Daily reviews and interviews
By Richard Whittaker, Fri., March 19, 2010
World's Largest
Documentary Feature, Emerging VisionsD: Amy Elliott, Elizabeth Donius
What makes a man want to build the world's biggest lava lamp? From the 40-foot metal stalks of wheat in Williston, N.D., to the bull-sized fiberglass killer bee of Hidalgo, America's heartland has long been a home to giants. As happy visionary Brent Blake tries to convince the people of ailing Washington state spa town Soap Lake that a 60,000-gallon, 60-foot-tall stoner dorm decoration will save their economy, the filmmakers take a slow drive in search of not-to-scale roadside attractions. On the road, they discover the tragic fate of the original Frazee Turkey and the strange rivalries between the world's largest and its tallest loon. Yet beneath the quirky sculptures and local customs, there is the sad and understated tale of a disappearing small-town America, desperately hanging on to the last shreds of history or the faintest glimmer of a future.
Saturday, March 20, 11am, Lamar 3