Daily Reviews and Interviews
By Amy Smith, Fri., March 20, 2009
Along Came Kinky ... Texas Jewboy for Governor
Documentary Feature, Lone Star StatesD: David Hartstein
This is a must-see for political junkies and should be required viewing for aspiring candidates of all stripes. Austin filmmaker Hartstein takes us on an illuminating ride on the Kinky trail, where we see a much more personal side to the musician/author than the irreverent media sensation who genuinely believes he can break Texas' two-party mold by running – and winning – as an independent. After securing a spot on the ballot (with more than double the number of voter signatures required of indie hopefuls), it's all downhill: He's "tired and grumpy," his jokes grow stale, he's unfairly branded a racist based on decades-old comedy material, and he's a complete flop at the gubernatorial debates. Of course, voters want more than talk from a "change" candidate, and on that score, Kinky failed to deliver. Fortunately, this film delivers a fresh perspective of Kinky and his dedicated quest to turn Texas politics-as-usual on its ear. He promises a return engagement in 2010.
Thursday, March 19, 7:30pm, Paramount