
751-780 of 900 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Naked City
Headlines and Happenings from Austin and Beyond
", the Lower Colorado River Authority on Sept. 18 told the Hutto City Council that it recommends locating the..."

Sept. 22, 2006 News Feature

Point Austin: Politics, As Usual
When it comes to governing, one-liners aren't much help
"...Lebanon – the capture by Hezbollah of an Israeli soldier – was very far from being the whole story...."

Sept. 15, 2006 News Column by Michael King

Day Trips
Carlos Cortés continues the family tradition of making beautiful art out of concrete structures that appear to be made of wood
"...Rodríguez originals, Cortés has learned a lot about the old construction techniques. "I don't think they thought about how..."

Sept. 8, 2006 Column by Gerald E. McLeod

Our readers talk back.
"...Five hundred twenty-thousand compared to Hightower's deliberate lie of 7.3 million. A..."

Aug. 4, 2006 Column

Hopes He Dies Before He Becomes Michael King (But How Will He Know?)
"...ageist geriatrics who shouldn't be allowed to drive or hold sharp objects. However, I'm studying journalism, and May 5's..."

May 9, 2006 Postmarks

Hey, Hey, Woody Guthrie, I Made You a Film
The AFS Texas Documentary Tour: 'Woody Guthrie: Ain't Got No Home'
"...and the Carter Family had stolen theirs from an old African-American Baptist hymn. For so many of his songs..."

May 5, 2006 Screens Feature by Anne S. Lewis

Sound Checking for a Pulse, and Finding It
The rock docs in this year's 24 Beats Per Second program rattle and hum with soul and revolt.
"...first rehearsal in Minneapolis and followed them throughout their sold-out tour, which took them all over the United States..."

March 10, 2006 Screens Feature by Josh Rosenblatt

Tom DeLay to Todd Baxter
Top 10 state stories
"...State responded with remarkable generosity and poise, accepting several hundred-thousand evacuees with an efficiency that hardly seemed possible, and..."

Jan. 6, 2006 News Feature

Film News
The 2005 numbers from the Texas Film Commission? Not bad. Gary Busey coming to town? Scary. Plus, Rhiannon Elizabeth Rodriguez-Avellán, Susan Youssef, and Tracie Laymon.
"...days in Austin was celebratory but unsurprised, saying the 22-year-old "definitely has the drive to become a major star"......"

Dec. 30, 2005 Screens Column by Joe O'Connell

The Rolling Stones
Ian McLagan & the Bump Band
Live shots
"...Mick Jagger has achieved Iggy Pop tautness in his old age (62), but his face betrays his pact with..."

Dec. 9, 2005 Music Review by Raoul Hernandez

Denny McCoy: The Blue Paintings
D Berman's exhibition 'Denny McCoy: The Blue Paintings' is just that, but to the patient viewer, the simple vertical bars of blue shimmer to life and transport you distant settings
"...An old trick, to be sure, long established in the fields..."

Nov. 25, 2005 Arts Review by Robert Faires

FLDS First Family Update
Warren Jeffs' nephew caught en route to Texas; possibly "The Prophet" is here?
"...Oct. 28 on suspicion of drunk driving. Allred quickly told police that Jeffs was the vehicle owner and had..."

Nov. 11, 2005 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Stabbing, stealing, and another weekend in the blazing Texas heat: What the @$%@# is wrong with you people?
"...1:42am Wednesday, for his assessment. "I've been to a thousand games, starting at the Astrodome," he said. "Went to..."

Nov. 4, 2005 Music Column by Christopher Gray

Captive Audience
How a homegrown kidnapping thriller became the most popular film in Venezuela – and angered the Chavez administration in the process
"'s home," Jakubowicz recalled with a laugh, "and he told me his son-in-law was Robert Rodriguez. I didn't believe..."

Oct. 21, 2005 Screens Feature by Michael King

Our readers talk back.
"...The company claimed their employees would save 10 thousand miles of driving a day by moving. However, as..."

Oct. 7, 2005 Column

Second Wind
As the Katrina crisis subsides, the small victories and the larger questions persist
"...crisis management behind them – the arrival of several thousand Gulf Coast hurricane survivors in Austin over the Labor..."

Sept. 16, 2005 News Feature by Amy Smith

Keeping Austin Wild
As the population swells, officials and activists look for ways to preserve open space
"...and then to chase a snake with a big old stick. In the coming months, three new efforts are..."

July 8, 2005 News Feature by Rachel Proctor May

Some Modest Proposals
"...that shares my rabid anti-tobacco beliefs! If Sea of Thousand is playing at Emo's, then dammit, I'm going to..."

May 10, 2005 Postmarks

Full Campaign Disclosure: Here Comes Late Money
Charges, countercharges, and lawsuits in City Council campaigns
"...thinks the argument represents an outdated version of Austin's old developer-environmentalist political battles. "I've known most of these folks..."

May 6, 2005 News Feature by Michael King

Page Two
Finding peace in the wonderful chaos of SXSW
"...An old friend who has long worked for SXSW during the..."

March 25, 2005 Column by Louis Black

Page Two
South by Southwest 2005 is upon us. Please don't tell us to relax.
"...face. "In that moment," he would say as he told this story, "I just completely fell in love with..."

March 4, 2005 Column by Louis Black

First place, the 13th Annual 'Austin Chronicle' Short Story Contest
"...One gurl one time gave him a dollar and told him to leave her alone, she said, I will..."

Feb. 18, 2005 Books Feature by Bob Byington

The Goose & the Gander
The Rise and Recover and what it's like to live like a rock star – sometimes
"...Bowing under the force of a thousand screaming fans, Kilduff wants to please...."

Jan. 21, 2005 Music Feature by Darcie Stevens

Top 10 State Stories
Our state leaders bumble through the year
"...Texas Association of Business. The lawsuit is temporarily on hold pending the reverberations of the district attorney's criminal indictments...."

Jan. 7, 2005 News Feature

Austin @ Large: Money for Love
There's a word for that sort of thing. It starts with an 'F.'
"...Austin's prestige. As Angelou, the business elite's go-to economist, told the Statesman, "They need to feel like they are..."

Dec. 17, 2004 News Column by Mike Clark-Madison

New Elf in Town
Flaming Idiot Rob Williams trades his torches for the pointy little slippers of David Sedaris' department-store elf in 'The Santaland Diaries'
"...part at Zach and played it for six successive sold-out seasons, he leaves some pretty big pointy little slippers..."

Nov. 26, 2004 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

Waiting on Godot
Theatre review
", nursing their beers and swapping stories like grizzled old soldiers reliving past campaigns. They compare scars from various..."

Nov. 19, 2004 Arts Review by Robert Faires

Day Trips
Abilene State Park is an oasis in the parched, red-dirt prairie
"...has been watering the thick stand of trees for thousands of years. The Tonkawas, Comanches, and other Indian tribes..."

Sept. 3, 2004 Column by Gerald E. McLeod

Movie Night in the Land of the Free
A meeting of the minds at the Crawford showing of 'Fahrenheit 9 / 11'
"...of the Crawford High School football stadium, a couple thousand or more folks from Central Texas and beyond watched..."

Aug. 6, 2004 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Know Dog
Kathryn Walat's Know Dog is a tale of loneliness and longing, but an authentic howl of desperation is missing from Salvage Vanguard Theater's world premiere
"...A boy is looking at his older brother, who's looking at his aunt, who's looking at..."

June 18, 2004 Arts Review by Robert Faires

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