FDA Thwarts TDCJ Death Drug Shipment
How will Texas carry out its state-sanctioned killings?
By Sarah Marloff, Fri., April 28, 2017
The state's Department of Criminal Justice won't be receiving its July 2015 order of the lethal injection drug sodium thiopental anytime soon. Last Thursday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced its final decision to refuse foreign shipment of the drug into the country. The two government bodies have been battling ever since the FDA intercepted the drug at Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport that summer. The TDCJ ordered the drugs from an unknown supplier in India in hopes of replenishing its stock. Accessing any form of killer drug has become increasingly complicated for Huntsville ever since Pfizer blocked access of its drugs to executioners last May. In 2010, the United Kingdom banned export of sodium thiopental, and a year later Danish manufacturer Lundbeck prohibited sales to U.S. pharmacies. In a statement issued April 20, the FDA said the apprehended drugs seem to be "unapproved" and "misbranded," and should be exported or destroyed. The state filed suit against the federal agency to recover the drugs on Wednesday.
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