
271-300 of 744 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Point Austin: When a House Is Not a Home
Workers and homeowners seek justice from home builders
"...One sign that the housing market is still in pretty bad shape is that..."

Dec. 11, 2009 News Column by Michael King

Naked City
News briefs from Austin, the region, and beyond
"...• Travis Co. seeks housing grant On Tuesday, Travis Co. Commissioners Court approved joining..."

Jan. 16, 2009 News Feature

Res Publica
Your good citizen guide for Nov. 13-20
"...EXPLORING THE DEPTHS OF OUR ROOTS features panels and workshops for Latino students. (Plus tonight's concert featuring Green Party..."

Nov. 14, 2008 News Feature

Naked City
"...which has proven successful in Houston and Kansas City, works by providing additional training to teachers and administrators, breaking..."

Aug. 31, 2007 News Feature

10 Reasons to Love a Streetcar
The 'streetcar effect' – offering Austinites far more than a free ride
" required to include livable-city amenities such as affordable housing, public open space, desired redevelopment, high-quality urban design, and..."

July 20, 2007 News Feature by Katherine Gregor

Toby Futrell's Budget
The staff-proposed city budget goes to council, with both breathing and wiggle room
"...Services: Parks and Recreation, Library, Health and Human Services, Housing and Development, Solid Waste Services • August 24 -..."

Aug. 4, 2006 News Feature by Wells Dunbar

Council Candidate Carousel
(in ballot order)
"...(co-sponsored with Raul Alvarez) for economic development and affordable housing. He says he's running to take on a city..."

March 31, 2006 News Feature

Bondage and Discipline: City $$$
Time for taxpayers to take their spanking
"...A bond election is in the works for next spring, and the city has assembled a..."

Sept. 23, 2005 News Feature by Wells Dunbar

Place 1
"...2000 UT grad, married with a young child. He works in sales for Teleclip, a local news monitoring company..."

April 22, 2005 News Feature

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...other enviros, voicing long-held doubts over whether mitigation actually works to protect water quality, are calling on City Hall..."

May 7, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Our readers talk back.
"...SCIP I may never have intended to supply low-income housing. Amy Smith's piece ["The ARA Faces the Music"] describes..."

Sept. 5, 2003 Column

Our readers talk back.
"...a single-issue candidate, but an intelligent, independent thinker. He works well with the other council members, and can keep..."

April 26, 2002 Column

EZ Does It?
The city hopes HUD Empowerment Zones will bring in money for East Austin.
"...breaks and incentives (administered by the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development) would apply...."

Sept. 14, 2001 News Feature by Amy Smith

The people want to know: who, precisely, was Bruce Barton quoting?
"...wife, who worked for Barton at the GIF, now works for/with Hall, the waterpark promoter. You also didn't mention..."

Aug. 24, 2001 Column

Our readers talk back.
"...mistakes have been made with infrastructure, commerce, industry, and housing. The city's past and present ad hoc solutions have..."

July 27, 2001 Column

Naked City
Plans for the Bennett tract, potentially a major economic blockbuster for East Austin, are still ongoing and may include small retail, offices, and some residential.
"...the tract's development, including provisions for open space, affordable housing, underground parking, and traffic barriers. But some intransigent details..."

Sept. 1, 2000 News Feature by Kevin Fullerton

Separation Anxieties
New Section?
"...concern over the loss of 11 units of affordable housing. Suddenly a historic zoning case for one building had..."

Aug. 27, 1999 News Feature by Charles Nafus

It Gets Better
"...displacement can be addressed with rent subsidies and public housing for those affected...."

Aug. 6, 1999 Column

A Change of Scenery
What It Looks Like
"...This designation throws a spanner in the works of any latter-day plan to clear Rainey Street of..."

July 16, 1999 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Camp Cleanups Prove Challenging for Those Without Homes
Sweeping away lives
"...Austin Public Works supervises the cleanups, contracting with a company called WorkQuest..."

July 10, 2020 News Feature by Austin Sanders

Creative Capital?
In the City of Ideas, the people with ideas are dancing with day jobs.
"...for his own enjoyment, then stopped altogether. Now he works full-time as an assistant grocery manager at Whole Foods..."

Feb. 28, 2003 News Feature by Michael Erard

Light Rail Debate
Max Nofziger argues that light rail is too costly and will destroy the Austin we love.
"...just as devastating. Increasing property values will drive up housing costs that are already going through the roof. We..."

Nov. 3, 2000 News Feature by Max Nofziger

Burn, Baby, Burn
On Fahrenheit 451 and why good democracy should make you feel bad
"...Anne Frank, Of Mice and Men, The Life and Works of Renoir, Little House on the Prairie, The Rolling..."

Sept. 26, 2008 Screens Feature by Josh Rosenblatt

After a Fashion
Stephen 'courts' the United folks and their roadkill, shares his dishy Internet source bookmarks, and finds out which red and which white go with huntin' and fishin'… monarchs and gossip and bears, oh my!
"...electing annual "Emperors" and "Empresses" to lead their good works), Margaret brought over two tiaras so we'd feel more..."

July 9, 2004 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Jesus Saves
With the city facing its biggest budget crunch in a decade, city manager Jesus Garza has begun to make some tough financial choices.
"...pays for public safety, public health, planning and public works, and parks and libraries. The utilities, airport, and other..."

May 25, 2001 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Take the A-Train
Mike Clark-Madison discusses 10 years covering light rail, and urges voters to support it.
"...get the idea of how the civil grand jury works.)..."

Oct. 13, 2000 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Dance of the Prodigal Son
Soft-spoken and self-effacing choreographer Stephen Mills seems an unlikely candidate for rebellious Prodigal Son. But he was, breaking away from Ballet Austin in 1996, only to return two years later. Now the newly named artistic director of Ballet Austin, Mills talks about his departure, his return, and the future of the company.
" a former firehouse on Guadalupe Street, the building housing the studios of Ballet Austin, and over the next..."

April 28, 2000 Arts Feature by Robert Faires

Is This UTopia?
A Long-Overdue University Master Plan is Unveiled
"...he asks respondents to identify what part of campus works best. "By a huge margin, the answer is the..."

Sept. 22, 1995 News Feature

Most of Austin’s Police Oversight Investigators Are Former Law Enforcement. Advocates Fear They Can’t Be Impartial.
Civilian oversight pro: Ex-cops investigating cops is common
"...for the community in an accountability system that already works in the favor of officers. OPO personnel should bring..."

Aug. 23, 2024 News Feature by Austin Sanders

Advocates Overwhelmingly Oppose Expanding Juvenile Jail Campus
They say services shouldn’t be tied to incarceration
"...would add 32 beds of what is called non-secure housing – unlocked, dorm-style rooms overseen by probation employees. Another..."

July 5, 2024 News Feature by Brant Bingamon

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