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#ATown#BossBabesATX#peeonsomebody& Art Gallery(red) nights(sub)Tex1 House at a Time1 Stop Food Store1/4 Hora Project Space100 Congress Building100-200 block E. 4th Street101 by Teahaus1015 E. Yager Ln, #191101X FM107.9 KFAN-FM/KEEP FM1100 Warehouse1102 Gillespie Place1104 E. Sixth1109 E. 31st Street1123 S. Congress115 Austin Place11th & Waller11th and Congress11th Street Cowboy Bar12 Fox Beer Company1202 S. Congress1202 Travis Heights12th Night Austin12th Street Baptist Church12th Street Books12th Street Soular Food Garden12XU1300 E 4th St.132 Main Street134 E. Riverside13th Street Heritage House1400 Block of South Congress1405 W. 6th Street1417 French Bistro1427 Suffolk Dr.1501 E 6th1550 Gallery15th Street Cafe15th Street/Enfield Road1604 E. 11th St.1610 New York Avenue1710 Palma Plaza1776 Cheesesteak Co.1810 Club1848 Grand Oaks Farm1860 Pioneer Cabin on the River1883 Old Hwy 20, McDade TX 786501894 Private Pullman Palace Car1903 S. 1st1906 Gallery1st Evening Food St.1st Rate Fixtures2 Chairs Studio2 day postcards2 Dine 42 Wee Cottages Bed & Breakfast20/20 Art2020 Apartments2040 Gallery2047 S. Lamar212102 Fort View Rd2102 Tejas Drive21st & San Jacinto21st Street Co-op2200 S. Lakeshore Blvd.2209 S. First St.23rd Street Renaissance Artists' Market24 Blocks on 6th Street from Brazos to I-3524-Hour Fitness24/7 Cleaning Services2823 Manor290 Flea Market2924 Highway 21 E Paige, TX2DayPostcards.com2K Sports2nd Degree Black Sash Class of 20082nd Street District2nd Street Liquor2XL Swagger Brands, Inc.3 Graces Skincare & Spa3 J Ranch Bed & Breakfast300 Austin300 Bear Canyon Dr.311311 Club3137 Jazz Street3218 Hemlock Ave.3305 E. MLKABIA: 24-Hour FlowersTeahausThe 04 CenterThe 04 LoungeThe 13th FloorThe 18th Floor at Capitol Place
1-30 of 66 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
All Roads Lead to Bergstrom
Light Rail Ignored as City Airport Planners Encourage Vehicle Use
"...Austin that will also include US290, SH71 and Loop360. Local traffic planners used to call this ring "the Inner..."

March 7, 1997 News Feature

"...accidents -- and, of course, a call for more roads. Of the four propositions in this package, we're endorsing..."

Oct. 26, 2001 News Feature

From Austin to Travis County -- With $$$$$$
Travis County's upcoming bond election asks mostly urban voters to fund suburban sprawl.
"...authorize them to do with your tax dollars:Prop. 1: Local Roads, Drainage, Bridges & Pedestrian Access ($57.4 million)..."

Oct. 19, 2001 News Feature by Amy Smith

Page Two
Gus Garcia is not simply the best choice for mayor on this slate but the best choice for mayor, regardless; Austin needs roads, but the road propositions that go before the electorate Tuesday are bad politics; the war in Afghanistan is a terrible misstep that played into the terrorists' hands and will have devastating consequences for our community; the Chronicle co-sponsored "Eat Drink Watch Movies" series starts Thursday.
"...and offered a thumbs-down on the three road projects (Local Roads Drainage, etc., Prop 1; SH 45 North and..."

Nov. 2, 2001 Column by Louis Black

The Austin Chronicle endorses Gus Garcia for mayor of Austin and offers other endorsements on the Nov. 6 state constitutional amendments election and county bond propositions.
"...more traffic, more accidents -- and calls for more roads. We endorse only Prop. 2 -- the lone non-road..."

Nov. 2, 2001 News Feature

Hays County Hell
Elgin Bank Victory May Mean Colonia-like Development
"...stagnant pools of water, and damaged the abutting county roads. The heavy rains in early June only exacerbated the..."

June 27, 1997 News Feature by Bob Elder

Our own little Gaza Strip, and the Halloween (Gas) Mask is taken to task.
"...Travis County Proposition 1 will provide additional funds for local roads and bridges, and it will also provide funding..."

Nov. 2, 2001 Column

Chronicle Endorsements
Our endorsements on local bond packages and state constitutional amendments
"...the Chronicle editorial board offers the following endorsements on local bond packages and state constitutional amendments. See the full..."

Nov. 3, 2017 News Feature by The Chronicle Editorial Board

Chronicle Endorsements
Our endorsements on local bond packages and state constitutional amendments
"...the Chronicle editorial board offers the following endorsements on local bond packages and state constitutional amendments. See the full..."

Oct. 27, 2017 News Feature by The Chronicle Editorial Board

Chronicle Endorsements
Our endorsements on local bond packages and state constitutional amendments
"...Proposition A: $93.44 million for roadway, drainage, bridge, bicycle, and pedestrian projects: Yes..."

Oct. 20, 2017 News Feature by The Chronicle Editorial Board

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...Quote of the Week"With 25 cents worth of local school property tax reduction and with oil at $50..."

July 22, 2005 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Take That!: Supremes Allow Takings for Development
Effect on notable local cases still uncertain
"...Texas Capitol – the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that local governments have the right to seize private property to..."

July 1, 2005 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Off the Desk
"...(Last week, Heitz became the director of the newborn Drainage Utility Department.) After a request from the mayor last..."

Jan. 12, 1996 News Feature

Keeping Austin Wild
As the population swells, officials and activists look for ways to preserve open space
"...needs include $80 million for jails, $235 million for roads, and $80 million for drainage and floodplain issues –..."

July 8, 2005 News Feature by Rachel Proctor May

No Man's Land
Substandard Conditions Are a Way of Life for Northridge Acres
"...Snyder's house and the green stagnant water in the drainage ditch parallel to his yard are dramatically out of..."

June 9, 2000 News Feature by Cheryl Smith

And the Winner Is...
Who Will Benefit the Most From Annexation?
"...price of a 10% hike in their water/sewer and drainage fees, stood to gain $1.5 billion worth of new..."

Nov. 14, 1997 News Feature by Kevin Fullerton

Tunnel Vision
TxDOT Sees No Evil in Williamson Creek Tunnel
"...has also set up a meeting between the city drainage utility and the FHA Regional Director to discuss the..."

Oct. 3, 1997 News Feature by Nate Blakeslee

Taming the 12-Lane Monster
Task Force Finalizing Plan to Limit Environmental Damage From Aquifer Freeway
"...lanes of elevated freeway and six lanes of frontage roads on a 350-foot-wide corridor through Oak Hill to RM1826...."

Dec. 13, 1996 News Feature

Our readers talk back.
"...Glen Rose, which is not recognized as a significant local aquifer. Additionally, the excellent satellite image of the Barton..."

April 22, 2005 Column

How Do You Formulate a Grand Prix?
The race to nail down an F1 deal involves multiple entities
" scheduled for Nov. 18, the developers, partners, and local government are beginning to tackle the complicated and potentially..."

Nov. 19, 2010 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

Talking Trash
A huge garbage dump in northeast Travis County causes a stink with its neighbors.
"...between U.S. 290 East and Blue Goose and Giles roads. Sitting around English's dining room table, the three women..."

May 17, 2002 News Feature by Lauri Apple

True Love and Lawsuits in the Wedding Capital of Texas
'Til death do us party
"...driving hundreds of thousands of dollars of revenue to local businesses. Of course this comes at a price: There..."

April 27, 2018 News Feature by Kate Groetzinger

Reconnect Austin: Part Two
It's a beautiful vision, but could it work?
"...sinks the lanes below grade and keeps the frontage roads where they are, but allows for the later addition..."

Jan. 31, 2014 News Feature by Robyn Ross

Election Info
Dates, voting locations, and ballots
"...$103,100,000 for reconstructing roads and streets; constructing, reconstructing, and improving drainage facilities related..."

Oct. 20, 2006 News Feature

Post Marks
Park and Ride
"...share of the tax burden when it comes to roads. Good arguments, not presented in the article, exist on..."

Oct. 31, 1997 Column

How does one schedule a bond? Very carefully, and with a lot of advance planning.
"...Capital investment 101: In Texas, when it comes to local government, no bonds will mean no infrastructure...."

Oct. 27, 2017 News Feature by Richard Whittaker

The 'Chronicle' Endorsements
Our picks for the Nov. 7 election
"...appear actually competitive, or that we believe have sufficient local interest to merit specific attention...."

Nov. 3, 2006 News Feature

The 'Chronicle' Endorsements
Our picks for the Nov. 7 election
"...appear actually competitive, or that we believe have sufficient local interest to merit specific attention...."

Oct. 27, 2006 News Feature

The 'Chronicle' Endorsements
Our picks for the Nov. 7 election
"...appear actually competitive, or that we believe have sufficient local interest to merit specific attention...."

Oct. 20, 2006 News Feature

Hill Country Militia
Grassroots homesteaders tighten ranks to fight urban encroachment
"...with water at its heart – the protection of local creeks, streams, and wells, to be sure, but also..."

June 27, 2008 News Feature by Greg Harman

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