Daily reviews and interviews
Reviewed by Anne S. Lewis, Fri., March 16, 2012
Documentary SpotlightD: Kevin Mazur
Longtime photog to the stars Kevin Mazur's first doc about the bad photogs to the stars, aka the paparazzi, is a true crowd-pleaser. Encouraged by his A-list celeb friends to make this film, Mazur takes an in-depth look at how media and tabloid bounties like the Jennifers (Lopez and Aniston) – as well as Sarah Jessica Parker, Sheryl Crow, and Elton John, to name just a few – are preyed upon and their privacy obliterated by those ruthless paparazzi who hide in the bushes and hover over their weddings and backyard pools in helicopters. It's a fun, slick, glossy, and fast-moving snapshot of the myriad conflicting and converging interests, bottom lines, and cellulite shots that conspire to ensure that the big-ticket product the paparazzi sell to outlets, both sleazy and mainstream, ain't going away anytime soon. If you need more proof of that, just think about why you came to see this film.
Thursday, March 15, 9:45pm, Alamo Lamar