
100 Location Matches: #ATown, #BossBabesATX, #peeonsomebody ...
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#ATown#BossBabesATX#peeonsomebody& Art Gallery(red) nights(sub)Tex1 House at a Time1 Stop Food Store1/4 Hora Project Space100 Congress Building100-200 block E. 4th Street101 by Teahaus1015 E. Yager Ln, #191101X FM107.9 KFAN-FM/KEEP FM1100 Warehouse1102 Gillespie Place1104 E. Sixth1109 E. 31st Street1123 S. Congress115 Austin Place11th & Waller11th and Congress11th Street Cowboy Bar12 Fox Beer Company1202 S. Congress1202 Travis Heights12th Night Austin12th Street Baptist Church12th Street Books12th Street Soular Food Garden12XU1300 E 4th St.132 Main Street134 E. Riverside13th Street Heritage House1400 Block of South Congress1405 W. 6th Street1417 French Bistro1427 Suffolk Dr.1501 E 6th1550 Gallery15th Street Cafe15th Street/Enfield Road1604 E. 11th St.1610 New York Avenue1710 Palma Plaza1776 Cheesesteak Co.1810 Club1848 Grand Oaks Farm1860 Pioneer Cabin on the River1883 Old Hwy 20, McDade TX 786501894 Private Pullman Palace Car1903 S. 1st1906 Gallery1st Evening Food St.1st Rate Fixtures2 Chairs Studio2 day postcards2 Dine 42 Wee Cottages Bed & Breakfast20/20 Art2020 Apartments2040 Gallery2047 S. Lamar212102 Fort View Rd2102 Tejas Drive21st & San Jacinto21st Street Co-op2200 S. Lakeshore Blvd.2209 S. First St.23rd Street Renaissance Artists' Market24 Blocks on 6th Street from Brazos to I-3524-Hour Fitness24/7 Cleaning Services2823 Manor290 Flea Market2924 Highway 21 E Paige, TX2DayPostcards.com2K Sports2nd Degree Black Sash Class of 20082nd Street District2nd Street Liquor2XL Swagger Brands, Inc.3 Graces Skincare & Spa3 J Ranch Bed & Breakfast300 Austin300 Bear Canyon Dr.311311 Club3137 Jazz Street3218 Hemlock Ave.3305 E. MLKABIA: 24-Hour FlowersTeahausThe 04 CenterThe 04 LoungeThe 13th FloorThe 18th Floor at Capitol Place
1-30 of 128 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Austin @ Large: Austin at Large: No Free Lunch
If you want good candidates, you're going to have to pay for them.
"...If the question is "How do we fix Austin politics?" your answer probably won't be, "Pay Leslie and..."

Dec. 14, 2001 News Column by Mike Clark-Madison

Austin @ Large: Austin at Large
The City Council prepares to decide which charter amendments go before the voters.
"...the city charter costs nothing while promising to improve Austin public life, well, there you go. The devil makes..."

March 15, 2002 News Column by Mike Clark-Madison

Austin @ Large: Pondering the Charter
"...• Austin Fair Elections Act/Clean Campaigns for Austin public-financing system. Placed..."

March 15, 2002 News Column by Mike Clark-Madison

Austin @ Large: Austin at Large
Was this election the end of an era?
"...from a long-ago football game -- a Monday night affair when Giants linebacker Lawrence Taylor sacked Redskins quarterback Joe..."

May 10, 2002 News Column by Mike Clark-Madison

News Roundup: Schools, Fair(?) Housing, and Plastic
TEA releases rankings, Linda Curtis returns, and more
"...the city releases its draft report on "Impediments to Fair Housing," and the Fifth Circuit takes on free speech..."

Dec. 29, 2014 News Post by the News Staff

Point Austin: The Way Things Are
Another victory for judicial fairness leads to … more discrimination at the polls
"...Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos ruled that Senate Bill 14, enacted by the Texas Legislature in 2011, "was passed, at..."

April 14, 2017 News Column by Michael King

Point Austin: Happy Fourth!
Feel good about America, but not too good
"...quickly. First was the upholding of the Affordable Care Act, in response to a lawsuit so silly that even..."

July 3, 2015 News Column by Michael King

Point Austin: 'No Bueno'
Court says the Lege still trampling on voting rights
"...stage confirmed, he has a real knack for saying exactly the wrong thing. The latest example was his response..."

Sept. 7, 2012 News Column by Michael King

Annexation Relief Act
Council Aids Its Newest Citizens
"...have thought, during the afterglow of the May 1997 elections when the Green ticket swept the City Council races,..."

May 1, 1998 News Column by Kayte VanScoy

Point Austin: Learning From Experience
The things they won't tell you in Texas schools
"...biased against Chris­tianity, and therefore the board needs to act to prevent this continuing outrage. Secondly, there's the ongoing..."

Sept. 24, 2010 News Column by Michael King

Biden’s Headed to Austin, and Doggett Still Thinks He Should Drop Out
Plus what ’68 race tells us about possible candidate hunt
" commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act at the LBJ Presidential Library – originally scheduled for..."

July 12, 2024 News Feature by Maggie Quinlan

Point Austin: Race Matters
The Mayor’s Task Force on racism provides a lengthy to-do list
"...appointed in November as one response to two high-profile Austin Police Department incidents: the 2016 fatal shooting of unarmed..."

April 7, 2017 News Column by Michael King

Naked City
Mostly local scuttlebutt, with trips to Cuba and Denver
"...Clean Campaigns for Austin's fight for the right to petition voters in major..."

Aug. 17, 2001 News Feature by Michael King

A Primer on Prop. 1
Mike Clark-Madison summarizes the Austin Fair Elections Act.
"...of the people who gathered signatures to put the Austin Fair Elections Act on the May 4 ballot, you..."

April 26, 2002 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Chartering a Course
A preview of the Charter Revisions Proposals
"...Looking for the secret to Austin's vaunted quality of life? Look no further than the..."

Feb. 15, 2002 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Page Two
The misleadingly named Austin Fair Elections Act proposes an unneeded "cure" for a healthy body politic.
"...The Austin Fair Elections Act: It sounds so pure, it seems..."

April 19, 2002 Column by Louis Black

Everybody talk about: pop music, aquifer protection, police presence, even doggie do and doggie don't.
"...Police Contract Nuts & Bolts..."

May 18, 2001 Column

Chronicle Endorsements
The Chronicle's endorsements for city council and charter amendment proposals
"...Charter Amendments Despite the length of its meetings, the Austin City Council really does only two things: It spends..."

April 19, 2002 News Feature

Teenage Mutant Ninja Politics
The Hypocritical Limits of Campaign Finance Reform
"...It's true that the new law won't actually take effect until November (after the current election cycle),..."

April 5, 2002 News Column by Michael King

Our readers talk back.
"...have no real differences with Jackie Goodman ["Governing Post-Boom Austin," April 12]. Jackie Goodman is a good woman, who..."

May 3, 2002 Column

Chronicle Endorsements
Chronicle Endorsements, May 4 election
"...Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees..."

May 3, 2002 News Feature

Chronicle Endorsements
Chronicle Endorsements, May 4 election
"...Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees..."

April 26, 2002 News Feature

Naked City
Curtis gets political
"...Member Beverly Griffith override term limit rules is campaign-finance activist and former council candidate Linda Curtis. (She ran in..."

Dec. 14, 2001 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

How Can Wynn Lose?
The mayoral odds are with Wynn, but could a run-off be a race?
"...Scenario 1: As is now typical in Austin, fewer than one in eight eligible citizens vote on..."

April 25, 2003 News Feature by Mike Clark-Madison

Page Two
Ralph Nader and the Green Party are willfully naive about the consequences of their recent electoral actions, but events such as their upcoming People Have the Power Tour are the birthplaces of broader, more effective coalitions, the setting for new alliances.
"...for their willful blindness to the consequence of their actions, I won't go on too long. Reading Amy Smith's..."

Jan. 25, 2002 Column by Louis Black

May 4 Election Wrap-up
"...1 Jump the Ethical Gun? Proposition 1, aka the "Austin Fair Elections Act," is now a dead issue. Voters..."

May 10, 2002 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Drawing Lines on Prop. 1
The city debates campaign finance reform.
"...finally heating up. If passed, Prop. 1, aka the Austin Fair Elections Act, would institute a system of public..."

May 3, 2002 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Naked City
No More Produce 'n' Politics
"...Travis County's early voting system, probably before the fall elections. Such a pullout, which County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir has..."

April 5, 2002 News Feature by Lee Nichols

Page Two
Endorsements are a pain, but we think they are also a service to our readers.
"...-- we not only cover our community, we aggressively interact with it. Doing endorsements is part of what we..."

May 3, 2002 Column by Louis Black

This Week in Council
"...its attendant rezonings. The plan calls for rezoning 102 tracts within the plan area; as of last week no..."

April 19, 2002 News Feature

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