The Austin Chronicle

Keep Your Ear to the Ground

Overheard at SXSW 2010

Compiled By The Screens Staff, March 26, 2010, Screens

"I didn't really realize that everyone would be yelling, 'Hey, Cunth!' for 10 years after." – Val Kilmer on playing Dieter Von Cunth in MacGruber

"The singer screams and looks like a grandmother." – The Runaways' Cherie Currie on touring with Rush

"How fast did it take for you to sign on the dotted line once you saw that Marisa Tomei would have her legs wrapped around you?" – Paramount Theatre audience member to Cyrus star Jonah Hill

"Is there anyone here an agent? No? Good. They're the people that always ruin everything." – Kick-Ass writer Mark Millar

"If you have a cell phone, please turn it off. Unless it's AT&T, in which case don't worry about it." – Typekit's Bryan Mason getting one last dig at AT&T's coverage fail at SXSW 2009

"I don't care how many hits your shitty blog gets a month. Fuck Google Analytics." – sign posted outside Beerland discouraging whining about the one-in/one-out policy

"Anyone else want to speak about penis trauma in their films?" – Cinematical's Scott Weinberg spots a theme at the Directing the Dead panel

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