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#ATown#BossBabesATX#peeonsomebody& Art Gallery(red) nights(sub)Tex1 House at a Time1 Stop Food Store1/4 Hora Project Space100 Congress Building100-200 block E. 4th Street101 by Teahaus1015 E. Yager Ln, #191101X FM107.9 KFAN-FM/KEEP FM1100 Warehouse1102 Gillespie Place1104 E. Sixth1109 E. 31st Street1123 S. Congress115 Austin Place11th & Waller11th and Congress11th Street Cowboy Bar12 Fox Beer Company1202 S. Congress1202 Travis Heights12th Night Austin12th Street Baptist Church12th Street Books12th Street Soular Food Garden12XU1300 E 4th St.132 Main Street134 E. Riverside13th Street Heritage House1400 Block of South Congress1405 W. 6th Street1417 French Bistro1427 Suffolk Dr.1501 E 6th1550 Gallery15th Street Cafe15th Street/Enfield Road1604 E. 11th St.1610 New York Avenue1710 Palma Plaza1776 Cheesesteak Co.1810 Club1848 Grand Oaks Farm1860 Pioneer Cabin on the River1883 Old Hwy 20, McDade TX 786501894 Private Pullman Palace Car1903 S. 1st1906 Gallery1st Evening Food St.1st Rate Fixtures2 Chairs Studio2 day postcards2 Dine 42 Wee Cottages Bed & Breakfast20/20 Art2020 Apartments2040 Gallery2047 S. Lamar212102 Fort View Rd2102 Tejas Drive21st & San Jacinto21st Street Co-op2200 S. Lakeshore Blvd.2209 S. First St.23rd Street Renaissance Artists' Market24 Blocks on 6th Street from Brazos to I-3524-Hour Fitness24/7 Cleaning Services2823 Manor290 Flea Market2924 Highway 21 E Paige, TX2DayPostcards.com2K Sports2nd Degree Black Sash Class of 20082nd Street District2nd Street Liquor2XL Swagger Brands, Inc.3 Graces Skincare & Spa3 J Ranch Bed & Breakfast300 Austin300 Bear Canyon Dr.311311 Club3137 Jazz Street3218 Hemlock Ave.3305 E. MLKABIA: 24-Hour FlowersTeahausThe 04 CenterThe 04 LoungeThe 13th FloorThe 18th Floor at Capitol Place
1-30 of 50 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
The International Modern Quilt Guild: The First QuiltCon in Austin
And these aren't, as the saying goes, your grandmother's quilts
"...Grant, founder of Austin's chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild. "There are traditional quilts, and they can be made..."

Feb. 20, 2013 Arts Post by Wayne Alan Brenner

After a Fashion
In the beginning, Stephen created the Austin and the fashion. And the fashion was without form and was void, and darkness was upon the face of South Congress ...
" focus on locally produced work. We established the Designers' Guild of Austin with members as diverse as ourselves..."

Aug. 7, 2009 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Be there or Be Cher.
"...A "GUILDED" DILEMMA How to review a fashion show that I,..."

Oct. 20, 2000 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Dissing Daryl K's Big Apple show and heralding the spring crop of local presentations.
"...BEGUILED is the new name of the Designers' Guild of Austin's second presentation. The last one, in..."

March 23, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Idol worshipping and Gucci goo.
"...and accessories designers. Run by five members of the Designers' Guild of Austin, including myself (see previous item), the..."

Aug. 4, 2000 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
An open letter to Sandra Bullock, and a Bad Customer Service (BCS) Report redux.
"...the most spectacular fall fashion season in Austin history. Guilded, Thursday, Oct. 12, the initial offering from the Designers'..."

Sept. 22, 2000 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
College kids aren't all about just khakis and baseball caps … the UT Fashion Spectacular has caught the eye of the fashion nation and is spicing up the Austin style scene with its innovations.
"...S. Garrison, president of Scarborough's; Gail Chovan of the Designers' Guild of Austin; and myself. Mitchell presented the awards..."

May 4, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
What's this we hear about a new studio next to the Continental Club, and what well-known out-of-towner is involved?
"...Paula Lundgren. Patty's been a great supporter of the Designers' Guild, so a few weeks ago, my fashion companion..."

July 20, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Our Style Avatar charts a plethora of moving and shaking in the local scene.
"...GILDING THE GUILD Saturday, Sept. 8, 8pm, brings the Designers' Guild of..."

Aug. 31, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Your Style Avatar's Swish Alps of the social season loom on the horizon. Time to strap on those designer skis.
"...with Neil Diaz and Levi Palmer, we founded the Designers' Guild of Austin as well as Idol, a boutique..."

Sept. 10, 2010 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
What are the kids sporting in the clubs these days and what are they thinking???
"...riot -- and will undoubtedly be again. It's the Designers' Guild of Austin's annual Favorite Figure of Fashion party..."

Sept. 13, 2002 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
The Anthony-Nak Fall 2001 Collection raises the bar on local designers.
"...WEDDED BLISS Major congratulations are in order for Designers' Guild member Judy Masliyah and her new husband, the..."

May 18, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Local fashion steps out at the Designers' Guild of Austin second showing.
"...SRO! Beguiled, the Designers' Guild of Austin's second-ever presentation, held at the currently..."

April 27, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Statesman Staff Strikes for a Wage Floor of $60,000
Gannett strike is part of a nationwide effort
"...existence of the 152-year-old newspaper, per the Austin News Guild’s Friday press release...."

June 2, 2023 News Post by Maggie Quinlan

After a Fashion
It's a new day! "After a Fashion" moves to the front of the Chronicle and to the front of the velvet ropes, as your Style Avatar takes you on a li'l club tour of Austin style.
"...lovely redesign of a great space, scene of the Designers' Guild's very fun Favorite Figure of Fashion party on..."

Sept. 14, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Exciting new things on the horizon for "After a Fashion." Check inside for a sneak preview!
"...LIES I am possessed. Last week I mentioned the Designers' Guild of Austin's first-anniversary fundraiser, the Favorite Figure of..."

Sept. 7, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
AAF takes a well deserved break at a local spa. Oooooh, that feels goooooood.
"...THE FASHION AGENDA The Designers' Guild of Austin presents Beguiled: A Spring Fashion Salon,..."

April 20, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Thanksgiving? What with the day-after mall mania and less-than-stellar eating experience we had on Turkey Day proper, at least we can be thankful for Austin's cool fashion shows and celebrity sightings.
"...CATWALKING Sunday, Nov. 18, brought us Seamless from the Designers' Guild of Austin, and it was great to watch..."

Nov. 30, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Slightly shopworn but still vital and acerbic fashion authority available for hire ...
" to the Austin Motel), admission $5. Benefiting the Designers' Guild of Austin, and hostessed by fashion stylist to..."

Sept. 8, 2000 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Fashion correspondent Tom Palmer reports from Iceland's Futurice fashion week.
" ranges from the UT Fashion Group to the Designers' Guild of Austin and public relations consultant to the..."

Sept. 1, 2000 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Stephen gets a new hairdo!
"...the Favorite Figure of Fashion costume party, benefiting the Designers' Guild of Austin was a scream. Held at the..."

Sept. 21, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
" for the event, the Inaugural Soiree of the Designers' Guild of Austin. With divine food by Christine Kittrell,..."

June 30, 2000 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

Status of the Original
"...former president of the Lone Star chapter of the Guild of Book Workers and now owns Hands On Bookbinding..."

Feb. 12, 1999 Books Feature by Clay Smith

After a Fashion
"...FFF After an extremely slow start, the Designers' Guild's Favorite Figure of Fashion party at Le Privilege..."

Sept. 20, 2002 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Guess who your Style Avatar flitted around town with this week? Check out this first installment about international salon god José Eber's visit to Austin.
"...SANS SEAM The Designers' Guild of Austin presents Seamless, at the Design Center..."

Nov. 9, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Oooh, the fall fashion doin's are doin', what with the Austin appearance of national fashionista Leon Hall, Club DeVille's Fall Fashion Extravaganza, and The Austin Chronicle's own upcoming Drag Ball. Whooo!
"...Leon Hall, of E! Television's Fashion Emergency. Escorted by Designers' Guild coordinator Neil Diaz, we had a great time..."

Oct. 12, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Rants and raves about the state of the Austin fashion scene.
"...Team is presently traveling, I will be coming to Guilded [the Designers' Guild fashion show on October 12] with..."

Nov. 3, 2000 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Whither downtown shopping?
"...Brooke Carter, Gail Chovan, and Evan Voyles of the Designers' Guild, Jamie Schloss of Castle Rock Studio, Frank Biezer..."

July 21, 2000 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Guess who your Style Avatar flitted around town with this week? Check out this first installment about international salon god José Eber's visit to Austin.
"...CATWALKING The Designers' Guild of Austin presents Seamless, Sunday, Nov. 18, 3pm,..."

Nov. 16, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

After a Fashion
Our Style Avatar gets a personal tune-up at Lakeline Plaza's Ulta salon.
"...Neil Diaz, independent fashion promoter and member of the Designers' Guild who took my Walter Cronkite eyebrows and whipped..."

June 22, 2001 Column by Stephen MacMillan Moser

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