Begun in 1985, the "Peggy and Fred" shorts follow a brother and sister through a post-apocalyptic wasteland riddled with cultural and psychological detritus. "Peggy and Fred" screens twice in its entirety, with other selections from Thornton's career (such as the ethnographic "anti-musical" "Another Worldly" and "Strange Space," a video collaboration with actor Ron Vawter) featured throughout the lineup.
Also notable is Elisabeth Subrin's "Shulie" (1997), a festival favorite that re-creates an obscure 1967 documentary about a certain student at the Art Institute of Chicago -- who would become famous three years later as radical feminist Shulamith Firestone, author of the tome The Dialectic of Sex. Also of note: Greta Snider's "The Magic of Radio," a documentary about DIY radio that features the Free Radio Austin gang, and the various selections from prolific video artist Ximena Cuevas.
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