D10: A Polite Victory

Gallo plans to cut spending and build consensus

Sheri Gallo
Sheri Gallo

The District 10 run-off was notable in part for the graciousness of the two candidates – for example, it's nearly impossible to imagine Mandy Dealey or Sheri Gallo stealing each other's yard signs. Winner Gallo garnered 1,550 votes more than Dealey, who had been the front-runner in the general election. However, in a dark omen for Dealey, many noted then that the combined total votes for that round's Democratic candidates was less than that of the Republican and Republican-adjacent candidates.

Gallo, who has emphasized that City Council races are intended to be nonpartisan and declined to claim a party affiliation – although she ran as a Republican in the 2002 Precinct 2 County Commissioner's race – will join fellow non-Dems Ellen Troxclair (D8) and Don Zimmerman (D6) to comprise a politically diverse Council. More moderate than those two out-and-proud Republicans, Gallo, a Realtor, plans to cut spending and refocus the Council's priorities on providing "core services" throughout the city. "There are parks that aren't maintained, libraries that aren't open every day, sidewalks that are missing." As for where the cuts might come, she says that she'll have to take a hard look at the city's budget before she can give a definite answer. She also wants to build coalitions of representatives of the various neighborhood organizations and councils within D10. And she points to her previous community service as valuable experience she'll bring to the dais. "I know how to lead a group of very diverse people focused on common goals." She says she's excited to be on the Council at a time of "great changes," and believes she can be a consensus builder.

As for Dealey, her campaign manager Catie Cryar says she will "remain involved with the community." A veteran of quite a few boards and commissions, Dealey will offer herself as a resource to the Council. And Cryar says she and Dealey believe Gallo will "serve the city and District 10 well."

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