
1-30 of 452 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
"...I am very disappointed in Gonzalo's decision to turn tail and run to New Mexico...."

Aug. 4, 2003 Postmarks

Barrientos Declines to Run
Retired Austin state senator says he'll support Eckhardt
"...Plaza Saltillo press conference Wednesday morning, retired state Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos said that despite requests from many quarters, he..."

Feb. 20, 2013 News Post by Michael King

Barrientos on CD 25
Austin's state senator defends his endorsement of Leticia Hinojosa
"...Austin state Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos began by emphasizing that point, and would return..."

Feb. 13, 2004 News Feature by Michael King

Celebrating Barrientos
Gonzalo Barrientos is stepping down at the end of his current legislative term in January, after 21 years in the Senate and 10 years in the House.
"...not retiring, just changing gloves," declared Austin state Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, at a Sept. 13 Scholz Garten celebration of..."

Sept. 29, 2006 News Feature by Michael King

Point Austin: Senator Farewell
Gonzalo Barrientos steps down from his place as the people's senator
"...Austin Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos is not among them. Announcing his retirement after..."

Sept. 16, 2005 News Column by Michael King

The Battle for Senate District 14
Incumbent Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos faces a serious challenge in Dellionaire Ben Bentzin
" which the 60-year-old, 27-year legislative journeyman, Democratic Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, faces the 37-year-old, overnight high-tech millionaire and philanthropist,..."

Aug. 23, 2002 News Column by Michael King

Barrientos Misrepresented
"...representatives. Members of the Lege, including Austin's own Senator Gonzalo Barrientos, did not like this, and threatened Austin would..."

May 7, 1999 Column

Naked City
Barrientos Apologetic
"...Longtime State Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, D-Austin, pled no contest Tuesday before Travis County..."

Nov. 30, 2001 News Feature by Jordan Smith

The Daily Hustle: 8/19/10 (Updated)
Emma Barrientos honored by council
"...Mexican American Cultural Center to honor the late Emma Barrientos. But that’s not so say all speakers were unanimous..."

Aug. 19, 2010 News Post by Wells Dunbar

Oppel's Memory Hole
Statesman editor Rich Oppel blasts Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, but may not have checked his facts.
"...unblinking eye on the record of Austin state Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos and found the senator wanting ("Could November election..."

Oct. 11, 2002 News Feature by Michael King

Austin's Team
"...for Public Safety. Over in the Senate, Austin Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos was given the shaft when Lt. Gov. Rick..."

June 18, 1999 News Column

The Team Players: Who's Who on the Campaign Trail
"...(BCCP bond issue), Stacy Suits for Travis County sheriff, Gonzalo Barrientos for state senate, Oscar Mauzy for state supreme..."

April 11, 1997 News Feature

Lege Notes
Odds and ends (mostly odds) from the 79th
"...• Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, D-Austin, held a news conference on Friday with..."

April 22, 2005 News Column

Facing the South
The Democratic primary for the new CD 25 pits Austin's Lloyd Doggett against McAllen's Leticia Hinojosa
"...Texas. In Austin, Hinojosa is being backed by Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, who insists his snub of Doggett is nothing..."

Feb. 13, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

The Redistricting Shuffle Commences
Doggett jumps into the new District 25, Barrientos is peeved; Congressional wannabes find themselves on the new Texas map.
"...form around U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett and state Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, who 10 years ago were briefly rivals for..."

Oct. 31, 2003 News Feature by Michael King

Our readers talk back.
"...which critiqued my column in the Statesman on Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos. A highlight was King's quotation of Glen Maxey,..."

Oct. 18, 2002 Column

Dale Gas, Gus!
Henry Cisneros, Gonzalo Barrientos, and other politicos try to get out the vote for mayoral candidate Gus Garcia.
"...occasion seconded the candidate's affable optimism. Cisneros, state Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, Council Member Raul Alvarez, Constable Maria Canchola, and..."

Nov. 2, 2001 News Feature by Michael King

Three Progressives Eye Biscoe's Seat
Former Sen. Barrientos, Commissioner Eckhardt, Dem Party Chair Andy Brown are top contenders
"...Former State Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos will be widely remembered for at least two..."

Dec. 21, 2012 News Feature by Mike Kanin

Austin @ Large: Austin at Large
Everybody suddenly wants to take credit for commuter rail.
", and that would be Bentzin's opponent: State Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos. (Not that Krusee is totally extraneous here, but..."

Oct. 18, 2002 News Column by Mike Clark-Madison

Small Victories
The Travis Co. Lege delegation closed shop with a few achievements
"...Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, D-Austin, recalled 2003's re-redistricting fiasco and offered a..."

June 10, 2005 News Column by Amy Smith

Naked City
Travis Co.'s three House Democrats eagerly endorse Rep. Doggett
"...Breaking ranks with their Senate counterpart Gonzalo Barrientos, the three Democratic members of the Travis Co...."

Jan. 30, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Albuquerque or Bust!
The Texas Senate Democrats make a stand in New Mexico against congressional redistricting.
"...question evoked angry responses from several senators, including Austin's Gonzalo Barrientos and McAllen's Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa. Barrientos recalled family..."

Aug. 8, 2003 News Column by Michael King

Naked City
Despite Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos' concerted efforts, the CAMPO board rejects peer review on a vote of 11 to 8.
"...not to be. And by the time state Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, the CAMPO board chair, brusquely (of course) called..."

Dec. 24, 1999 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Jockeying for Judge
Dem race for Travis County judge down to two and holding
"...three names have been prominently mentioned: former state Sen. Gonzalo Bar­ri­entos, Precinct 2 Commissioner Sarah Eckhardt, and county Democratic..."

March 1, 2013 News Feature by Michael King

Divided CAMPO Says Yes to Toll Plan
At a late and noisy meeting, CAMPO moves to toll Central Texas
"...Austin Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, who chairs the CAMPO board, had to admit..."

July 16, 2004 News Feature by Kimberly Reeves

CD 25: It's a Small District After All
The congressional race in District 25 is not about race -- except when it is.
"...and her most celebrated local patron -- state Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos of Austin -- firmly disclaimed that ethnicity should..."

Jan. 16, 2004 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

HD 48: Where's Ben?
Considered the favorite six months ago to capture the House District 48 seat vacated by Todd Baxter, Republican Ben Bentzin has all but disappeared from the playing field
"...indeed Bentzin is angling for a gubernatorial appointment, Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, D-Austin, says he isn't aware of it. Tradition..."

July 21, 2006 News Feature by Amy Smith

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...take on Kirk Watson in the Democratic primary for Gonzalo Barrientos' now open senate seat; see below...."

Sept. 16, 2005 News Feature

On the Lege
Instead of businesses, consumers and working stiffs will shoulder much of the property tax cut approved by the Senate.
"...– passed 20-8 on third reading, with Austin Democrat Gonzalo Barrientos voting "no," and GOP San Antonio Sen. Jeff..."

July 15, 2005 News Column by Amy Smith

Naked City
Headlines and happenings from Austin and beyond
"...a local option gas tax (filed by Austin Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos) for the tolls...."

April 15, 2005 News Feature by Lee Nichols

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