff Notes: Happy New Deadline!
Congressional huffing and puffing finally yields a deal
"...Republican Mitch McConnell and Vice President Joe Biden; House Republicans voted 151-85 against the bill, Democrats 172-16 in favor...."

Jan. 4, 2013 News Feature by Michael King

Letters at 3AM: The System Ain't the System
The goal of oligarchy is to utterly disempower the workforce
"...see. Since 1973, we've had eight presidents – five Republicans and three Democrats (one of those Democrats deregulated the..."

Aug. 31, 2012 Column by Michael Ventura

Texas Redistricting: A Timeline
"...fight start? Arguably during the 2011 legislative session, when Republicans rammed through House, Senate, and Congressional maps that were..."

March 9, 2012 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

Letters at 3AM: It Came From the White House
Obama and a majority of Democratic legislators support the NDAA, allowing the arrest of U.S. citizens without a warrant
"...You can't blame this on those big, bad Republicans...."

Feb. 10, 2012 Column by Michael Ventura

Redistricting: GOP Has Lock – But Dems Have Key
Can Obama's DOJ thwart DeLay-style footwork?
"...GOP-drawn lines (intended to increase the number of Texas Republicans in Congress) were being reviewed by then-President George W...."

Dec. 3, 2010 News Feature by Lee Nichols

On the Lege: House GOP Goes to War – With Itself
Even in victory, Republicans are divided
"...Texas Legislature feared that the new majority of 99 Republicans would be able to steamroll through any policy they..."

Nov. 19, 2010 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

Taking Politics Back to School
State Board of Ed races highlight educational tensions
"...took was convincing one of the three more moderate Republicans or even an occasional Democrat to push through their..."

Sept. 17, 2010 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Democrats Shrink Government
"...that the federal government has always grown more under Republicans than under Democrats. I know you've heard it a..."

March 2, 2010 Postmarks

Sacrificing Seniority
Conservatives could cost Republicans committee appointments
"...a party's ability to get the good spots. The Republicans are already losing a lot of ranking State Reps..."

Feb. 16, 2010 News Post by Richard Whittaker

Lyceum Poll: Texans Full of Surprises
Texans may be learning to love their gays – not as much as their voter ID, though
"...Perry outpolls Kay Bailey Hutchi­son, Texans support voter ID, Republicans support gay unions, Democrats lack a ... wait, whoa,..."

July 3, 2009 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Gov. Watson?
San Antonio senator steps out of gubernatorial primaries, touts Austinite's candidacy
"...leadership. Large and growing numbers feel betrayed by the Republicans they voted into statewide office, and who can blame..."

June 23, 2009 News Post by Richard Whittaker

Naked City
News briefs from Austin, the region, and beyond
"...that the Lone Star State is full of loyal Republicans. But a recent study of straight-ticket voting by Austin..."

Dec. 26, 2008 News Feature

Election Wrap: Building a New House?
Texas Dems see a bright light at the end of a long, dark tunnel
"...Texas Democratic Party didn't take the state Legislature. The Republicans still hold both chambers, the House narrowly, 76-74, and..."

Nov. 14, 2008 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

A Conversation With John Dean
"...Democratic ranks. She was the ranking member, when the Republicans controlled the House, of the House Intelligence Committee. I..."

July 25, 2008 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

License to Shrill, Uncensored
A conversation with New York Times columnist Paul Krugman
"...So, following that strategy outside of the South, do Republicans seem doomed to go over the cliff with changing..."

Nov. 9, 2007 News Feature by Wells Dunbar

Media Watch: Sunday Morning Blues?
A watchdog group claims that the political talk shows' choice of guests tilts right
" screams – they are the toadies of the Republicans, no matter who is in power. But the truth..."

March 23, 2007 News Column by Kevin Brass

Naked City
"...has no name or face. NAKED CITY• Travis County Republicans are, understandably, a pretty glum lot these days. In..."

Nov. 17, 2006 News Feature

Kerry on, Perry
"...Republicans found their voice again this week, and boy is..."

Nov. 1, 2006 News Post by Amy Smith

Our readers talk back.
"...200,000 people I have never served before and enough Republicans that George W. Bush was able to beat Al..."

Sept. 29, 2006 Column

Our readers talk back.
"...Though the self-satisfied Republicans amongst us may be gathering their skirts about them,..."

June 23, 2006 Column

Page Two: The Politics of Distraction
In the face of failure at home and abroad, the right turns on immigrants
"...Democrats away from American political power, and elect conservative Republicans to national office who will vigorously defend our sovereign..."

April 14, 2006 Column by Louis Black

Kinky's a Nice Guy, but Governor?
"...all reality, Richard Friedman is just a frontman for Republicans who want to isolate the apathetic voters from voting..."

Feb. 20, 2006 Postmarks

Page Two
Free speech in defense of liberty is no vice
" point. I hate no Americans. I hate no Republicans simply because they are Republicans. I believe in the..."

Nov. 11, 2005 Column by Louis Black

Page Two: Look Who's (Still) Talking
Miers nomination pushes right-wing spin machine into disturbing, delicious overdrive
" meant (the Democrats have a litmus test, the Republicans don't, heh-heh, because they trust the president will vet..."

Oct. 7, 2005 Column by Louis Black

Our readers talk back.
"...What horrifies me, though, is that he lumps Republicans and Libertarians together. Libertarians want smaller government. Republicans do..."

Oct. 7, 2005 Column

Property Tax Fireworks Flare
Proposals would actually tax Texans more, but with little extra for schools
"...Sen. Eliot Shapleigh, D-El Paso, took aim at the Republicans' tax bill. "Are we really talking about tax cuts..."

July 8, 2005 News Column by Kimberly Reeves

Our readers talk back.
"...most attendees were Democrats, there were at least half-a-dozen Republicans there ranging from Asian business leaders to Republican activists..."

June 24, 2005 Column

Levin Contemplates Levin
"...most attendees were Democrats, there were at least half-a-dozen Republicans there ranging from Asian business leaders to Republican activists..."

June 21, 2005 Postmarks

Naked City
House of Reps to vote on an amendment that would forbid the Department of Justice from using federal resources to enforce the government's drug prohibition laws against sick patients
"...United Methodist Church, and Don Murphy, executive director of Republicans for Compassionate Access, for a press teleconference on June..."

June 17, 2005 News Feature by Jordan Smith

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